The problem is really about money and power. People used to serve in the government out of a sense of duty as much as anything else. Private industry always paid better. Now it pays so well that gov’t has been corrupted....they love the power too! The entire DMV (DC, MD and VA) area is FULL of people sucking off the teat of gov’t. How do you change that? We must also have a balanced budget and accountability for all spending. More referendums so we can actually have a say in our governance. As far as testing for psycopaths, if you take the money and power out of the equation you won’t attract those types. Gov’t contractors need to be slashed and the war machine severely cut. Politicians spend like money grows on trees. They need to spend it like it is their own household budget and not a never ending supply of $ to throw around. It really is disgusting. If a massive number of people stopped paying taxes we’d get their attention don’t you think? They can’t arrest us all.
We are all for fixing the money too. Bitcoin is a great pathway. But also swarmed businesses can give advantages over the corrupted ones. This much we know for certain. Our upcoming articles we dive into swarm run businesses
What are your thoughts on the vulnerabilities of the hardware and telecommunications systems that cryptocurrencies depend on to function to things like extreme geomagnetic storms (CMEs) or manmade EMPs?
All entire economy - credit cards to amazon - run on electric. Everything is dependent upon them. So we can either assume we have power or assume we don't. If we don't, everyone will raid the billionaire houses first.
Not me, I have a faraday cage with a few important devices (off grid energy production tools , back up drives with cherished memories, water purifiers, arch lighters, lights etc) and a large garden that produces all we need to live happily. If the lights go out, it will impact me just about as much as it impacts the Amish people.
I prefer low tech when it comes to essential skills and tools so I lean into my permaculture design knowledge and apply biomimicry to sequester water. The faraday cage is a back up for some helpful emergency gadgets, digital comforts and luxury items but not required in my long term emergency plan.
The main portion of our protein is gathered via converting starlight into an array of molecules through teaming up with ancient photosynthetic beings (otherwise known as regenerative gardening).
In a swarm psychopaths would be drown out by the other voices. Also in a high trust society how many people are going to voucher for a psychopath? Seems like more would leave bad reviews
A few years ago I would have agreed with you. But not now
Given that The vaccines and the 72 childhood vaccines on the childhood schedule cause brain of the worst things they do is wreck the empathy in people..and we are all slowly becoming psychopaths. Like maybe between 40 to 60 percent now
I didnt until recently..toby Roger's writes a substack and in one of them he writes about vaccinations in general..that they all leave damage...and we are now up to 72...and combining that with dr beggin testifying th as t brain damage gets worse not better and that it tends to damage the capacity to feel first...I'm just guessing..but I do know we need to discard our old assumptions now and take fresh looks
I'm not so sure...i think you also are born with the proclities....and I cannot remember if I know anyone who as a child did not like animals....difficult because I cannot remember my siblings 8f they did or didnt..cause now they me that is a big red flag..not liking animals
One cannot even speculate on this unless one has full, minute by minute knowledge of a child's development. A two year old frightened by a dog, or sat on by a cat, might have a response the genesis of which may be unknown to his/her family. Moreover, I have observed that such children have parents with what are to me strange ideas about child-raising. Anecdotally, a dominating mother with religious mania is often in the background, as is prostitution or slutty behaviour exposed to the child, followed by religious remorse and mania, allare common of origin in psychopaths. At the very least, the evidence points to the nurture side of the equation rather than genetic inheritance.
H g Tudor on you tube is a narccisit…and a psychopath..a self awarecone…he thinks it is a combo …no idea of what predisposes..but 8f your parent was one..and there is a lack of a controlled environment..chances are the kid will develop into one also..2 parents who are narcissistic..greater chance. Can we agree it's not nature vesus nuture..but complex..certain probability of both? Like life itself? I do think that in these latter days it is more there are many more cluster b people than I've ever seen in my lifetime,.,and I suspect we are being driven into it by abusive media environment
A psycho parent with a psycho child, has noithing to do with genetics. That is merely a very common presumption entirely unsupported by the evidence. Incidentally, such analysis was my role for government for ten years.
Well we will have to agree to differ. I have a schizo cousin. His parents were normal. But one of his fathers sistersaunts was. Personally I wonder if a virus or a Vax kicked him off…. The destruction he wrought all his life…sad
To install horiz. governance is not easy. First, the citizens need to learn about it and want it. Second the constitutions need to be rewritten to include horiz. governance. 3. nations need to be confederated to ensure that every city and village has autonomy within the limits of the new, agreed-upon constitution.
If you have flat power communities, you have eliminated corruption and the imapct of psychopathy, so constitutions serve no purpose. In fact, constitutions were created by the enemy. Have you not noticed they exclude the word 'democracy' (flat power).
If we lived how the constitution was written there wouldn’t be this massive centralized behemoth that could be easily corrupted. The forefathers never wanted the federal govt to get like this and wanted states to have much more say in the daily lives of its citizens. FDR took 4 simple words “for the benefit of” and made an argument that the federal govt was to give its citizens what they were missing in their lives. It’s how Social Security started and others do good agencies that are constitutionally illegal. If we still had civics in schools we might have more leaders than the lemmings that are being churned out nowadays.
We cannot enforce what we do not have control over. The corruption is in control now. We need a new system. A new digital country called a Network State where we all join and turn it into a force for change.
Omigod. The enemy created America. The original constitution was written by Thomas Paine but the plutocrats had Maddison excise all the important clauses, such as: "The people are the source of allauthority".
My opinion is that the first and fundamental step is to ban the funding of political campaigns, at all levels and of all elected positions, by corporations or any kind of private interests.
Place a limit on contributions, say 1000 USD and only to be made publicly by private citizens who want to support a candidate.
Let candidates win popular support with his resumé and on the campaign trail. No more multimillion dollar contributions to campaigns, parties and candidates that result in making them puppets of corporate interests.
Without that all others reforms could be reversed easily and in a short time.
Bitcoin would be a great start. Having a currency that isn’t controlled by a “central bank” ie; government is a great start but if we have to give up our wallets to them it becomes a moot point. CBDC’s also create a massive surveilence state with other controls that take away even more civil liberties. The argument that Bitcoin and others are being used to fund terrorists is laughable as every transaction is public for everyone to see. The media narrative is just talking points fed straight from the government. Governments hate anything they can’t control. Even a country that is supposed to be “free”. While we are fewer than most all countries if everyone really looked at the bill of rights and other inalienable rights we are given by being citizens of this country it would downright disgust them on how many have been trampled and the few we have left have so many restrictions on them it’s basically gone too. Take the second amendment. Why do we need serial numbers on any weapon? It’s so it can be tracked by the govt. that’s not how it was written. The right to bear arms isn’t with having the govt say it’s ok after you give us the serial number or when we say you can have one. It’s the right to have them period. Why was it written that way? To let us keep the government at bay. From getting too much power. To overthrow should they not do the will and work of the people. To fight aggression from them. Those four words “for the benefit of” and how FDR bent the meaning of them created big govt and now we can’t stop it with the beauracracy that has entrenched itself and the power given to them by congress is why nothing gets done. Not showing us the budget until a day before it gets signed is illegal yet because it’s 5.000 pages long we get the talking points from our biased media and each side is pissed about what the other got. Our journalists could also help if we had any independent ones left. Sure we have a few who do investigative journalism but they get mocked and cancelled to the point of being irrelevant except to the few who still care about the fate of this country. None of how we live was supposed to be this way. An open market based society is supposed to have LIMITED GOVT. Does this look or feel that way? Sure doesn’t to me. Also, what’s with this .ai thing to join to? Is this whole thing just a machine? Or are people involved here? I’d like an answer to that before I send my ideas and arguments as I don’t need FBI agents knocking at my door because I’m truthful.
….continuing. The forefathers knew that big federal govt and an only two party system would lead to exactly what we are living in now. There is most likely a constitutional congress coming as there are I believe 24 of the 34 needed to form one. I’m not saying any of the ideas will ever become laws as the ideas need to get to the floor after they are created and blue states will want different things than red states. I’d also add that term limits would go a long way to getting rid of the corruption. You wouldn’t have lifers who imo will always find someway to be corrupted. Many new people come into congress with bright eyes and a fire they want to change what they see as unjust but if you watch them after several terms they become creatures of that swamp. If they only has two terms to get done what they went there to do I think you’d see the people being more represented than we are now. I still go back to the constitution though as the federal govt was NEVER supposed to be this. If we don’t trim these illegal agencies and the lifers in congress and those who work there NOTHING will ever change. I’d also add we need our journalists back. Not these opinionated talking heads who spout their political ideals as law and never ask the hard questions unless it someone they hate. Social media needs to die too
If the Constitution cannot be enforced, it is just paper. The corruption is the law now. But we can do something about it and it does not require violence. It requires building a high trust place to fix this. Join the discussion at
Love the idea. It might just be me, but I don’t like the word swarm. Assemblages might be better or similar. Swarm indicates one hive mind controlling all others. What makes us unique is our ability to have group consciousness, but still be individuals.
