I’ve had an autoimmune condition for 10+ years, (alopecia- hair loss) which has been coming and going. I’ve tried many elimination diets, none of which had any lasting results. What finally seemed to make a difference, is when, during the early covid period, I drastically increased my vitamin D and zinc levels.

I do believe that environmental toxins are most likely what created the problem in the first place. Toxins create imbalance and inflammation in the gut, which results in both poor absorption of nutrients and leaky gut, which creates autoimmune issues, and cleaning up the diet, along with supplements, has made a big difference for me.

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Thanks for sharing.

We agree with the leaky gut hypothesis, and also mention in our article that it might not just be poisoning but also a lack of nutrients causing this. Very interesting your results. Alopecia is not one we have seen at all and have no experience with it.

Question, did you ever try strict lion diet? Red meat salt and water? And if so for how long?

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I have recently been plaqued w hair loss! If I keep w my Vit B, particularly Biotin, it tends to do better. I stop it and shedding begins again. This is after suspected crazy big, though I never tested positive. Got the beautiful spots now.

Also, I have sudden decrease in kidney function (I was in an accident and had long term medications). After some reading, you really have to be careful where these supplements are coming from. I am still experimenting through it, but I have much darker urine after I take them again for any length of time. Remember, the kidneys filter waste. Drinking more clean water is also important. I'll figure it out.

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We wish you the best health. Keep in mind this epistemology on your quest.

“All problems that do not defy the laws of physics are solvable.”

If we can help you on this quest let us know.

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What is crazy big? Was that a typo?

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No I never did the carnivore diet, although I have seen sooo many testimonials (Jordan P, his daughter and wife all had near miraculous results) Tempted to try it 😋

Really appreciate your work.

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Here look: https://www.gapsdiet.com/

I can endorse this from personal experience. 1 month elimination diet, then 1-2 years on full GAPS (similar to paleo) will all the body to heal itself from most 'autoimmune' illness.

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Thanks for the link- I agree autoimmune is not a disease, and 100% agree it’s treatable/curable though you’d never hear a doctor say so.

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Having burrowed down this particular rabbit hole for a decade or so I now understand what I was told right at the start; health is a complex system not readily explained in mechanistic terms.

That said 'toxins' are certainly a causal factor in autoimmune illness. My particular poison was mercury (amalgam) and was nearly the end of me. Twas a hard road back.

Where I am now is that microbial factors may take precedence in the autoimmune disease causality pissing-contest. It all stems from this one unfortunate finding which takes time to dissect and absorb:

"Immunomodulation increases the pathegonicity of opportunistic enteric microbes"

In English that means the following. Changes to the immune system send off signals (cytokines). Otherwise harmless microbes in the intestines read these signals. When the immune system is stressed they pathegonise, i.e. multiply and attack the gut lining (invade epithelial cells). From there they can invade blood cells and migrate to other areas of the body (organs inc. the brain).

The immune system isn't attacking itself. Rationally, why would several billion years of evolution lead to this??!! The immune system is attacking cells populated by hostile microbes.

Toxiplasmosis Gondii is one such microbe. It is a single cell protozoa with several forms (including an invulnerable shell mode in which it can hibernate for decades) with known associations to psychiatric illness, and is likely the root cause of both autism and schizophrenia. Fun paper about it: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S175094670900097X

This is why they went after Wakefield so hard... his team found damage to the intestinal lining following the MMR vaccine in children who went on to develop autism. The vaccine wasn't causal - it was facilitatiory. They were one step from blowing up the whole cabal. [Incidentally.... the journo who hatcheted him (Brian Deer) went after Septrim afterwards and had it banned in the UK. Septrim, an antiprotozoal, was at that time the first line of treatment against - you guessed it - Toxoplasmosis. https://briandeer.com/septrin4.htm]

There is another, much more prevalant microbe which exhibits similar behaviour. Blastocystis Hominis. Present in at least a third of the global population you should be asking yourself why you've never head of it. Single cell protozoal. Fully zootonic. Feeds off sugar. Invades the gut wall and red blood cells. One symptom is "IBS". Another (once pathogenic) is skin lesions on the face... caused by live protozoa. Medical science claims its only transmitted via fecal-oral route (not washing your hands). This is obvious BS... scratch your face and prep some food for someone, see what happens. There is literally no avoiding this critter and once you carry it in your gut (as most of us now do) all you need do is massively disrupt the immune system and you have a lifelong, chronic "immune system disorder" requiring lifelong medication. i.e. you're a cash cow for pharma. Think arthritis, diabetes, cancer, mental illness. Worth what, $3tn per year in the US? All you'd need would be a way of massively disrupting the immune system for the entire population... gee I wonder how that could be done.

