Over 5 years now, strict carnivore. Healthier than I've ever been in the past 70 years: no meds, no supplements. Check out Dr Shawn Baker at revero.com, and a host of others like Dr Ken Berry, Dr Anthony Chafee. And yes, clearly we've been lied to for decades, and clearly it's having horrendous results for the US and much of the world.
So, I have been thinking about this diet, but; what about your microbiome? Wouldn’t an all-meat diet decimate your gut bugs? How would this not be a bad thing?
Microbiome adjusts within a few days to the diet. Check out revero.com - thousands of people have done this with nothing but positive results. Also: agriculture is a very very recent development in the overall history of humans, and there's very little sustainable nutrition available in most places in the world without it. Cave men didn't have mangoes and avocadoes and protein powders.
I guess you won’t be partaking in the 6 week challenge then? Lol
Care to unpack your thinking or do you just drop one liners and bounce? Or maybe are you just offended because the world is starting to see how easily corrupted peer-reviews really are and you are having trouble seeing the forrest for the trees?
What works for me is real food, with some slow carbs,kind of a paleo, but not serious.. I Take Vit C, D and Zinc. Eat natural unrefined oils, olive, coconut, and animal fats. Avoid manufactured oils from soy, corn, cotton seed, and especially partially hydrogenated trans fats. Cook from whole ingredients, not boxes. High fat, meat, low slow carb lets you feel full, keep off weight, avoid diabetes. Never actually tried only meat. It obviously works
Almost three years ago I went with a form of Keto, lots of egg yolks, meat, greens and certain vegetables, everyday is a few hours of autophagy. I was on the verge of becoming fully diabetic, now am feeling more healthy than ever. I am experimenting with certain foods as this weakness shows up immediately after eating the poisonous food.
We know many people who have done it for 15 years or more. Including isolated tribes like the Inuits - who all show zero markers for cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders.
Also, Phyto nutrients and enough fiber that are not supplied by meat. Our ancient ancestors ate everything palatable available and our bodies (all the functions of the various cells and organs), are habituated to all manner of natural foodstuffs. The problem is fascist agribusiness processed and/or gmo food.
I don't know. My perception is, other than fascist foodstuffs which only offers suffering and lowers lifespans, it takes generations to adapt to whatever.
The author is correct - check out revero.com or reddit forums like r/carnivore or r/zerocarb. Thousands of people have done this successfully, and many for decades. The real 'evidence' is first hand testamonials and each person's own experience.
Supply responds to demand. The original 'sustainable' environment in the US included the grasslands of the Great Plains, which sustained a herd of between 80 and 100 million buffalo: about the size of the current US cattle herd, for thousands of years. Over 99% of that has been replaced by non-sustainable monocrops sprayed with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, glyphosate, etc. Regenerative farming has the ability to adjust and sustain.
That paradise no longer exists. I recently read a book Buffalo Bird Women's Garden, the natives ate more than meat.
Regenag, although a healthier form of food production, is just another method of sustaining profits for large land owners selling to unsustainable city people.
Your take on it seems to parallel WEF talking points about sustainability. We just think it is not a fair assessment. We could design our world for sustainability and for better farming practices all around - for meat and gardens. We are not opposed to gardens. But to pretend monocrop agriculture is somehow better for the world doesn’t ring true with us. Both plant and animal farming are on sliding scales both environmentally and sustainably.
I don't think anyone here is arguing that Native Americans ate a 100% carnivore diet; my point was simply in response to your comment that there wasn't enough meat. (Though some people did eat that way: check out the Masai in Africa, or Stefansson's classic study of the Inuit, called 'The Fat Of The Land'.)
Not interested in an argument in any case - no doubt the citation wars could rage on endlessly - the internet is full of such content. The author is inviting his readers to something that has been very significant for his own health, as well as for thousands of others. I'm certain he has no vested interest, except to possibly offer something positive to others.
If you are interested, and open minded enough, try it and bear in mind what he advises in his post. But it's not anyone else's place to tell you how to live or what to believe, for sure.