We didn’t name it. It is a realm of science. We can rebrand if we want. Or, we can embrace it. A swarm is not controlled by a queen.
In a swarm of bees they all help make the decisions and stick together as one unit. You are right, a swarm requires fierce individualism. But the negative connotation about a hive mind needs to be changed. Because it is wrong. When bees look for a new hive location they all spread out - as individuals - and return to the group and do a “waggle dance.” The more excited the dance is the more they like the spot. And there are many variables needed when picking a hive location. As more bees visit the excited locations they compare and choose a spot together.
I understand. As long as the problems with humans is addressed. I mean here we are trying to get people to think for themselves,……what do they SEE. There are hundreds of papers on how we “go with the crowd”, “with whatever is popular” , “What the “experts” say”. How do we overcome this, and do the ‘swarm’ thing. We need more self confidence that we have been more right than wrong and our thoughts alone matter.
Thanks for sharing these interesting ideas with us all.
In your optimal vision for a society where government is run by a transparent and decentralized "Network State" democracy would you envision that system would involve involuntary taxation ?
As in, if I was living in the society governed by ideal vision you have for a state, and I was not interested in the services that nation-state was claiming to provide it's citizens, could I say "no thanks, I am okay without those services, I will just grow my own food and do my own thing" ? Or would that result in some kind of enforcement agency coming to collect taxes from me involuntarily if I did that?
If we had to wager a guess we think the swarm would gain control of taxes, make all spending transparent, and then keep the essentials and remove the rest. A swarm will not operate in a way that benefits a few and hurts the rest of the swarm, if it can maintain high rung thinking like Tim Urban explains in his book: What's Our Problem?
"A swarm will not operate in a way that benefits a few and hurts the rest of the swarm" Okay, but what about if a "swarm" operates in a way that benefits the many but hurts and forces the will of the many onto the few through violent coercion ?
That is essentially what a democracy is when it functions as advertised. Personally, I think violent coercion and involuntary taxation are things that are inherently immoral and unethical (regardless of whether or not a majority believes they are imposing their will onto a minority for the "greater good" or not). What you and most humans deem as "essentials" may be things that I have no interest in contributing my time and energy towards, and in that case, would your ideal form of democracy involve forcing me to contribute towards paying for those "essentials" or not?
In what way are we not already paying for all of that and more? The hell you just described is already our reality -- but worse. It is controlled by a tyrannically sociopathic minority.
The Constitution and Individualism need to be at the forefront of education when using swarms. We already are very aware of the dangers that exist in groups. But there is also amazing wisdom and problem solving. The question is, can we achieve the good without the bad?
We have found the answer to be yes. At least so far.
Doing so requires having a code. Also, not everyone needs to be part of the swarm society. You are free to join, free to leave, or free to start your own. That is the beauty of a Network State. It is truly a free market.
The other option is to continuing living in the world you already described. But even worse, the elite few are impose their will on the many.
You are missing the third option. I can take decisive action to boycott all corporate tyranny, banksters and complicit involuntary governance structures by creating decentralized food and medicine production systems that align with the health of local ecosystems. I can starve the sociopathic minority and contribute towards resilient communities that will be immune to their parasitism, rendering them obsolete and leaving them behind.
I do not subscribe to the statist belief system. I advocate for human beings to trust the inherent wisdom, compassion and intuition they were born with to use their own unique gifts, of their own free will, to leave this world a little bit more beautiful than it was then when we got here for future generations.
“The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The Individual has a soul, but as the state is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.” - Gandhi
It is for times such as these that Gandhi used Satyagraha – the force of truth to resist unjust laws and empires peacefully and non violently. In nature one of her most innate truths and constants is her irrepressible capacity for regeneration. We can align with this innate facet of the living planet that sustains us and become irrepressible as well. We can empower our communities to be able to rise from the ashes like the phoenix and embody a template for regeneration which others can adopt as well.
We will create such abundance and emergent resilience that it will spill over into the neighborhoods and communities around us, sending ripples out that shift the tide from fear to hope and render their toxic centralized systems of dependence and oppression obsolete to one day leave them behind. We will do this without the need for high tech quick fix solutions or involuntary governance structures.
You have been sold the story that we need to be threatened and coerced into cooperating and behaving well by an institution that has a monopoly on violence coercion. That story is a fallacy.
It is time to move past the era of followers and leaders, peasants and princes, worshipers and saviors, minions and tyrants, corporations and consumers and usher in the age of self governed and self reliant human beings which collaborate of their own free will to leave this world a little more beautiful than it was before.
That is a fallacy. Violent coercion is an inherent component of Statist governments (involuntary governance structures such as "democracy").
Thus, unless you deem violently coercing other human beings to submit to your will (because you think you know what is better for them than they do) those systems of governance are obviously unethical and immoral.
Taxes are supposed to help us with solutions to societal problems, but instead they are the avenue for theft. Did you get to the idea of Bitcoin Swarms near the end of the article? That is one possible way that taxes could work.
If we change our epistemology around what taxes are, and what they are for, we can use collective intelligence to solve these problems in more ways than just by throwing money at it.
Step one would be changing the culture. In history, technology follows culture. For example at the turn of the 1900s the culture went from "The Wild Wild West" to "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." That culture change spawned some of the greatest technological inventions of all time: Running water, waste removal, and sanitation.
We need a new culture change with our systems where all of our systems are based on results.
But, what we should do is say "I don't know" and try many different solutions to see which ones have the best results.
What we do know is that well trained highly aligned people can problem solve this better than waiting for corrupted governments to do it for us. We need a seat back at the table.
I think it is worth highlighting that period you describe as "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." also involved the genocide of indigenous peoples and the mass destruction of ecosystems moving forward full steam ahead (thanks to some other "breakthrough technological inventions").
Long before the so called "wild west" era indigenous peoples had developed highly advanced methods for food cultivation, regenerative ecosystem management (food forest farming), fresh water management and effective natural medicine. I do not hear you championing (or even mentioning) their highly effective, equitable and health promoting technologies, scientific methodologies or ways of living here? Why is that?
Have you read a book called “The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity” (2021)
Crow Qu’appelle (of NEVERMORE MEDIA) describes the book by saying:
“It basically completely revolutionizes the history of the Western intellectual tradition, including the Enlightenment, natural law theory, and much, much more. I’m not exaggerating..
..The major achievement of Graeber and Wengrow is to restore what they call The Indigenous Critique (of Western Civilization) to its proper place in history.
Prior to reading The Dawn of Everything, I was not aware of the term the indigenous critique, and I definitely hope that it enters the vernacular.
What is the indigenous critique, you ask? Well, basically, when Europeans arrived to Turtle Island (aka “North America”) they encountered very different societies than those they were accustomed to. Those societies had very different cultures, each with their own intellectual tradition.
The collision of two completely separate intellectual traditions led to the creation of an indigenous critique of European society, which Graeber and Wengrow call THE INDIGENOUS CRITIQUE.
The Indigenous Critique refers to critiques of European society which were developed by Turtle Islanders.
Elizabeth Whitworth explains:
In the late 1600s, European colonists in North America became engaged in philosophical discussions with the indigenous peoples of that land. Some of the indigenous people and the colonists learned to speak one another’s languages fluently. Graeber and Wengrow explain that the native North Americans had strong philosophical traditions and skilled orators who challenged European colonial officials in debates.
This is really wonderful, because for all the talk of decolonizing academia, the standard narrative is still of a vastly technologically superior civilization overrunning much more primitive societies in the New World.
In some cases, indigenous intellectuals travelled to Europe in order to study and understand feudal society. One such person was a Huron-Wendat leader named Kondiaronk, also known as Le Rat, who seems to have impressed everyone he ever met with his great brilliance.
Whitworth continues:
In New France, Wendat leader Kandiaronk raised scathing critiques of European social customs and values, particularly criticizing monarchical rule, social hierarchies, emphasis on the accumulation of wealth and materialism, and punitive justice systems. These descriptions then made their way back to Europe, where they were widely distributed among the intellectual class and, Graeber and Wengrow argue, became the inspiration for much Enlightenment thought.
In other words (according to Crow Qu’appelle) one of the most important thinkers in the history of the Western intellectual tradition was an indigenous anarchist from what’s now called Canada.
One of the major cultural differences the Europeans and indigenous people found they had was the notion of equality and its connection to freedom. Indigenous ideas about equality and freedom directly conflicted with the European notions of social status and a natural hierarchy.
Graeber and Wengrow say that Europe before the 1700s lacked a notion of social equality. They believed that some people are naturally higher or lower in status and authority than others. They lived in monarchies and they derived that system from biblical notions of nobility and authority. In other words, God (or rather some human’s declarations of what ‘God’s will’ is in religious institutions) decided one’s station in life.