Worth noting that niether of these microbes are identified by any test available in mainstream health systems.

Clearly there's more to this and I've dumped a massive rant no-one will read but hey, for posterity, there it is. Good luck processing.

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We read it! Thanks for the insight!

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I appreciate that a carnivore diet may be necessary for some, particularly for a healing period. My focus is organic whole foods and the elimination of sugar. I recognize I’m fortunate to afford eating this way, since many are struggling to afford putting food on the table, particularly for families.

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We advocate for whole food regenerative farming. But we also state what we have witnessed with carnivore. For those who are suffering it is the safest place to start. They can slot add more foods later

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I also use your focus. I also find eating organic isn't too terribly more expensive. It's an investment in my health and I don't pay as much in Dr care.

Also, if I am skipping chips and cookies and things not on the particularly "healthy" list, I have more food dollars to spend. :)

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This makes sense. Disease is the reaction to toxins and the breakdown of bodily systems caused by those toxins. Our natural cleansing systems and organs become overwhelmed and then the specter of disease is given a clear path.

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One of the great things about animals is that they can make good use of rough land, where cultivation is next to impossible, amd then bring nutrients to the cultivated land via poo and pee. Also, many types of farm animals can endure and even thrive during bouts of weather that leave plants dead or injured or 'gasping'.

And then there are the many other uses of animal parts - prime example leather - that can be processed in ways that are far more in harmony with the biosphere than much if not all of 'living better with chemistry' materials.

The criticism of factory farming of animals is in large part warranted, but farm animals themselves are now being depicted as inherently a problem: they are potentially inherently a wonderfully beneficent part of it all.

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I had a surgery go wrong and was in CHF for a couple of years. I spent more time at home and in the garden. I used limited chemical...except, all the new medicines that needed more and more to counteract the side affects. I didn't know about good foods and began to study toward a nutrition degree. You won't get an unbiased edu at our University, but I hope many are opening their minds.

"Let food be thy medicine.." They is great wisdom on this quote by Socrates. I cleaned up my diet and started moving my body every day (sitting idle all day just kills me!). Getting air to my lungs and brain are very helpful. Did I say eat simply & eat clean?

All of my fibro and suspicions about MS have been put on the sidelines, for now. I don't take any medication I don't need, I buy organic when I can. I grow what I can in my small.space and share w friends, all of which is good for your mind and body. We forget about sunlight and herbs and natural living. It can turn things around for some :)

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Glad you were able to problem solve your suffering! Socrates had it right! Also about problem solving in groups.

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It would be nice to see what the WEF and their cronies have to say about the proven outcomes of the carnivore diet.

Their ideas about coercing humanity to a critter-based one for sure won't show the same results.

The global solution to AI-diseases and alledged global warming would be to start breeding cows that simply dont' fart ...

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Also that grass turns to methane no matter what, so if cows eat it or not. So their logic holds no water

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It turns out that cows burp and fart way less when they eat *their* own naive diet of grass. Not so for the cows fed grain all day (full of glyphosate) in a concentration camp CAFO.

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?? ...

After reading the author's reply to your comment, any substantial documentation available to support you claim ??

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Here's a small study. It cites others so I'm sure there are more. As you can imagine though, there is less funding available for this kind of research because the money is in the industrial model.

I may have the mechanism wrong though despite the carbon footprint being likely lower - see my note below.


One caveat here: I may have been wrong about the methane production being lower with grass feeding. Rather, the net carbon footprint is lower because grass farming is a highly carbon-sequestering activity - in healthy grass, the leaves are only a small portion of the biomass, and perennial roots store a great deal of carbon underground. Also grass farming r is not intensive in industrial fertilizer (produced from natural gas via Haber-Bosch) nor heavy machinery. Contrast with grain farming which is the opposite in all respects: annual plants planted in soil that is tilled annually (releasing carbon), fertilized with industrial fertilizer and harvested, packaged, and shipped with heavy machinery.