I always find it interesting that some people will want to debate a person who has actually done it and proven the claim: 5 years of carnivore only is very healthy. I first did it with trepidation, because the 'experts' predicted I would have scurvy within 90 days. But the results are clear now: My doctors, family, and friends, as well as the tens of thousands of others who've reported back on their own experiences, agree.
I am either lying outright...or the author is correct. You can't know for sure which is the case through a post, and definitely not by scouring the internet for confirmations and denials. If you gave it an honest try, you could prove/disprove the claim. But I can and I have.
I did and I do from time to time. It works but I don't think eating meat alone is sustainable in any fashion, again, there are nutrients that meat can not supply.
Did I read correctly that you have to stop taking your supplements during the challenge? How do you figure out the right amount of meat to eat? Any meal plan ideas?
It seems that most people do better if they stop supplements. Many supplements are full of seed oils and toxins. And many foods we have been told are good for inflammation such as Turmeric are actually very high in antinutrients like oxalates and cause autoimmune or inflammation issues. Some people don’t heal until they stop their supplements.
Carnivore is 100% the most bio compatible way of eating for human beings. Anyone who states otherwise is either uneducated to the truth of the diet, brainwashed by agriculture corporations who created the food pyramid, or simply fucking retarded.
Sugar is the cause. Not meat. We know several people now who beat gout. Usually they experience one more flare up as they transition to carnivore then it stops. Until they cheat on their diet.
Over 5 years now, strict carnivore. Healthier than I've ever been in the past 70 years: no meds, no supplements. Check out Dr Shawn Baker at revero.com, and a host of others like Dr Ken Berry, Dr Anthony Chafee. And yes, clearly we've been lied to for decades, and clearly it's having horrendous results for the US and much of the world.
You get it. 🙏👊
So, I have been thinking about this diet, but; what about your microbiome? Wouldn’t an all-meat diet decimate your gut bugs? How would this not be a bad thing?
Microbiome adjusts within a few days to the diet. Check out revero.com - thousands of people have done this with nothing but positive results. Also: agriculture is a very very recent development in the overall history of humans, and there's very little sustainable nutrition available in most places in the world without it. Cave men didn't have mangoes and avocadoes and protein powders.
I can’t believe all the nonsense here
I guess you won’t be partaking in the 6 week challenge then? Lol
Care to unpack your thinking or do you just drop one liners and bounce? Or maybe are you just offended because the world is starting to see how easily corrupted peer-reviews really are and you are having trouble seeing the forrest for the trees?
Thank u , thought you might find this of interest. https://terrywahls.com/
She was a pioneer especially for MS. We like carnivore for MS better because of the less number of inputs to solve for.
Dr Danenberg, wholistic dentist, cured or put in remission cancer with carnivore eating style.
Love hearing that!
What works for me is real food, with some slow carbs,kind of a paleo, but not serious.. I Take Vit C, D and Zinc. Eat natural unrefined oils, olive, coconut, and animal fats. Avoid manufactured oils from soy, corn, cotton seed, and especially partially hydrogenated trans fats. Cook from whole ingredients, not boxes. High fat, meat, low slow carb lets you feel full, keep off weight, avoid diabetes. Never actually tried only meat. It obviously works
Some paleo foods will cause autoimmune issues. Especially nuts, beans, night shades, peppers, etc
No fruits or vegetables at all?
For strict carnivore, no. But some people do it relaxed. If you are doing it for autoimmune issues vegetables and plants tend to be triggers.
That's really interesting. I've never heard of this diet so I'm very curious about the whole thing.
Almost three years ago I went with a form of Keto, lots of egg yolks, meat, greens and certain vegetables, everyday is a few hours of autophagy. I was on the verge of becoming fully diabetic, now am feeling more healthy than ever. I am experimenting with certain foods as this weakness shows up immediately after eating the poisonous food.
I don't think all meat is a long term solution.
We know many people who have done it for 15 years or more. Including isolated tribes like the Inuits - who all show zero markers for cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders.
What is your opinion about long term based on?