By contrast, many of the Native American cultures had no notion that anyone could be born higher or lower in status than anyone else or that anyone could have authority over anyone else. In such cultures, status might be gained with age or according to merit. But the notion that people are inherently unequal or that any status could give someone the right to dominate someone else would not have existed in this kind of cultural worldview.”
I am about 1/3 of the way through the book now myself. While discovering the historical details of the so called “indigenous critique” has filled in some important pieces of the puzzle for me, I am also seeing that as I have gotten to the part of the book talking about the indigenous peoples that lived along the Mississippi River, what is now called California, Northeastern Canada and Northwestern Canada and referring to them as “hunter/gatherers and/or foragers” the authors appear to know nothing about how many indigenous people cultivated food.
I have seen evidence from multiple sources that people who called those lands home actually had extremely advanced food cultivation and farming systems that seamlessly blended with existing forest ecology.
Thus, they did not simply forage, but rather actively managed (and even enhanced ecosystems biodiversity) in order to produce an abundance of nutrient dense food (and in a way that expresses an advanced understanding of botany, the interdependence of species and soil ecology).
Here is a link to a video presentation that explores of those ancient methods
“Architects of Abundance: Indigenous Food Systems and the Excavation of Hidden History” by Dr. Lyla June
Even so, based on what I have read so far, I think the book is worth a read. Despite having some gaping omissions with regards to effectively describing the indigenous societies of North America it offers well referenced glimpses into other areas that desperately need illumination and discussion.
What about the highly advanced forms of democracy and even completely voluntary community organizing methods that existed on this continent long before Europeans arrived? I would like to hear you explore their actionable solutions to some of the problems we face as a species and civilization.
Nope, not even close. While it may be more comfortable to draw these clean cut delineations between a time when indigenous peoples were having land stolen, children kidnapped, murdered and culture supressed and the "clean new morally just modern era", in reality that projection if an illusion. It may sound nice to be able to wash our hands of that "bad, dirty time of wild west behavior" because "we are so much more civilized in modern democracies now" but that is just another lie.
After buffalo were exterminated, large areas of the continent were deforested and mass genocide was committed so that the colonizers could steal the land from indigenous peoples (for greed), many have adopted the fallacious (and comforting) idea that is all behind us now. They could not be more wrong.
How about what happened to Oklahoma's Osage Nation during the 1920s?
Here in Canada our government went on kidnapping and murdering indigenous children (using RCMP/government agents and deranged priests/nuns) until about 30 years ago.
I have friends with heritage rooted in several different First Nation cultures. Some are old enough where they remember when the government agents and RCMP came for them and their siblings to kidnap them and drag them off to to the residential "schools". Some eluded their would be captors and had to live a life on the run as young adults, some were not so lucky and the stories they tell me about the atrocities that were perpetrated upon innocent children there (in Government sponsored facilities run by priests and nuns) are so disturbing that hearing them would bring tears to your eyes and make you sick to your stomach. Tourture and Mass murder of innocent children took place in those facilities all over Canada. These facilities were engaging in the forced sterilization of indigenous girls up until the year 2000 in some provinces.
When the mass graves at the residential schools became too conspicuous to sweep under the rug our government denounced the facilities (which they created and funded for decades) and apologized. Surely this means our governments are finally respecting the human rights and sovereign lands of the indigenous peoples of Canada right? Nope! Wrong, again.
When Vancouver got the Olympic bid for the 2010 winter Olympics (a modern day “Circus Maximus” that exudes Anthropocentrism and hubris) the statist bureaucrats in Canada immediately began planning how they would steal more of unceded lands of indigenous peoples and pillaging the Earth in order to build the Olympic facilities and event grounds.
As early as 2007, indigenous people, the poor, the homeless and those who live on the land were experiencing the ripple effects of the imperialistic colonialism of the Olympic Games. The vast destruction of mountains, old growth forests, streams, hunting and fishing grounds and delicate ecosystems in which are relied on by Indigenous people; the closures of social housing and low income hotels; the high and increasing rate of homelessness; and the criminalization of Indigenous people and the poor are all part of the lead up to the 2010 Olympics.
Indigenous communities in the interior and the coast of British Columbia including the Secwepemc people of Skelkwek’welt, the St’at’imc of Sutikalh, the Pilalt of Cheam along with people from all colors and creeds were resisting the objectives and activities of the 2010 Olympics since 2003.
Those who stood up to defend their lands were criminalized by the Canadian state. There were hundreds of arrests of Indigenous people (with an emphasis on Indigenous youth and Elders) who protested Olympics 2010 and its objectives.
The Vancouver government appointed the Vancouver Olympic Committee to organize and plan the Winter Games. The Vancouver Olympic Committee, the British Columbian government, and the Canadian government began planning to build the venues for the games. After choosing the venue locations, the International Olympic Committee realized that the land belonged to indigenous people, and was in fact un-ceded land. Un-ceded indigenous land can be classified as land that is not under the protection of a signed treaty, but requires the permission of the First Nations government before being developed. This decision was not released to the public, and construction started without the permission of the First Nations peoples. This outraged First Nations groups in British Columbia, Canada, prompting them to start the campaign known as “No Olympics on Stolen Native Land”.
In response the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (VANOC) allocated $175 million dollars of tax payer money to militarize RCMP units to crush any resistance (they ended up spending over $400 million by 2008 and by the end of February 2009, it was finally acknowledged that the security bill would be over a billion dollars). Much of the security planning was driven by threat assessments conducted by the Integrated Threat Assessment Centre, a branch of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (or CSIS which is Canada’s version of the FBI).
What were those tax dollars used for? Well to crush dissenting voices and silence indigenous elders who spoke out about their land being stolen (so that fancy Olympic athletes could prance around on stages for camera crews) of course!
The militarized police units set up designated “free speech zones” in Whistler and Vancouver (which were chain link fenced in areas out of sight from the main events) and were the only places that people were allowed to protest. When they refused to be hidden away in ‘protest pens’ and protested near olympic events, police brutality ensued. This resulted in several deaths, including the death of indigenous elder Harriet Nahanee, aged 71, after being sent to jail. She died because she was sent to Surrey Pretrial Centre, a prison for men and a noted hell-hole for women in poor health.
Needless to say, over a billion dollars worth of tax payer money later (spent on militarized police units to crush and silence dissent) the olympic corporations marched onward to steal their land, pillage the sea to sky corridor and set up their modern day Circus Maximus (built on the stolen lands of indigenous peoples and tainted by the blood of their peaceful elders that dared to ask that their traditional lands and the wildlife that lived there be respected).
For more info on the corrupt and degenerative corporate Olympic industry see:
Next up in the seemingly perpetual expressions of Corporate colonialism (assisted by corrupt governments and police) the year is 2013. This time the Canadian government and their corporate bosses want to pillage the Mi'kmaq lands in New Brunswick by building a Petroleum Fracking operation.
When the indigenous peoples refused to hand over their land to the Fracking corporations, RCMP were again militarized to crush dissent and clear the way for more colonial theft.
The Canadian military also used its counter-intelligence unit to monitor the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society-led anti-fracking camp.
Peaceful protests were attacked when the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) brought in snipers dressed in camouflage and armored riot police who attacked protesters with pepper spray, physically assaulting those who stood in the way of violations of treaty rights and the destruction of their land.
Fast forward 3 years and the colonial frontlines moved southward, where an attack on indigenous lands and the body of Mother Earth took shape in the form of the Dakota Access Pipeline. People from many indigenous tribes and all walks of life came together to protest and protect the sacred waters.
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and protesters said the oil pipeline, crossing beneath the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, would pose a grave threat to drinking water on the reservation and beyond.
During the resistance to the pipeline, Indigenous peoples were tear-gassed, bit by attack dogs, shot with rubber bullets, sprayed with water cannons (in below-freezing temperatures), and arrested by authorities.
Now we move forward in exploring the continuity of colonialism to the years 2020.
The blood thirsty corporations and their statist friends continued their colonial pillaging northward in 2019-2020 when the Canadian government and corporations (TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) / Coastal GasLink’s) initiated a violent invasion into the Unceded territory of the Wet'suwet'en Nation.
Militarized RCMP were again sent in to act as enforcers for corporations, assaulting and arresting peaceful indigenous people to make the way for the bulldozers to annihilate the land. The national police force frequently sends members of a specialized division with a reputation of using excessive force against peaceful protestors. Known as the Community-Industry Response Group, or C-IRG, the roving unit draws RCMP officers from far-flung areas of Canada to break up protest camps that form in opposition to fracking operations, pipelines, strip mining projects and old growth logging operations. These are corporate mercenaries with fancy titles, nothing more.
Many brave satyagrahi are still (even now) resisting the imperialistic fascistic conquest and pillaging of Mother Earth and theft of the Unceded sovereign territory of the Wet'suwet'en Nation.
