It is Time for a Decentralized Digital Town Hall
Because everywhere else is corrupted, and freedom of speech is the freedom to error correct for societies.
There was once a time where humans had trustworthy places to go and debate, criticize, and conjecture with each other on ideas of policy, politics, science, and more. Real things would happen as a result of these discussions. But these trustworthy places no longer exist. Places like Congress, Academia or the media have all become so corrupted that they can no longer serve the very important purpose they have in a free society: to help us error correct and grow.
David Deutsch, the Oxford physicist and philosopher, describes error correction as the heart of morality in any society. Having the ability for competing theories to arise is the difference between freedom and tyranny in any society. As David points out, when the means of error correction is removed from society, you end up with places like North Korea.
This is why the freedom to speak different opinions peacefully must always be held sacred, even if those ideas may offend some people. As soon as a society loses sight of this value, they are inviting tyranny in.
The internet is a powerful tool. Of course it can be used to waste time, conduct bad business, or worse. But it also can also be used to connect problem solvers (like all of us here right now). How many times have you used a Youtube video or a social media platform to solve a real life problem? If you know what you are doing, the connectivity of the internet can be more than useful. Describing it to someone from 500 years ago would be downright describing magic. It is amazing, but we should be using it a lot more wisely.
We can and should use the connectivity of the internet to build new platforms - digital town halls of sorts - where humans can go once again to debate, discuss, and solve problems in high trust groups. Our systems must be trustworthy, and things like decentralization, transparency, and collective intelligence systems should be carefully considered. We can mix the authenticity of the real world with the digital world in order to keep ai and bots out of our systems, and then switch our epistemology to be group problem solvers from the bottom-up. These simple yet profound changes in how we solve problems in groups can lead to an amazing new society if we so choose. We can use digital town halls, and other platforms like Network States, to unite us much much better.
We can even fix the corruption in our systems in three simple steps, like we wrote about HERE.
Thanks for reading!!!
All problems that do not defy the laws of physics are solvable.
Solving problems is happiness.
And humans solve problems better in high-trust groups.
Please join our think tank message board at where we continue conversations like this one and where you will be able to participate in swarm intelligence problem solving with us (once it is built). NOTE: We are building it now.
For over 3 billion years on this planet there were only single-celled organisms. Then one day they somehow learned to work together and make complex multi-celled creatures . Right now we are like those single-celled organisms. Our next evolution is finding how to work together, better… (like we wrote about here).
#SwarmAcademy #LEADERLESS #ResultsMatterMost #DecentralizeEverything #DemandTransparency
COMMENTS ARE FOR EVERYONE AS A PLACE TO THINK-TANK SOLUTIONS. They will never be for paid-only subscribers and we will never charge a subscription.
I second this.. ✍️
I have read a number of the Society's posts but I still don't know how I can get into the system and what I can do to help in forwarding this movement along. Any suggestions from anyone?