Transparency is a weapon for those with a system good enough to be so.

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Yes! This is exactly what good leadership looks like in the corporate world. Been at it for decades.. however not every corporate culture is open to change.

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Thank you for your courage. If you are in a position to do this, try it more. Or we can even game plan with you and maybe get you some software to help you turn your system into a swarm.

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Let’s start a new social media platform! Musk could do it but won’t.. the best way not to be tangled up w advertisers is to go to a pure subscription model. Where people own their photos and data. And higher visibility goes to thoughtful comments, not the trite verbal sparring that is the backbone of X.

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we are building a group problem solving platform - SwarmAcademy.ai

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Rationalist Society, Wonderful read on swarming. To put your method into a cultural historical context is the 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') heritage of all humanity's ancestors before the amnesia of fake metal-coin 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') violently imposed by Oligarch's controlling its issue top-down in failed empire after empire. I've helped inspire & implement progressive-investment & ownership in 'Multi-stakeholder (eg. Founder, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople, Consumers) 'Participatory' (L. 'part' = 'share') Companies. Your model is similar to 'Community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') 'Benefit' or 'B' Corporations having a humane mission. Today after 60 years of solidarity involvement, living & working with 1st Nations & worldwide 'indigenous' peoples, I've been able to piece together much of the hidden puzzle of all humanity's pre-colonial heritage of Economic Democracy. I believe you'll be interested in having a look at humanity's whole systems 'ECONOMIC' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') DEMOCRACY (GK 'Power-of-the-people') model. One aspect missed by most is the core role of the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) collective DOMESTIC economy to which Industry & Commerce are subsets.

'Indigenous' Turtle-Island had ~110 nations organized into ~23 Confederacies beholding to a Continental Constitution called by the 'Haudenosaunee' (Iroquois 'People-of-the-extended-rafters' aka 'Welcome', 'there's always room for one more') 5 Nation Confederacy as the 'Kaianere'kowa' (Iroquois 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-law-of-peace' aka 'Constitution'). 1st Nations recognized European & other settlers as subjected refugee peoples & so welcomed & economically included them into their productive abundant Continental ECONOMIC-DEMOCRACY & subset political systems. Economic Democracy in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex specialized Production-Society-Guilds & time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

The social, economic & political system should really be, like the 'indigenous' system, a reflection of the gene, cell, tissue & organ Autonomy of the human body with the expert memory retention, decision-making & implementation of each part. The brain’s only one of several Nexus-of-communication for facts & actions, mostly after they’ve already happened. We know for example now how the digestive system contains many times more memory & implementation neurons than the brain. Distributed 'ECONOMIC' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') MEMORY is core to the holistic function of the body. This is the Neural Science of today. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

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Great concept. The Borg collective mind or parallel computing using multi-brains for optimized results. Love it.

Maybe this could be applied to Government as a replacement . . .

Some details:

-- someone has to be in central command to make the decisions based on the many and varied inputs. Some ONE. This ONE must rationally weigh all inputs and pick the RIGHT solution among many.

-- That ONE must be NOT obligated to take any parrticular advice but always choose the optimal route by never missing the perfect "pick".

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You might like our next article. How to fix corrupt government in 3 simple steps.

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Fascinating for sure. Excellent post. The crippling effect of ego on transparency and decentralization can’t be overstated.

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Thank you so much for reading. We appreciate your comment.

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Such a fine dance around the elephant in the room.

In reality:

"In 2022, CEOs were paid 344 times as much as a typical worker in contrast to 1965 when they were paid 21 times as much as a typical worker."

Although you gingerly touch on decentralizing info around finances, and mention "bonuses" to the employees, you avoid the big challenge:

No corporation will want to decentralize if they're not willing to share the wealth their "human capital" produce for the share holders and upper management.

"Ideally in an organization, according to modern organizational experts is approximately 15 to 20 subordinates per supervisor or manager."

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Let us ask you something George. If a company did this, would you rather spend your money at that company or the one that overpays CEOs.? We can introduce you to plenty of companies that are switching to this model. And we are creating more soon.

In fact our next article interviews someone who did this.

The elephant in the room is us making new systems. Not us trying to change the current corrupt ones.

Also, for everyone to take extreme ownership of where we spend our dollars.

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Yes, I already choose a credit union over a bank and a coop over a corporate gonglomerate.

The elephant in the room, if you didn't get it, is that a company doesn't just have to be transparent.

If they pay their CEOs 300X more than their employees, and they don't rationalize the wages, transparency will be the end of them. That's what you didn't mention

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Right, but in a free market it can choose to be. And then you can choose to shop there. We can have a network of swarmed businesses. In fact we intend to do just that.

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How exactly is the market free? Do you mean in ideology?

Example of reality: Uber and Lyft are supposed to be competitors, but Blackrock has shares in both of them. They currently only compete on who screws up their 'partners' (drivers) more, by tweaking their algorithms weekly.

A Canadian Rideshare Coop applied to start in California.

Quiz: Will they ever be allowed to operate?

Hint: Blackrock owns California too.

It will take MUCH more than believing in the tenants of capitalism and trying to be decent.

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The answer is opening an Uber or Lyft that uses collective intelligence to run them instead of centralized stock investors

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If you had read, you would have seen that the answer is you can't open ANY Rideshare because Blackrock owns the federal and local governments and they block competition.

So, you first have to deal with that.