These are just a few examples from the past and not isolated incidents. I could go on and on (providing you examples from all over the world) but it hurts to just expose what I have already in this article and I think you get the idea what of what has been happening. The reason I outlined this unbroken line of “The Continuity of Colonialism” is to dispel the comforting fallacy that some modern day Canadians and Americans tell themselves that says “ya the government, corporations, military and corrupt police did bad things to indigenous peoples in the past, but that was a long time ago and things are different now”.
No, things are not different now, the Colonialism never stopped, it just changed gears, it put on a mask and now it is enforced by judges, government edicts, propoganda and corrupt police acting as corporate enforcers (instead of army soldiers massacring villages to make the way for railroads and giving First Nation women and children small pox infected blankets).
Now here we are present day. Colonialism has taken on new forms such as the colonization of the minds of people of all colors and creeds through governments and corporations using social media and AI Chat bots as a weapon or colonization of the genetic fabric of life (through biopiracy racketeering operations that use corrupt laws to patent seeds and other organisms and synthetic mRNA injections that contaminate the human genome) yet in many ways its ravenous lust to steal the lands of indigenous peoples and pillage the body of the Earth remains the same yet it is presented with new slogans such as “sustainable development” and “renewable energy”.
Here in southern Ontario where we live, if I look out the window right now I can see the result of the belief system that drives the endless commodification of nature and that which was once seen as sacred into money, monocultures, mines and more humans. For hundreds of kilometers in all directions, total devastation of the ancient Carolinian forest that used to cover all of southern Ontario. If I go and dip my cup in a stream here and drink it, I will taste and feel the results.. and for what? “Progress”? “Manifest Destiny”? Righteous colonial settlers exerting their “God given” right to enforce their “dominion” over the natural world and those they saw as less than human?
This trend of humanocentricism has been imposed on a great many different indigenous peoples on all the continents of the Earth. When combined with other variables related to the separation/reductionist mentality, what has resulted in the way in which that belief system has been pushed and represented here on the land that was once called Mshike Mnise (which means “Turtle Island” in the Anishinaabemowin language) resulting in much suffering, depravity, loss of life and ecological devastation.
Ancient food forests that were intentionally created and managed by indigenous peoples for centuries were chopped down by arrogant colonists that wanted to implement their relatively primitive (and extremely degenerative) mono-culture agriculture systems. Now instead of regenerative, diverse, nutrient dense, self perpetuating, decentralized food systems (which persisted for centuries to Thousands Of Years before the Europeans arrived) we have endless fields of GMO corn and soy, poisoned rivers and lakes and children that can recognize 1000 corporate logos but less than ten plant species.
We live in the wild west and the new bandits are mutli-national corporations and statist regimes.
Your proposition to computerize democracy only creates a situation where the morally depraved system that is involuntary governance takes on a new more streamlined, shiny and futuristic covering, at it's core it will remain a system that uses violent coercion to (in a best case scenario) enforce the will of the majority onto a minority (using the threat of violence, theft, kidnapping and murder).
In order to illustrate how putting technology on a pedestal is not necessarily a wise approach to trying to solve the challenges we face as a species I present the following hypothetical.
There are many suppressed and emergent forms of energy generation technologies that could theoretically be put to use to balance the scales between the haves and the have nots and to end pollution and environmental destruction. However, it is also possible that we could scale up fusion (cold or hot) and get access to unlimited clean energy, only to use it to destroy what is left of the natural world in the name of “progress” and turn the whole planet into one big Ecumenopolis.
Thus, rather than diving into depending on technology and leaning into anthropocentrism further, I would suggest that the more underlying and fundamental imperative before us is to educate the human beings that are deciding what to do with that technology to value the sacredness and intrinsic value of wilderness places and intact ecosystems.
The term "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" is born of a worldview that deemed some human beings as "savages" that needed to be converted or murdered and nature as just another foe that needs to also be conquered and pacified. The results of that backwards adversarial and arrogant mentality can be directly perceived if you look at the industrial contamination of our fresh water sources all over North America. You may want to draw a line of separation between those technologies you described and the ones that were used to kill and contaminate, but that defies the reality that they are born of the same mentality, the came culture of hubris and an irrational and futile attempt to wage war on and conquer nature.
What about the highly advanced forms of democracy and even completely voluntaristic community organizing methods that existed on this continent long before Europeans arrived? I would like to hear you explore their actionable solutions to some of the problems we face as a species and civilization.
Volunteerism seems to work at smaller scales. But breaks down in larger ones. Trust needs to be the focal point of larger systems. This is why we like decentralized trust like Amazon or Ebay use to determine who are good and bad sellers.
Amazon and Ebay are owned by transhumanists that have an irrational fear of death and engage in business in a way that wreaks havoc and mass destruction on the living Earth and involves the exploitation of human beings. Thus, if it was me, I would avoid using them as an example worth emulating in any way.
Volunteerism seems to work at smaller scales. But breaks down in larger ones. Trust needs to be the focal point of larger systems. This is why we like decentralized trust like Amazon or Ebay use to determine who are good and bad sellers.
Volunteerism seems to work at smaller scales. But breaks down in larger ones. Trust needs to be the focal point of larger systems. This is why we like decentralized trust like Amazon or Ebay use to determine who are good and bad sellers.
Thank you for this article. I have subscribed to follow the progress of the swarm and educate myself regarding replacing corrupt systems. As I become more educated in this effort, I expect I will become a more active participant in the process and upgrade to paid subscriber, as well as contributor to the effort as a swarm member and contributor. Finally, there appears to be a way forward in addressing the unbelievable corruption at all levels of our daily life. Peer to Peer trust is the only place I still have confidence in and even that is much smaller than it used to be. I wish you great success in this pursuit.
Thank you Herb! We do not take paid subscribers here as this Substack will always be free. However once we have the Network State running we will be starting a nonprofit called the Uncorruptors. And there we will take donations and anyone who donates will be able to control the entire nonprofit and spending as part of the swarm. Thanks for being our aly!
Nova Scotia has a society, independent Nova Scotia initiative. Using hive theory their plan is to have communities who find trusted proven people to run as independents for office and run in all 55 ridings. Enough independents can control a legislature. The critical difference is they are promoting legally binding performance contracts between the swarm and the candidate that lays out planks, timelines, expectations and restrictions and remedies including firing. Failure to perform gets you fired. They become fully legally accountable. The goal was to run a full slate of 55 candidates in a legislated election date in 2025. The province broke their own election law , called a snap election to thwart the movement , then prohibited 18 candidates from being allowed on a ballot. We will be in Supreme Court on Feb 14 2025 expecting a full win based on charter of rights violations and election fraud.
Woah. That is insane. Contracts between people and candidates is a great idea. We purposed wearing cameras and turning it into a reality TV show of sorts.
Just make the digital system and force all candidates to use it?
Do you know of anyone writing about this or making videos in English?
During the 1992 USA Presidential campaign, Ross Perot observed that: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people of America suffered…. and our only means of correction is to inspect their work and hold them accountable.”
Mr. Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computer programs.
“It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.
Objective reality:
The voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read, comprehend or debate any of the laws they vote on. They vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.
Approximate absolute facts:
Every day that the Congress and Legislatures are in session 100 new bills are introduced and distributed.
The representatives are given two weeks to review the bills before they are brought up for The Vote.
Two weeks into the session they begin voting on the Laws that were previously introduced, while newer laws are continuously introduced.
Many of these bills are in excess of two thousand pages.
The elected representative does not have the time to even read the name of the Law much less the content of it.
Since the Representatives cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their Party advisors tell them to vote.
This demonstrates that Representative government does not exist.
Thus, they have forfeited their delegated obligations to us, The Citizens. And the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making even more tragic mistakes, from which we, and the rest of the world, might never recover is to include ourselves in the final decision-making process.
The Electronic Congress
How it works:
Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.
To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.
Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.
Just imagine:
With a new understanding of government
we will also be able to accommodate new proposals initiated by us, The Citizens, for program and infrastructure improvements.
We, The People, could actually direct the priorities and review the progress of the major agencies like the: CDC and NIH as well as the libraries, school boards and local police departments.
If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.
How to implement it:
Start here:
Dear Mr. / Madam School Board Trustee
I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble reasons for seeking this office.
That is to help you facilitate the betterment of our schools for our children and young people.
To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda questions and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers.
Upload the stack to a server where we can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.
In a perfect world each paragraph must have at least three possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time.
Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:
hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.
In this way Madam Trustee you are assured that you will always have the strength of the community with you when making the decisions that really do effect the lives of our people.
Concerned Citizens could have AI parse a recent law or Supreme Court ruling into its actionable elements, apply the Ratify or Annul Questionnaire, then distribute the links.
Can I make money with this?
Of course, you can. Use AI to parse the laws you find most egregious into their component pieces. And then have it build the ballot / questionnaire along with some demographic background to make the game especially interesting. Charge a $1 per voter per law to deliver the results of the poll to the government officials and watch the evolution in real time.