Also, Phyto nutrients and enough fiber that are not supplied by meat. Our ancient ancestors ate everything palatable available and our bodies (all the functions of the various cells and organs), are habituated to all manner of natural foodstuffs. The problem is fascist agribusiness processed and/or gmo food.
Plenty of modern evidence to suggest that fiber isn’t needed for human diets. But agree about the big Agra
I don't know. My perception is, other than fascist foodstuffs which only offers suffering and lowers lifespans, it takes generations to adapt to whatever.
Most carnivores report it takes about 3-4 weeks to adapt
The author is correct - check out revero.com or reddit forums like r/carnivore or r/zerocarb. Thousands of people have done this successfully, and many for decades. The real 'evidence' is first hand testamonials and each person's own experience.
Not enough meat.
Supply responds to demand. The original 'sustainable' environment in the US included the grasslands of the Great Plains, which sustained a herd of between 80 and 100 million buffalo: about the size of the current US cattle herd, for thousands of years. Over 99% of that has been replaced by non-sustainable monocrops sprayed with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, glyphosate, etc. Regenerative farming has the ability to adjust and sustain.
That paradise no longer exists. I recently read a book Buffalo Bird Women's Garden, the natives ate more than meat.
Regenag, although a healthier form of food production, is just another method of sustaining profits for large land owners selling to unsustainable city people.
Your take on it seems to parallel WEF talking points about sustainability. We just think it is not a fair assessment. We could design our world for sustainability and for better farming practices all around - for meat and gardens. We are not opposed to gardens. But to pretend monocrop agriculture is somehow better for the world doesn’t ring true with us. Both plant and animal farming are on sliding scales both environmentally and sustainably.
No. You are being rational with me. WEF wants to kill off humans. I think the planet will require all and more to repair the damage from agribusiness.
I don't think anyone here is arguing that Native Americans ate a 100% carnivore diet; my point was simply in response to your comment that there wasn't enough meat. (Though some people did eat that way: check out the Masai in Africa, or Stefansson's classic study of the Inuit, called 'The Fat Of The Land'.)
Not interested in an argument in any case - no doubt the citation wars could rage on endlessly - the internet is full of such content. The author is inviting his readers to something that has been very significant for his own health, as well as for thousands of others. I'm certain he has no vested interest, except to possibly offer something positive to others.
If you are interested, and open minded enough, try it and bear in mind what he advises in his post. But it's not anyone else's place to tell you how to live or what to believe, for sure.
I always find it interesting that some people will want to debate a person who has actually done it and proven the claim: 5 years of carnivore only is very healthy. I first did it with trepidation, because the 'experts' predicted I would have scurvy within 90 days. But the results are clear now: My doctors, family, and friends, as well as the tens of thousands of others who've reported back on their own experiences, agree.
I am either lying outright...or the author is correct. You can't know for sure which is the case through a post, and definitely not by scouring the internet for confirmations and denials. If you gave it an honest try, you could prove/disprove the claim. But I can and I have.
I did and I do from time to time. It works but I don't think eating meat alone is sustainable in any fashion, again, there are nutrients that meat can not supply.
Did I read correctly that you have to stop taking your supplements during the challenge? How do you figure out the right amount of meat to eat? Any meal plan ideas?
It seems that most people do better if they stop supplements. Many supplements are full of seed oils and toxins. And many foods we have been told are good for inflammation such as Turmeric are actually very high in antinutrients like oxalates and cause autoimmune or inflammation issues. Some people don’t heal until they stop their supplements.
What to do for roughage though?
Don’t need it. In the carnivore community it is a myth. The new science backs that up.
I see one very important issue that hasnt been discussed.
Meat from your local butcher as for store bought meat who knows whats been added.
Carnivore is 100% the most bio compatible way of eating for human beings. Anyone who states otherwise is either uneducated to the truth of the diet, brainwashed by agriculture corporations who created the food pyramid, or simply fucking retarded.
I wonder how eliminated gout without medication?
Sugar is the cause. Not meat. We know several people now who beat gout. Usually they experience one more flare up as they transition to carnivore then it stops. Until they cheat on their diet.