Nov 14, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Ugh... my "to read" pile gets taller and taller! I hope you revisit this soon so I can read up on it and then understand more when others start commenting.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I like this a lot. Let us at least try it? We cannot do much worse. And I do agree time to turn the

tables and use technology as a shock collar on the DOD, etc.

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In this, my website, I bring together many of your concerns and how we can decentralize and empower locally... http://theSecondRevolution.com Please give it a look. Warm regards, Michael David Melio

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I like this a lot as well. What steps does one take to get this kind of idea broadly disseminated?

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I have come to the conclusion that the primary divide in the US (and perhaps the world) is not between the “liberals” and the “conservatives” or the Democrats and Republicans or even the socialists and the capitalists. Rather, the primary divide is between those who believe that the human condition is best improved by a centralized group of “experts” or “leaders” and those who know from history that the best ways of doing things emerge, unpredictably, from the people if they allowed to be free.

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You cannot vote your way out of tyranny, a longer form of this points out that the system we want to correct is controlled by the enemy. I don't understand how that system can be successfully converted to our protection from it's current state of suppression of liberty ? Should we expect that system to magically change because it's exposed to the public ?

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The U.S. Constitution worked quite well until the 1857 Dred Scott decision. Then the Supreme Court decided that only special people could be free. Lincoln was opposed to it. He warned of the loss of self-government to that imminent tribunal in his first inaugural address. Then the slave owners waged war on free people.

The 1860 Democratic Party platform called for the Supreme Court to determine if slavery should be allowed to expand into the territories. They lost the election but won the war, in my opinion, because the 13th Amendment nationalized slavery for crime, convict leasing, and the 14th Amendments put everyone in debt at birth “subject to” the Master Corporation… USA,Inc.

The National Banking Acts of 1863 were written by the London Bankers, so America’s money system was subject to them. Then, in 1913, the Federal Reserve Act gave a private corporation the authority to print “elastic currency” which gave them the power of money monopoly, wars, media, education and the government… along with a serious depression of the people... The Great Depression.

Teaching people their inalienable rights would be good for them.


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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Glad to see you commented on Dr Jordan Peterson’s gathering of 2,000 here - https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/jordan-petersons-proposal-for-alternative?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1119676&post_id=101108176&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email.

So is that what’s next? I think we need a unifying convergence here or our movement is just a disparate smattering of ideas that don’t get any real traction.

I’m in the Raleigh NC area. I think we need to get together as decentralized groups to make things happen locally.

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