The Electronic Townhall becomes the means by which the Authority of the Citizens is used to Ratify or Annul the Propositions of Government.
Ask the local school board for their agenda items, have AI parse the actionable elements, create a questionnaire, distribute it to the concerned citizens and then evaluate the results.
When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the results of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall
overcome Evil and then we can all live happily ever after.
Ross Perot publicly promised that if the People of America would elect him to The Presidency, he would give us The Electronic Townhall.
The Fourth Branch of Government will allow us to go from Chaos to Prosperity and a Life Worth Living … until the end of time.
We were created by God and in the image of God; we are human beings, not animals in a pen.
Someone has to start publishing active polls on the issues of our day.
Use AI to parse the most egregious situation, law, grant, program, non competitive bid or tax policy you can find into questions regarding its particulars. And post it on the net.
The US president election is a good place to start:
Trump, Biden, Rishi, Jones, Smith, Kuldeep Persuad, Newsome, Pelosi, Johnson, Rense, Abbot, Farve, Putin, King Charles, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Pat Paulson, Michele’ O’Bama…
One of the first pieces of business is: Who gets to vote in the:
1. general election
2. ratification or annulment process
a. everyone over 18 years
b. everyone over 21 years
c. voters must be citizens – Yes - No
d. anyone in the world can vote – Yes - No
e. property owners over 21 years
f. property owners over 21 years paying a minimum of $5000 per year tax per jurisdiction (school district, county, city, state, federal)
g. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
Should the direct election of Senators be returned to the States?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
What about abortion? Should it be legal? How so? The text of the laws is readily available and everyone has an opinion.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Her body her choice
Or the new Treaty with the World Health Organization…
Should the good and decent Citizens of the world be required to comply with the pharmaceutical recommendations of the WHO?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends
d. His / her body, their choice
What about sexually confused children ?
Should the government pay for and facilitate the genital reassignment health treatments so necessary to save young lives?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends if their parents need the money
Which issue should the local school board consider the most important?
a. Fluid gender toilets
b. Genderless uniforms
c. Reading and writing
d. Placement of litter boxes in the class room or fluid gender toilets
e. Furrys with hurt feelings – what to do?
f. Teaching pornography correctly
All educated people know that cattle farts are melting the polar ice caps and that it is only a matter of a short while before the entire planet is flooded with salt water. Many people will drown.
What should we do about this?
a. Buy everyone a new boat
b. Pay Bill Gates a billion $ to stop it
c. Vaccinate the cattle to stop them from farting
d. Cull the herd so that only the important people can eat meat.
e. nothing
The rich and very powerful have a new plan to steal all of your money and all of your property. They call it CBDC, Central Bank Deposit Credit. This is electronic money. They can turn it on and turn it off to force your compliance with anything they want.
Do you really want them to have that much power over you?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I am a slave anyway
d. No opinion
The uniform tariff and tax schedule is where the rubber really meets the road, but it is probably too abstract for most. Try it if you like, it goes to infinity.
Post: *The Questionnaire* on your web site.
Charge the voters, your patrons, a $ fee to vote on it.
Have the same AI take the patrons demographics and quantify their base of knowledge; education, reading, business experience, children raised, taxes paid and post that too.
One Questionnaire should earn you many thousands of dollars per month and AI can do it for you!
Just think about it… one survey a month at $10,000 net profit times ten and you are making over a hundred thousand dollars per year. That’s pretty good.
Have the AI post the results in real time and send the results to the respective councilman, commissioner, judge, congressman, state representative, senator and governor!!
Use the power of consensus to demand that negative policies be vacated.
The hope here is the representative will, in an effort to keep his cushy job, comply with the wishes of his constituents.
The problem is really about money and power. People used to serve in the government out of a sense of duty as much as anything else. Private industry always paid better. Now it pays so well that gov’t has been corrupted....they love the power too! The entire DMV (DC, MD and VA) area is FULL of people sucking off the teat of gov’t. How do you change that? We must also have a balanced budget and accountability for all spending. More referendums so we can actually have a say in our governance. As far as testing for psycopaths, if you take the money and power out of the equation you won’t attract those types. Gov’t contractors need to be slashed and the war machine severely cut. Politicians spend like money grows on trees. They need to spend it like it is their own household budget and not a never ending supply of $ to throw around. It really is disgusting. If a massive number of people stopped paying taxes we’d get their attention don’t you think? They can’t arrest us all.
We are all for fixing the money too. Bitcoin is a great pathway. But also swarmed businesses can give advantages over the corrupted ones. This much we know for certain. Our upcoming articles we dive into swarm run businesses
What are your thoughts on the vulnerabilities of the hardware and telecommunications systems that cryptocurrencies depend on to function to things like extreme geomagnetic storms (CMEs) or manmade EMPs?
For more info on the data regarding the vulnerabilities of our current technological infrastructure to Coronal Mass Ejections (large solar storms) see:
All entire economy - credit cards to amazon - run on electric. Everything is dependent upon them. So we can either assume we have power or assume we don't. If we don't, everyone will raid the billionaire houses first.
Not me, I have a faraday cage with a few important devices (off grid energy production tools , back up drives with cherished memories, water purifiers, arch lighters, lights etc) and a large garden that produces all we need to live happily. If the lights go out, it will impact me just about as much as it impacts the Amish people.
Interesting. Me too. We should compare notes. Moreover, mine is in a wilderness where I will be undiscoverable. Your water? fuel? protein?
I prefer low tech when it comes to essential skills and tools so I lean into my permaculture design knowledge and apply biomimicry to sequester water. The faraday cage is a back up for some helpful emergency gadgets, digital comforts and luxury items but not required in my long term emergency plan.
The main portion of our protein is gathered via converting starlight into an array of molecules through teaming up with ancient photosynthetic beings (otherwise known as regenerative gardening).
For more info:
Oh, I intend to .
Also the problem isn't about money and power. There will always be money and power and crooks.
The problem is that we have systems that are corruptible way easier than they should be.
Then you do not understand what creates crooks.
Do tell oh wise one
*The entire DMV (DC, MD and VA) area is FULL of people sucking off the teat of gov’t. How do you change that?*
That can be changed by asking the "voters" if they agree with the salary and fringe benefit structure.
Its not complicated.
I love all the ideas, but I want to add one. We need to screen people for psycopathy. The psycopaths must be isolated from any of these systems.
In a swarm psychopaths would be drown out by the other voices. Also in a high trust society how many people are going to voucher for a psychopath? Seems like more would leave bad reviews
A few years ago I would have agreed with you. But not now
Given that The vaccines and the 72 childhood vaccines on the childhood schedule cause brain of the worst things they do is wreck the empathy in people..and we are all slowly becoming psychopaths. Like maybe between 40 to 60 percent now
Ask toby rogers
You think 40% of the population is psychopaths? Do you have a link to reference this? That is wild.
I didnt until recently..toby Roger's writes a substack and in one of them he writes about vaccinations in general..that they all leave damage...and we are now up to 72...and combining that with dr beggin testifying th as t brain damage gets worse not better and that it tends to damage the capacity to feel first...I'm just guessing..but I do know we need to discard our old assumptions now and take fresh looks
You have noticed too. But I conclude they soon will be dead,
So you get it. If one can, so too can everybody.
Be careful throwing babies out with the bathwater!
Both psychopathy and sociopathy are created. Eliminate that crucible.
I'm not so sure...i think you also are born with the proclities....and I cannot remember if I know anyone who as a child did not like animals....difficult because I cannot remember my siblings 8f they did or didnt..cause now they me that is a big red flag..not liking animals
One cannot even speculate on this unless one has full, minute by minute knowledge of a child's development. A two year old frightened by a dog, or sat on by a cat, might have a response the genesis of which may be unknown to his/her family. Moreover, I have observed that such children have parents with what are to me strange ideas about child-raising. Anecdotally, a dominating mother with religious mania is often in the background, as is prostitution or slutty behaviour exposed to the child, followed by religious remorse and mania, allare common of origin in psychopaths. At the very least, the evidence points to the nurture side of the equation rather than genetic inheritance.
H g Tudor on you tube is a narccisit…and a psychopath..a self awarecone…he thinks it is a combo …no idea of what predisposes..but 8f your parent was one..and there is a lack of a controlled environment..chances are the kid will develop into one also..2 parents who are narcissistic..greater chance. Can we agree it's not nature vesus nuture..but complex..certain probability of both? Like life itself? I do think that in these latter days it is more there are many more cluster b people than I've ever seen in my lifetime,.,and I suspect we are being driven into it by abusive media environment
A psycho parent with a psycho child, has noithing to do with genetics. That is merely a very common presumption entirely unsupported by the evidence. Incidentally, such analysis was my role for government for ten years.
