The Sick People in This Country Are The Ones Taking Western Medicine & Foods. The Healthy People Are The Ones Avoiding Them.
by Josh Ketry
The sick people in this country are the ones taking Western medicine and eating Western foods. The healthy people are the ones avoiding them.
This, of course, includes those who wisely avoid glyphosate, seed oils, soy, fluoride, unknown chemicals, dyes, genetically modified foods, and more. It’s really that simple: and it is apparent in the autoimmune communities and carnivore diet communities.
I personally cured my autoimmune diseases and clinical anxiety 4 years ago with carnivore diet—so did tens of thousands of others. And yet, when RFK Jr. tries to unify people around these issues of our poisoned food supply, he gets ousted from his own party?
How could any sane person disagree with finding the root cause of our childhood health epidemic right now?
We are witnessing skyrocketing rates of autoimmune disorders, mental illness, cancer, and chronic disease. The staggering increases cannot be attributed to genetics—that’s not how evolution works. First, evolution is a slow process, yet most of this disease growth has occurred in just the last 60 years. Second, the rate of increase is staggering—some conditions have risen by as much as 80,000%.
It has to be an external factor. That means food, water, air, medicine, chemicals in the environment—or, most likely, all of them.
The same corporations that control our food supply also control our medicine. If they could create a cycle between the two, do you think they would?
The health of our society and our children must come first. If you want to understand how corrupt our systems truly are, take an honest look at the outcomes of our food and medical industries.
Read more about this HERE, HERE, and HERE—or check out our $100,000 outstanding bet HERE.
Thanks for reading!
Nullius in verba.
All problems that do not defy the laws of physics are solvable.
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For over 3 billion years on this planet there were only single-celled organisms. Then one day they somehow learned to work together and make complex multi-celled creatures . Right now we are like those single-celled organisms. Our next evolution is finding how to work together, better… (like we wrote about here).
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Congress is beholden to big pharma as they get tons of goodies from them. Therefore, they have absolutely no interest in anyone being healthy. Disease, sickness and death make up about 20% of the economy. No way they are going to disrupt that goldmine.
Thanks for sending me the link to your post. I think we should try to collaborate somehow, but I don't know how so far. Do you or anyone? I just saw two good videos about RFK Jr's confirmation hearing: LIFELONG Democrats ABANDON Party After RFK Jr.’s Treatment in Confirmation Hearing! and Sen. Johnson gets round of applause at RFK Jr. hearing
I have blogs & online books listed at I consider myself to be in the society of problem solvers. Do you? I mean do you agree I'm in it?