Nov 15, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I agree about transparency. For ordinary people have any effective participation in public life we must know exactly what our leaders are actually doing. But it’s not going to be easy to get there.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

agree ... we need to find rituals as a remedy to the centrifugal forces (due to the most dominant ritual: which is Money) to strengthen common sense and trust

would suggest TRUST as a currency to invest in : www.trustos.org... more herehttps://commonworks-23333.medium.com/can-an-algorithm-for-trust-strengthen-democracy-d1e410d1f4db

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i've been wondering lately if it's possible to build a platform that can recognize authenticity while sniffing out manufactured controlled opposition - because otherwise there will always be people with legitimate beliefs getting swooned by those sowing deceit, for the purposes of disrupting any sort of cohesive movement for change. i am curious where you are heading with this...

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I agree with your third sentence especially. But it is unlikely.

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Re: "Trust." Definition: "Belief, faith, or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc. of another person or thing." So, kind of like a religion? Like assuming "truth" is an absolute?

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