Well we will have to agree to differ. I have a schizo cousin. His parents were normal. But one of his fathers sistersaunts was. Personally I wonder if a virus or a Vax kicked him off…. The destruction he wrought all his life…sad
Why? this is an animation about horizontal governance made in 2020. Love what you are doing. I wish to participate.
To install horiz. governance is not easy. First, the citizens need to learn about it and want it. Second the constitutions need to be rewritten to include horiz. governance. 3. nations need to be confederated to ensure that every city and village has autonomy within the limits of the new, agreed-upon constitution.
Wouldn’t it be easier to make our own systems and plug them in than trying to change the existing ones?
Maybe so. But it needs to be from the top down.
You mean a centralized system? Or how we change it?
No, decentralized. Did you see the animation?
Top down is essential to rid us of corrupt government.
Oh lawdy, lawdy, lawdy. That's kinda like, "What a great book. Let's burn every book".
It isn't possible to know such things.
If you have flat power communities, you have eliminated corruption and the imapct of psychopathy, so constitutions serve no purpose. In fact, constitutions were created by the enemy. Have you not noticed they exclude the word 'democracy' (flat power).
If we lived how the constitution was written there wouldn’t be this massive centralized behemoth that could be easily corrupted. The forefathers never wanted the federal govt to get like this and wanted states to have much more say in the daily lives of its citizens. FDR took 4 simple words “for the benefit of” and made an argument that the federal govt was to give its citizens what they were missing in their lives. It’s how Social Security started and others do good agencies that are constitutionally illegal. If we still had civics in schools we might have more leaders than the lemmings that are being churned out nowadays.
We cannot enforce what we do not have control over. The corruption is in control now. We need a new system. A new digital country called a Network State where we all join and turn it into a force for change.
That would work, but you have already made it too complex.
Omigod. The enemy created America. The original constitution was written by Thomas Paine but the plutocrats had Maddison excise all the important clauses, such as: "The people are the source of allauthority".
My opinion is that the first and fundamental step is to ban the funding of political campaigns, at all levels and of all elected positions, by corporations or any kind of private interests.
Place a limit on contributions, say 1000 USD and only to be made publicly by private citizens who want to support a candidate.
Let candidates win popular support with his resumé and on the campaign trail. No more multimillion dollar contributions to campaigns, parties and candidates that result in making them puppets of corporate interests.
Without that all others reforms could be reversed easily and in a short time.
Great article. I’d like to learn more
Good article. Best of luck.
Really appreciate the focus on decentralization, trust, and incrementalism. We've written about similar concepts and how they might help solve other problems. For example, spaceflight:
But many other topics as well!
Very cool. We will pass this around and check it out.
Bitcoin would be a great start. Having a currency that isn’t controlled by a “central bank” ie; government is a great start but if we have to give up our wallets to them it becomes a moot point. CBDC’s also create a massive surveilence state with other controls that take away even more civil liberties. The argument that Bitcoin and others are being used to fund terrorists is laughable as every transaction is public for everyone to see. The media narrative is just talking points fed straight from the government. Governments hate anything they can’t control. Even a country that is supposed to be “free”. While we are fewer than most all countries if everyone really looked at the bill of rights and other inalienable rights we are given by being citizens of this country it would downright disgust them on how many have been trampled and the few we have left have so many restrictions on them it’s basically gone too. Take the second amendment. Why do we need serial numbers on any weapon? It’s so it can be tracked by the govt. that’s not how it was written. The right to bear arms isn’t with having the govt say it’s ok after you give us the serial number or when we say you can have one. It’s the right to have them period. Why was it written that way? To let us keep the government at bay. From getting too much power. To overthrow should they not do the will and work of the people. To fight aggression from them. Those four words “for the benefit of” and how FDR bent the meaning of them created big govt and now we can’t stop it with the beauracracy that has entrenched itself and the power given to them by congress is why nothing gets done. Not showing us the budget until a day before it gets signed is illegal yet because it’s 5.000 pages long we get the talking points from our biased media and each side is pissed about what the other got. Our journalists could also help if we had any independent ones left. Sure we have a few who do investigative journalism but they get mocked and cancelled to the point of being irrelevant except to the few who still care about the fate of this country. None of how we live was supposed to be this way. An open market based society is supposed to have LIMITED GOVT. Does this look or feel that way? Sure doesn’t to me. Also, what’s with this .ai thing to join to? Is this whole thing just a machine? Or are people involved here? I’d like an answer to that before I send my ideas and arguments as I don’t need FBI agents knocking at my door because I’m truthful.
You get it. And you have identified the problem. So what is the peaceful solution?
Decentralization. Transparency. New systems we migrate to in order to solve problems in high trust (or no trust) groups.
The rebellion is decentralization.
Why do you say "peaceful". Do you believe Mohandas Gandhi and ML King were spontaneous events and their message likewise?
….continuing. The forefathers knew that big federal govt and an only two party system would lead to exactly what we are living in now. There is most likely a constitutional congress coming as there are I believe 24 of the 34 needed to form one. I’m not saying any of the ideas will ever become laws as the ideas need to get to the floor after they are created and blue states will want different things than red states. I’d also add that term limits would go a long way to getting rid of the corruption. You wouldn’t have lifers who imo will always find someway to be corrupted. Many new people come into congress with bright eyes and a fire they want to change what they see as unjust but if you watch them after several terms they become creatures of that swamp. If they only has two terms to get done what they went there to do I think you’d see the people being more represented than we are now. I still go back to the constitution though as the federal govt was NEVER supposed to be this. If we don’t trim these illegal agencies and the lifers in congress and those who work there NOTHING will ever change. I’d also add we need our journalists back. Not these opinionated talking heads who spout their political ideals as law and never ask the hard questions unless it someone they hate. Social media needs to die too
If the Constitution cannot be enforced, it is just paper. The corruption is the law now. But we can do something about it and it does not require violence. It requires building a high trust place to fix this. Join the discussion at
It isn't possible to know whether violence may be unavoidable/needed.
You’ll need a school of rational ethical economics to replaces the Marxist crowd for step 3.
We will have an academy ( that people will be required to graduate from to join our swarms. We will have a code of ethics.
Love the idea. It might just be me, but I don’t like the word swarm. Assemblages might be better or similar. Swarm indicates one hive mind controlling all others. What makes us unique is our ability to have group consciousness, but still be individuals.
We didn’t name it. It is a realm of science. We can rebrand if we want. Or, we can embrace it. A swarm is not controlled by a queen.
In a swarm of bees they all help make the decisions and stick together as one unit. You are right, a swarm requires fierce individualism. But the negative connotation about a hive mind needs to be changed. Because it is wrong. When bees look for a new hive location they all spread out - as individuals - and return to the group and do a “waggle dance.” The more excited the dance is the more they like the spot. And there are many variables needed when picking a hive location. As more bees visit the excited locations they compare and choose a spot together.
Humans can do this time a billion.
I understand. As long as the problems with humans is addressed. I mean here we are trying to get people to think for themselves,……what do they SEE. There are hundreds of papers on how we “go with the crowd”, “with whatever is popular” , “What the “experts” say”. How do we overcome this, and do the ‘swarm’ thing. We need more self confidence that we have been more right than wrong and our thoughts alone matter.
How do you know that is necessary?
How do you know who is anonymous and who isn't?
You may have explained if so I withdraw my comment.
Thanks for sharing these interesting ideas with us all.
In your optimal vision for a society where government is run by a transparent and decentralized "Network State" democracy would you envision that system would involve involuntary taxation ?
As in, if I was living in the society governed by ideal vision you have for a state, and I was not interested in the services that nation-state was claiming to provide it's citizens, could I say "no thanks, I am okay without those services, I will just grow my own food and do my own thing" ? Or would that result in some kind of enforcement agency coming to collect taxes from me involuntarily if I did that?
Thanks for your time.
If we had to wager a guess we think the swarm would gain control of taxes, make all spending transparent, and then keep the essentials and remove the rest. A swarm will not operate in a way that benefits a few and hurts the rest of the swarm, if it can maintain high rung thinking like Tim Urban explains in his book: What's Our Problem?
"A swarm will not operate in a way that benefits a few and hurts the rest of the swarm" Okay, but what about if a "swarm" operates in a way that benefits the many but hurts and forces the will of the many onto the few through violent coercion ?
That is essentially what a democracy is when it functions as advertised. Personally, I think violent coercion and involuntary taxation are things that are inherently immoral and unethical (regardless of whether or not a majority believes they are imposing their will onto a minority for the "greater good" or not). What you and most humans deem as "essentials" may be things that I have no interest in contributing my time and energy towards, and in that case, would your ideal form of democracy involve forcing me to contribute towards paying for those "essentials" or not?
In what way are we not already paying for all of that and more? The hell you just described is already our reality -- but worse. It is controlled by a tyrannically sociopathic minority.
The Constitution and Individualism need to be at the forefront of education when using swarms. We already are very aware of the dangers that exist in groups. But there is also amazing wisdom and problem solving. The question is, can we achieve the good without the bad?
