
The biggest problem humanity faces today is that we have lost trust in our systems. Can you help solve that? How do we regain that trust?

How about... We build a new one that is much much harder to corrupt that is 100% controlled by the people, and we use it to hold the other corrupted systems accountable.


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Jul 25Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Maybe we should build a new system WITHOUT the clown show known as congress. You will never control them because unless they have full power to rape the citizens and the country, they will find another way to do it other than in the DC swamp.

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Jul 27Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I am reading an interesting book: "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose.

The superstition referred to is the "authority" of government. Rose argues that that authority is a myth which we all believe in because we have been conditioned as such from the day we were born.

I have not completed reading the book, but the reason I started because it seems to me there is/could be cross-fertilization with what The Society of Problem Solvers partly stands for.

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Thank you for the insight! Is the book fiction?

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It is based on the author's vision of the illegitimacy of government, and he bases on on real issues.

In fact, in that sense it could be compared with the aims of the Society of Problem Solvers. You have identified a serious societal issue and have a vision of how that could be resolved. Is that fiction? NO, definitely not. Same for the book.

It was brought to my attention by James Corbett: https://corbettreport.com/the-most-dangerous-superstition/

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'illegitimacy of government'?

Promoting the ban of Govt. per se?

OR better make Govt. Accountable via Specific Performance via/to 'the rules of The Govt.Apparatus. as prescribed?

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I don't know because, like I stated, I have not finished the book yet so I don't know what the author proposes as an alternative.

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Roger that.

Let us know when you can.


Robert ;-)

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Yes I can see that as governments are supposed to act for the public for the benefit of the public which almost never happens as those who benefit are usually big business (the elite) and themselves

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The argument is that because no one gave government the authority to rule, we should have a system without government, i.e. an anarchy. Anarchy does not mean chaos, that is what the narrative tells us, but anarchy literally means with a ruler.

Now, since government almost invariably acts against the citizens, does things that it tells us not do ourselves, we always pay a high price.

BTW, who has given the government authority? Not the citizens because they don't have authority themselves since they cannot give away something they do not have.

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"Accountability breeds response-ability."

Accountability Brings Hope!

'The Clown Show' will dissolve/disappear under the transparent scrutiny of Accountability.

'The Clown Show' currently is so deeply entrenched it will continue 'control-fraud' pretense to obstruct any actual/accountable process to embrace/administer the actual accountability necessary to displace the said corrupt pretending to be 'good guys'.

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This is why we need new systems that they cannot corrupt.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Yes. We'll need more people to understand the problem/solution more clearly in order to get support for the 'new-systems' to better secure the Accountability we preach we seek.

So many lament all the chaos corruption entropy cancer spreading, yet yawn when they hear 'need for accountability'.

Accountability VS Corruption

Focus Unite!


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We do not need new systems. We do not need to rewrite the constitution. Go back and make a detailed study of the brilliance of our founders and the reasons for every detail of the constitution. You will be amazed. Our problem is the current unelected, unconstitutional, rogue bureaucracies created at the federal level that need to return power back to the states. That would reduce the power and jurisdiction of an out of control federal government. The reduction of the federal government would create fiscal restraint and limit out of control spending. Finally, we need term limit everyone include the bureaucracies to prevent the current excessive time they spend in Washington. They are so deeply entrenched that they no longer are public servants. They are destroying a beautiful system that was designed to be self governing by the citizens, “we the people.” Please check out the nationwide movement called “Convention of States” at www.conventionofstates.com and join the movement that is using the constitution to put government back in its constructional box and will return the power to the individual states using Article V of the constitution. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Although older and does not reflect current progress (every state is in play currently) this is an excellent video explanation. This is the non violent solution given by the founders.


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We cannot fix any of this without the tools to do so. Those tools are new systems. Your movement will be corrupted too, unless it has tools to protect itself.

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If our systems are corrupted - which they are - that means they are NOT good enough. A good system should be able to be used by your enemies and they still cannot corrupt it.

There were good - no GREAT - thing about the Constitution. It protected individuals and rights. America was decentralized for the time it was created. But the ways to corrupt it have out gained the ways to defend it.

We don't need new systems to replace the old ones. We need new systems to save them.

Then upgrade them so they stop being corrupted.

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Could you please clarify re: "rewriting the constitution'

Is this your intent?

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Does anyone know of other groups serious about transparent accountability ?

Please list.

Thank You.


btw, just watched this, ... some might find it interesting:

The Only Alternative Multipolarity Offers is a Faster & Harder Digital Gulag!


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Stimulating post, thanks!

Before I go ponder it more, and watch the video;

I ask:

re: "We do not need new systems. We do not need to rewrite the constitution."

Was the previous use of 'need new systems' by Author, mean 'need to rewrite the constitution' per se?

Just want to be clear.



current govt.: 'This is the Mafia guys'



Accountability VS Corruption


Bob Bowman Stays On Point!


We Need To Know

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The Political Industrial Complex?

Why Don’t We Have Better Candidates for President?


American politics is trapped in a duopoly, with two all-powerful parties colluding to stifle competition.

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Trust is within a person to person relationship over a lifetime and multiple generations. Trust is not maintained by computer servers. The USA in 1776 had 2.5 million people from Europe, not 337 million muticultural soup people. Ancient Greece had city-states of 200,000 with 30,000 voting citizens. Even an elephant can only get so big, fractal democracy based on decimal system would be preferrable to scale. Ghengis Khan used the base 10 system for his empire.

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