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In an ideal world your ideology rings true. “Being transparent is not easy for many leaders. For one, many are corrupt….”. I propose here this isn’t a solely a trait of leaders, but is a condition that pervades human psyche more broadly than we ever imagined. The past 4 years have been an eye watering display of the broad corruptibility of the masses and a personal ethical bazaar of souls. Ignorance and shallow values are poor excuses, rather shed light on the manipulative power of fear when those plague a society. It overwhelmingly isn’t the poor countries who bartered off the human genome to a group of psychopaths , it is mostly the affluent western population who - to this day - are silently and compliantly blinding themselves to a genocide in their towns to protect their personal status, ego and pride. Wouldn’t we all like to know that our neighbours are aware, kind and caring, acting with ethics pinned securely in place, and when handed ‘power’ would wield it in that manner for the benefit of all. In reality though, what we see is widespread brown-shirting, trampling and stealing, and astonishing flights of emotional ego hyperbole, a deep moral corruption empowering naked, twerking men to entertain our children, that got us to the edge of swarm ‘intelligence’ alright. Replace business hierarchy entrapping employees with the DUTY of voice and vote in a free, democratic society for the benefit of all - where is everyone? The problem with the word ‘Hive’ are its roots in marxism, the overriding ideology seeing the loss-of-self fundamental for the common good. That’s how hives function. What we need - simply - is a return to accountability, ethically sound and grounded family values, restoration of personal rights, liberties and celebrated diversity driving social change, without which society drowns in chaos and rampant drug use looking for escape.

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And the ideology works. It has been tested. This is not just hypothesis, it is a tested theory that has been so far nearly 100% successful. We will be interviewing swarmed businesses soon and you will see what we mean. There is nothing to believe or not to believe. There is wisdom in crowds. There are dangers in crowds. Just like nuclear power or flying cars, we can problem solve in groups and harness the wisdom of crowds and avoid the perils. It is already being done.

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Family values and social change will not fix corrupted systems.

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Sound morals and principles are the ONLY gatekeepers to ward off psychological warfare and propaganda. The largest MkUltra experiment ever conducted has been unleashed onto the global population during the past 5 years. It is glaringly obvious who fell defenseless and who didn’t. Reference ‘phenomena Moloch’ please. Trust systems: trust whom? Who is the ‘trust’ developer and manager if it isn’t ones own sovereign being? Why outsource trust and why? There is one reason why you would want to do this: convenience. To shed decision making responsibility for your own self onto someone else’s interpretation you ‘trust’ to act in YOUR best interest.

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Trust in a system is not the same as trust in a person.

Trust in a system is based on transparency and results, only.

Trust in people is based on vulnerability and effort to reciprocate.

The reason isn't convenience. The reason is to stop socio paths from corrupting our systems in a highly aligned and unified way.

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The science shows that most people want to do good, but a phenomena known as Moloch takes place where people feel they have to do evil to survive. This is why we need high trust systems first.

Also, this article isn't just a hypothesis. It has been done already and worked.

Marxism is top down governance, this corruptible. This is bottom up.. It is the opposite. Decentralization is the difference. Same with Bitcoin and CBDCs, etc etc

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Marxism thrives on a self-policing mind-controlled masses. In its absence the rulers face a revolution in short order.

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Please read the book The Starfish and The spider. You are assigning a false label to a concept that has never been described. This system - swarming - survives inside a free market, in a free country, with the Constitution protecting the individual rights so that proper decentralization can happen it. Very much like the way America was founded but with a lot more knowledge about how to optimize problem solving in groups using technology. Stay tuned.

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Nov 20, 2023Edited
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Yes! Swarm sounds very AI and hive mind and uploading one’s brain, also cancel culture/social media bullying etc. What is being spoken here is basic Cooperatives 101. I don’t know the right word, I also don’t know how the group is uncorrupted via propaganda and contagion phenomena but this model is an important step forward.

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Transparency will be the key. Building trust in systems again. And then using our high trust network states to plug in and fix our other corrupted system. Thanks for your input Kate. Also please read our answer above as well to Terri.

Our next article is called How To Fix Corrupt Government in 3 simple steps. We dive into your question deeply. You sound like a problem solver so we would love to have more people like you as part of our think tanks and swarms. Actually a lot of our readers in this thread too.

We need anyone who understands the problem - corruption in our systems - who wants better systems to come help us problem solve all of this. We are building a platform where we can go and block out the propaganda and talk. A problem solving platform called SwarmAcademy.ai

It will be a non profit free academy that we are turning into a swarmed business and all of our customers will be part of the swarm and get to decide how we spend our profits as a swarm.

But first we need to build the high trust platforms.

Thanks again.

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Thanks for commenting. We know it does have a bit of a harsh connotation to it, but it has grown on us. A swarm defends its nest. A swarm looks out for each other. A swarm is not a hive mind, it is a decentralized unit that works together. A swarm in nature is willing to grow together and even die for each other. We think it is time to rebrand the connotation to mean something positive for us. Working together. Problem solving in groups. But also being intellectually courageous, together.

We can fix these systems if we precisely swarm, like nature shows us how. Did you watch Dr. Rosenberg's Ted Talk? Very informative about bees. They are not what you might think. Also, he named it and we also honor the name he gave it.

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Dec 18, 2023
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That's understandable. And we don't disagree. In fact that is what we intend to do. The people corrupting it are using technology to do so. When they wrote the Constitution if the technology existed of today they would have used it to govern as well. That's all this is.

Merry Christmas!

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