We have found the answer to be yes. At least so far.
Doing so requires having a code. Also, not everyone needs to be part of the swarm society. You are free to join, free to leave, or free to start your own. That is the beauty of a Network State. It is truly a free market.
The other option is to continuing living in the world you already described. But even worse, the elite few are impose their will on the many.
You are missing the third option. I can take decisive action to boycott all corporate tyranny, banksters and complicit involuntary governance structures by creating decentralized food and medicine production systems that align with the health of local ecosystems. I can starve the sociopathic minority and contribute towards resilient communities that will be immune to their parasitism, rendering them obsolete and leaving them behind.
I do not subscribe to the statist belief system. I advocate for human beings to trust the inherent wisdom, compassion and intuition they were born with to use their own unique gifts, of their own free will, to leave this world a little bit more beautiful than it was then when we got here for future generations.
“The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The Individual has a soul, but as the state is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.” - Gandhi
It is for times such as these that Gandhi used Satyagraha – the force of truth to resist unjust laws and empires peacefully and non violently. In nature one of her most innate truths and constants is her irrepressible capacity for regeneration. We can align with this innate facet of the living planet that sustains us and become irrepressible as well. We can empower our communities to be able to rise from the ashes like the phoenix and embody a template for regeneration which others can adopt as well.
We will create such abundance and emergent resilience that it will spill over into the neighborhoods and communities around us, sending ripples out that shift the tide from fear to hope and render their toxic centralized systems of dependence and oppression obsolete to one day leave them behind. We will do this without the need for high tech quick fix solutions or involuntary governance structures.
You have been sold the story that we need to be threatened and coerced into cooperating and behaving well by an institution that has a monopoly on violence coercion. That story is a fallacy.
It is time to move past the era of followers and leaders, peasants and princes, worshipers and saviors, minions and tyrants, corporations and consumers and usher in the age of self governed and self reliant human beings which collaborate of their own free will to leave this world a little more beautiful than it was before.
What are your thoughts on the concepts and data presented in this article?
government is a system. like any system it has no morals until they are assigned
That is a fallacy. Violent coercion is an inherent component of Statist governments (involuntary governance structures such as "democracy").
Thus, unless you deem violently coercing other human beings to submit to your will (because you think you know what is better for them than they do) those systems of governance are obviously unethical and immoral.
Taxes are supposed to help us with solutions to societal problems, but instead they are the avenue for theft. Did you get to the idea of Bitcoin Swarms near the end of the article? That is one possible way that taxes could work.
If we change our epistemology around what taxes are, and what they are for, we can use collective intelligence to solve these problems in more ways than just by throwing money at it.
Step one would be changing the culture. In history, technology follows culture. For example at the turn of the 1900s the culture went from "The Wild Wild West" to "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." That culture change spawned some of the greatest technological inventions of all time: Running water, waste removal, and sanitation.
We need a new culture change with our systems where all of our systems are based on results.
But, what we should do is say "I don't know" and try many different solutions to see which ones have the best results.
What we do know is that well trained highly aligned people can problem solve this better than waiting for corrupted governments to do it for us. We need a seat back at the table.
I think it is worth highlighting that period you describe as "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." also involved the genocide of indigenous peoples and the mass destruction of ecosystems moving forward full steam ahead (thanks to some other "breakthrough technological inventions").
For more information read:
Long before the so called "wild west" era indigenous peoples had developed highly advanced methods for food cultivation, regenerative ecosystem management (food forest farming), fresh water management and effective natural medicine. I do not hear you championing (or even mentioning) their highly effective, equitable and health promoting technologies, scientific methodologies or ways of living here? Why is that?
Have you read a book called “The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity” (2021)
by David Graeber and David Wengrow ?
( Full digital copy of the book can be accessed here: )
Crow Qu’appelle (of NEVERMORE MEDIA) describes the book by saying:
“It basically completely revolutionizes the history of the Western intellectual tradition, including the Enlightenment, natural law theory, and much, much more. I’m not exaggerating..
..The major achievement of Graeber and Wengrow is to restore what they call The Indigenous Critique (of Western Civilization) to its proper place in history.
Prior to reading The Dawn of Everything, I was not aware of the term the indigenous critique, and I definitely hope that it enters the vernacular.
What is the indigenous critique, you ask? Well, basically, when Europeans arrived to Turtle Island (aka “North America”) they encountered very different societies than those they were accustomed to. Those societies had very different cultures, each with their own intellectual tradition.
The collision of two completely separate intellectual traditions led to the creation of an indigenous critique of European society, which Graeber and Wengrow call THE INDIGENOUS CRITIQUE.
The Indigenous Critique refers to critiques of European society which were developed by Turtle Islanders.
Elizabeth Whitworth explains:
In the late 1600s, European colonists in North America became engaged in philosophical discussions with the indigenous peoples of that land. Some of the indigenous people and the colonists learned to speak one another’s languages fluently. Graeber and Wengrow explain that the native North Americans had strong philosophical traditions and skilled orators who challenged European colonial officials in debates.
This is really wonderful, because for all the talk of decolonizing academia, the standard narrative is still of a vastly technologically superior civilization overrunning much more primitive societies in the New World.
In some cases, indigenous intellectuals travelled to Europe in order to study and understand feudal society. One such person was a Huron-Wendat leader named Kondiaronk, also known as Le Rat, who seems to have impressed everyone he ever met with his great brilliance.
Whitworth continues:
In New France, Wendat leader Kandiaronk raised scathing critiques of European social customs and values, particularly criticizing monarchical rule, social hierarchies, emphasis on the accumulation of wealth and materialism, and punitive justice systems. These descriptions then made their way back to Europe, where they were widely distributed among the intellectual class and, Graeber and Wengrow argue, became the inspiration for much Enlightenment thought.
In other words (according to Crow Qu’appelle) one of the most important thinkers in the history of the Western intellectual tradition was an indigenous anarchist from what’s now called Canada.
One of the major cultural differences the Europeans and indigenous people found they had was the notion of equality and its connection to freedom. Indigenous ideas about equality and freedom directly conflicted with the European notions of social status and a natural hierarchy.
Graeber and Wengrow say that Europe before the 1700s lacked a notion of social equality. They believed that some people are naturally higher or lower in status and authority than others. They lived in monarchies and they derived that system from biblical notions of nobility and authority. In other words, God (or rather some human’s declarations of what ‘God’s will’ is in religious institutions) decided one’s station in life.
By contrast, many of the Native American cultures had no notion that anyone could be born higher or lower in status than anyone else or that anyone could have authority over anyone else. In such cultures, status might be gained with age or according to merit. But the notion that people are inherently unequal or that any status could give someone the right to dominate someone else would not have existed in this kind of cultural worldview.”
I am about 1/3 of the way through the book now myself. While discovering the historical details of the so called “indigenous critique” has filled in some important pieces of the puzzle for me, I am also seeing that as I have gotten to the part of the book talking about the indigenous peoples that lived along the Mississippi River, what is now called California, Northeastern Canada and Northwestern Canada and referring to them as “hunter/gatherers and/or foragers” the authors appear to know nothing about how many indigenous people cultivated food.
I have seen evidence from multiple sources that people who called those lands home actually had extremely advanced food cultivation and farming systems that seamlessly blended with existing forest ecology.
Thus, they did not simply forage, but rather actively managed (and even enhanced ecosystems biodiversity) in order to produce an abundance of nutrient dense food (and in a way that expresses an advanced understanding of botany, the interdependence of species and soil ecology).
Here is a link to a video presentation that explores of those ancient methods
“Architects of Abundance: Indigenous Food Systems and the Excavation of Hidden History” by Dr. Lyla June
Even so, based on what I have read so far, I think the book is worth a read. Despite having some gaping omissions with regards to effectively describing the indigenous societies of North America it offers well referenced glimpses into other areas that desperately need illumination and discussion.
What about the highly advanced forms of democracy and even completely voluntary community organizing methods that existed on this continent long before Europeans arrived? I would like to hear you explore their actionable solutions to some of the problems we face as a species and civilization.
That was part of the Wild West era if you lay out a timeline
Nope, not even close. While it may be more comfortable to draw these clean cut delineations between a time when indigenous peoples were having land stolen, children kidnapped, murdered and culture supressed and the "clean new morally just modern era", in reality that projection if an illusion. It may sound nice to be able to wash our hands of that "bad, dirty time of wild west behavior" because "we are so much more civilized in modern democracies now" but that is just another lie.
After buffalo were exterminated, large areas of the continent were deforested and mass genocide was committed so that the colonizers could steal the land from indigenous peoples (for greed), many have adopted the fallacious (and comforting) idea that is all behind us now. They could not be more wrong.
How about what happened to Oklahoma's Osage Nation during the 1920s?
Here in Canada our government went on kidnapping and murdering indigenous children (using RCMP/government agents and deranged priests/nuns) until about 30 years ago.