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Thank you so much for your additional clarification and the link !!👍👍

Always learning to learn more ...

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No problem!

Another thing to note is that, while grass vs grain may not positively affect the carbon emissions of the actual *animals* (vs the entire agricultural system as a whole) as I initially erroneously stated, it is definitely the case that grain diets cause digestive health issues for ruminants. This is after all what one should expect from evolutionary theory, given that the animals did not evolve in a context where they could get the bulk of their calories from grain seeds. In fact, the negative affects of grain diets are one of the reasons why industrial feeding operations have to give the animals constant antibiotics - without them, the increased acidity of the rumen leads to growth of bacteria that can then infect the liver and cause abscesses:


"Liver abscesses are not a new problem for the beef industry and have been associated with feeding cattle primarily grain-based diets dating back to the 1930’s."

Other bad things are also known to happen to ruminants who gain unrestricted access to grain feed:


Kinda like humans who gain unrestricted access to junk food!

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Love this. Thank you!

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The main cause of autoimmune diseases is vaccinations. Period.

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Let’s compare evidence. That’s an experiment. How can we do that? What is your evidence?

We agree it has to be an external factor - food, water, air or medicines. But what evidence points more towards vaccines than foods? And why can you reverse it when you reverse foods?

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I think there is more evidence supporting that vaccines cause autism. Autoimmune appears to me, from all that I have read, to be caused by toxins.

I was a greenkeeper at a small gold course for a time, and I found that I could do many things to improve the health of the turf on my greens. But the one that was most effective and least expensive was to keep them well fed and watered. When I under fertilized them, they would quickly become victims of fungus and pests. But when they had enough food and water, their roots would grow deep, they became less vulnerable to disease and my costs went down. I think people are the same. Eat right, avoid anything that man didn’t eat 200 years ago, and you should be pretty good to go.

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Awesome comparison with the grass. Lack of nutrients or toxins - or both - does seem like the most likely cause

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That’s a part of it too. The demons are poisoning all life on earth in many ways. Vaccines are clearly the cause of autism. We see that by comparing the rates of autism increasing exponentially as more and more of them were added to the childhood schedule. For Any toxin that is injected directly into the bloodstream the toxicity is increased exponentially. I’ve done a lot of research on vaccines. At least we have a chance to fight things off when we are exposed through food or air or water.

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This is all fine and has been delved into by others but the fact remains that these conditions Rw inheritable first. The diets of me & my neighbors are not much different. They have unsymmetrical faces and I’m more attractive. This is why they have allergies & I don’t.

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Genes are like switches. They get turned on and off by our environment.

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Where food is part of the environment that gets gulped down into the gut-microbiome.

Hopefully well chewed before gulping down...

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Also we hope your neighbors don’t read this lol

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Haha they’re plebs. I think they have goofy genetics + vaccines = weird issues. Ed Dutton has done some good work on the genetic basis for disease. We are all under assault from chemicals. Only so much good genes can persevere.

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Great article. Sorry for the late comment - I read it months ago but just started the autoimmune protocol diet last month. See https://www.thepaleomom.com/start-here/the-autoimmune-protocol/. Dr Sarah Ballantyne has probably done the most to identify inflammatory foods and it’s essentially an elimination diet similar to the carnivore diet. It’s meant to be used for a month or two then you can reintroduce foods least likely to be triggers. See https://www.phoenixhelix.com/the-paleo-aip-reintroduction-guide/ and https://www.phoenixhelix.com/paleo-approach-book-review-author-interview-and-giveaway/.

Any experience here? I’m essentially throwing this out there because many people have never even heard of it and it is incredibly effective at eliminating symptoms of difficult autoimmune disorders like lupus and Hashimotos (thyroid). I have a thyroid autoimmune disorder but I was blessed enough to catch it with some extended blood work not done by a primary care doc but by a functional medicine doc who’s also an MD.

My thyroglobulin antibodies are over 1,000 and they should be in the range of 0-1. I’m hopeful that I can eliminate the inflammatory response and can stop my body from attacking itself (or, as Tim here in the comments says, attacking cells populated by hostile microbes) before my thyroid function is gone.

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