My approach to Governance is to study some of its extreme cases, to understand the weapons used and how to create a parallel society that counteracts the evil that is creeping relentlessly towards us.

The current regime in North Korea may be worth studying. The Kim Dynasty dates back to 1948 and is still in power today. 76 years. What makes them successful? FEAR, TERROR AND LIES.

1. No internet.

2. Controlled propaganda.

3. Land confiscation.

4. Controlled food distribution.

5. Kim Jong-Un is God.

6. 51 levels of society under 3 umbrellas a) The elites. b) The Useful Idiots. c) The doomed.

7. Broken infrastructure eg limited electricity, dilapidated transport system, poor hospital facilities, education system limited to propaganda.

8. Limited movement - for the doomed - they remain in the village of birth.

9. No money.

10. Forced to watch public executions - this includes toddlers.

11. A weekly reporting session - on what your sibling, parents, relations, friends, colleagues said or did against the regime. Punishment on differing levels are meted out - political statements against the regime attracts severe results.

12. The regime has a database on every individual including the elites, their connections, their family tree, going back to at least three generations .

13. No mobile ph.

14. Surveillance cameras.

The result : A regime that has total control over every aspect of the citizens life. A quota system within a measured timeline ensures - no slacking around. Punishment and executions are a regular event.

The doomed are designed to exist as a workhorse from birth to death.

The Useful Idiots - are the enforcers. But even their lives are hell. 10+ years are dedicated to border control, enforcement , distrust of their colleagues. Their pay is minimal. Their food even less.

The elites are only tolerated at the whim of Kim Jong-Un. Their executions are designed to create mental trauma on a grand scale.

For verification - there are many - start with Yeonmi Park - escaped from North Korea - aged 13.

Whitney Webb - independent journalist - WEF, Geopolitics, alternative lifestyles.

Alex Goldstein - Human rights activist, unravels the IMF's predatory lending practices.

Governance is based on trust, truth and credibility.

Western society currently have the following tools that we, take for granted. But for how long?


Mobile ph.

Private vehicle.

Access to food, water, shelter.

A bank account.

Alternative media.



A social welfare system.


Perhaps governance should have similar properties to Bitcoin:

Define the purpose of governance.

Open source code governance reliant on algorithm.

Desired result: No need to trust any human.

All participants become nodes on the network.

Desired result: Decentralised

A social uncensored media platform like Nostr to exchange data, including a payment system like Primal.

Desired result: Decentralization / Communication/Anonymity/ Privacy/Transaction facility.

This is hypothetical, with no substance, just a framework of ideas, keeping North Korea in mind as the driving force that could maybe help The Doomed, because I don't want to become one.

To those who took the time to read this - thank you. It means you care.

To those who bailed - I don't blame you. I'm just as scared.

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Yes. No guns.

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"The program of right-wing populism includes 8 main points:

1) Radical tax cuts

2) Radical reduction of the welfare state

3) Abolition of privileges for 'protected' minorities

4) Crushing criminals

5) Getting rid of bums

6) Abolition of the Federal Reserve

7) A program of America First (anti-globalist and isolationist)

8) Defending traditional family values" - Murray Rothbard


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How about:

1) radical transparency

2) results based policies

3) bottom up solutions

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Your list is simpler and more straightforward... My fear is the system is so entrenched we won't be able to change it until after it collapses. I hope I'm wrong.

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The "SYSTEM" to aggrigate the right answer is free COMMUNICATIONS so people around the world can learn what works and what doesn't. The Iron Curtain worked only as long as the lie could be maintained. When the lie was shattered the system collapsed. There is no "System" required to fix the problem. The invisible hand of the free market and free communications on the internet are all that is needed.

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Then why are results going backwards?

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The right answer not a "system" to come up with the answer. The "answer" is to get the government out of the way at all levels. A bottoms up solution will look different everywhere, but it will be controlled by those involved VS imposed. It will be by definition, "messy and inefficient." But the "invisible hand" of the free market will do a much better job than all your perfect planning because it will morph as conditions change to always strive for optimum efficiency.

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But we need a system to aggregate answers. That is required. Systems do matter. No system = no organization = no accountability.

What matters is who controls the system - the people? or centralized corruptible governments?

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What better way than to cut out the middle man?

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Sometimes people want to delegate to representatives. Simply to avoid needing every person to be present and take the time for every meeting and consultation. The only way I can see a future world is if there are representatives that can be removed from office if they even hint that they are not serving their constituents. The way to determine this is to have them only work on behalf of a small group at a time like a street or a suburb. Make it easier to get voted out than to get voted in and 80% of the political problems are resolved because the representatives will FEAR the people instead of ignore the people as happens now.

The representative should basically be a negotiating and voting proxy for the people on specific matters that the people are interested in.

No laws can be proposed unless the PEOPLE demand a law. All politics must be initiated from the bottom up.

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That’s decentralization

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Here is a feel good story of how local decentralised government with honest representatives can protect from higher levels of government.


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Yes, exactly. However it will require the middle men.

Pure direct democracy means an overall system to provide personal agency but it still relies a lot on a single system that could disenfranchise everyone if it is compromised.

With a tiered system the damage can only affect the workings of one tier and can be prevented from poisoning of other tiers if they resist the transfer of power.

Basically power must be from the people and it must be offered/directed up when it serves the people, it cannot be held at the top and then grudgingly tolerated to move down sometimes for show as we have now.

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Only during the transition from where we are now until then.

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A system that required 7 billion people to actively monitor every 'law proposal' and every 'budget allocation' will never work even in the distant future. It will require central control to work and as such can be subverted from the centre. Decentralisation requires the levels so that agency flows from the roots to the trunk not like now where a small amount of power is allowed to flow from the trunk to the leaves. A personal decentralisation would be like grass where nobody has any power except for their own body and that means others will take advantage.

We need to build a system where people CHOOSE to be parts of systems because the systems support them.

If we do not have trusted representatives we have to do everything ourselves and this is impossible. Getting cigarettes labelled dangerous would have been impossible without focussed power.

Rich and powerful already have power and the only way to keep them in check is to have greater power. Building systems that curb the growth of incorporeal corporations and individuals is a necessary goal but having groupings of like minded people AT LEAST AS POWERFUL as the size of corporations is ESSENTIAL in the short, medium and long term.

What has happened now is that there are no large enough groups of people that are cohesive that can resist the powerful multinationals and elite run power bases (WEF, blackrock, etc.).

The tiered system of representatives gives the people the power to say NO when required and simply curb the AUTOMATIC abuses that an incorporeal corporation follows. We simply need ways to keep the representatives more honest than the average man so they need to work by the leave of the smarter voter and not the stupider voter. Easier to vote out than in I believe is possibly one way to solve global problems. Keep changing the representatives until one is found that wants to do the RIGHT THING. Eventually the scum will stop trying to get into office because they are booted so fast and loose their reputation on top of it.

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