I have friends with heritage rooted in several different First Nation cultures. Some are old enough where they remember when the government agents and RCMP came for them and their siblings to kidnap them and drag them off to to the residential "schools". Some eluded their would be captors and had to live a life on the run as young adults, some were not so lucky and the stories they tell me about the atrocities that were perpetrated upon innocent children there (in Government sponsored facilities run by priests and nuns) are so disturbing that hearing them would bring tears to your eyes and make you sick to your stomach. Tourture and Mass murder of innocent children took place in those facilities all over Canada. These facilities were engaging in the forced sterilization of indigenous girls up until the year 2000 in some provinces.
When the mass graves at the residential schools became too conspicuous to sweep under the rug our government denounced the facilities (which they created and funded for decades) and apologized. Surely this means our governments are finally respecting the human rights and sovereign lands of the indigenous peoples of Canada right? Nope! Wrong, again.
When Vancouver got the Olympic bid for the 2010 winter Olympics (a modern day “Circus Maximus” that exudes Anthropocentrism and hubris) the statist bureaucrats in Canada immediately began planning how they would steal more of unceded lands of indigenous peoples and pillaging the Earth in order to build the Olympic facilities and event grounds.
As early as 2007, indigenous people, the poor, the homeless and those who live on the land were experiencing the ripple effects of the imperialistic colonialism of the Olympic Games. The vast destruction of mountains, old growth forests, streams, hunting and fishing grounds and delicate ecosystems in which are relied on by Indigenous people; the closures of social housing and low income hotels; the high and increasing rate of homelessness; and the criminalization of Indigenous people and the poor are all part of the lead up to the 2010 Olympics.
Indigenous communities in the interior and the coast of British Columbia including the Secwepemc people of Skelkwek’welt, the St’at’imc of Sutikalh, the Pilalt of Cheam along with people from all colors and creeds were resisting the objectives and activities of the 2010 Olympics since 2003.
Those who stood up to defend their lands were criminalized by the Canadian state. There were hundreds of arrests of Indigenous people (with an emphasis on Indigenous youth and Elders) who protested Olympics 2010 and its objectives.
The Vancouver government appointed the Vancouver Olympic Committee to organize and plan the Winter Games. The Vancouver Olympic Committee, the British Columbian government, and the Canadian government began planning to build the venues for the games. After choosing the venue locations, the International Olympic Committee realized that the land belonged to indigenous people, and was in fact un-ceded land. Un-ceded indigenous land can be classified as land that is not under the protection of a signed treaty, but requires the permission of the First Nations government before being developed. This decision was not released to the public, and construction started without the permission of the First Nations peoples. This outraged First Nations groups in British Columbia, Canada, prompting them to start the campaign known as “No Olympics on Stolen Native Land”.
In response the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (VANOC) allocated $175 million dollars of tax payer money to militarize RCMP units to crush any resistance (they ended up spending over $400 million by 2008 and by the end of February 2009, it was finally acknowledged that the security bill would be over a billion dollars). Much of the security planning was driven by threat assessments conducted by the Integrated Threat Assessment Centre, a branch of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (or CSIS which is Canada’s version of the FBI).
What were those tax dollars used for? Well to crush dissenting voices and silence indigenous elders who spoke out about their land being stolen (so that fancy Olympic athletes could prance around on stages for camera crews) of course!
The militarized police units set up designated “free speech zones” in Whistler and Vancouver (which were chain link fenced in areas out of sight from the main events) and were the only places that people were allowed to protest. When they refused to be hidden away in ‘protest pens’ and protested near olympic events, police brutality ensued. This resulted in several deaths, including the death of indigenous elder Harriet Nahanee, aged 71, after being sent to jail. She died because she was sent to Surrey Pretrial Centre, a prison for men and a noted hell-hole for women in poor health.
Needless to say, over a billion dollars worth of tax payer money later (spent on militarized police units to crush and silence dissent) the olympic corporations marched onward to steal their land, pillage the sea to sky corridor and set up their modern day Circus Maximus (built on the stolen lands of indigenous peoples and tainted by the blood of their peaceful elders that dared to ask that their traditional lands and the wildlife that lived there be respected).
For more info on the corrupt and degenerative corporate Olympic industry see:
and "The International Indigenous Network Statement “No Olympics on Stolen Unceded Native Land”:
(continued from above)
Next up in the seemingly perpetual expressions of Corporate colonialism (assisted by corrupt governments and police) the year is 2013. This time the Canadian government and their corporate bosses want to pillage the Mi'kmaq lands in New Brunswick by building a Petroleum Fracking operation.
When the indigenous peoples refused to hand over their land to the Fracking corporations, RCMP were again militarized to crush dissent and clear the way for more colonial theft.
The Canadian military also used its counter-intelligence unit to monitor the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society-led anti-fracking camp.
Peaceful protests were attacked when the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) brought in snipers dressed in camouflage and armored riot police who attacked protesters with pepper spray, physically assaulting those who stood in the way of violations of treaty rights and the destruction of their land.
For more information about the colonial imperialism that has been imposed on the Mi'kmaq peoples for over 300 years:
Fast forward 3 years and the colonial frontlines moved southward, where an attack on indigenous lands and the body of Mother Earth took shape in the form of the Dakota Access Pipeline. People from many indigenous tribes and all walks of life came together to protest and protect the sacred waters.
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and protesters said the oil pipeline, crossing beneath the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, would pose a grave threat to drinking water on the reservation and beyond.
During the resistance to the pipeline, Indigenous peoples were tear-gassed, bit by attack dogs, shot with rubber bullets, sprayed with water cannons (in below-freezing temperatures), and arrested by authorities.
Now we move forward in exploring the continuity of colonialism to the years 2020.
The blood thirsty corporations and their statist friends continued their colonial pillaging northward in 2019-2020 when the Canadian government and corporations (TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) / Coastal GasLink’s) initiated a violent invasion into the Unceded territory of the Wet'suwet'en Nation.
Militarized RCMP were again sent in to act as enforcers for corporations, assaulting and arresting peaceful indigenous people to make the way for the bulldozers to annihilate the land. The national police force frequently sends members of a specialized division with a reputation of using excessive force against peaceful protestors. Known as the Community-Industry Response Group, or C-IRG, the roving unit draws RCMP officers from far-flung areas of Canada to break up protest camps that form in opposition to fracking operations, pipelines, strip mining projects and old growth logging operations. These are corporate mercenaries with fancy titles, nothing more.
Many brave satyagrahi are still (even now) resisting the imperialistic fascistic conquest and pillaging of Mother Earth and theft of the Unceded sovereign territory of the Wet'suwet'en Nation.
For more information on the current situation :
Wet'suwet'en Explained:
These are just a few examples from the past and not isolated incidents. I could go on and on (providing you examples from all over the world) but it hurts to just expose what I have already in this article and I think you get the idea what of what has been happening. The reason I outlined this unbroken line of “The Continuity of Colonialism” is to dispel the comforting fallacy that some modern day Canadians and Americans tell themselves that says “ya the government, corporations, military and corrupt police did bad things to indigenous peoples in the past, but that was a long time ago and things are different now”.
No, things are not different now, the Colonialism never stopped, it just changed gears, it put on a mask and now it is enforced by judges, government edicts, propoganda and corrupt police acting as corporate enforcers (instead of army soldiers massacring villages to make the way for railroads and giving First Nation women and children small pox infected blankets).
Now here we are present day. Colonialism has taken on new forms such as the colonization of the minds of people of all colors and creeds through governments and corporations using social media and AI Chat bots as a weapon or colonization of the genetic fabric of life (through biopiracy racketeering operations that use corrupt laws to patent seeds and other organisms and synthetic mRNA injections that contaminate the human genome) yet in many ways its ravenous lust to steal the lands of indigenous peoples and pillage the body of the Earth remains the same yet it is presented with new slogans such as “sustainable development” and “renewable energy”.
Here in southern Ontario where we live, if I look out the window right now I can see the result of the belief system that drives the endless commodification of nature and that which was once seen as sacred into money, monocultures, mines and more humans. For hundreds of kilometers in all directions, total devastation of the ancient Carolinian forest that used to cover all of southern Ontario. If I go and dip my cup in a stream here and drink it, I will taste and feel the results.. and for what? “Progress”? “Manifest Destiny”? Righteous colonial settlers exerting their “God given” right to enforce their “dominion” over the natural world and those they saw as less than human?
This trend of humanocentricism has been imposed on a great many different indigenous peoples on all the continents of the Earth. When combined with other variables related to the separation/reductionist mentality, what has resulted in the way in which that belief system has been pushed and represented here on the land that was once called Mshike Mnise (which means “Turtle Island” in the Anishinaabemowin language) resulting in much suffering, depravity, loss of life and ecological devastation.
Ancient food forests that were intentionally created and managed by indigenous peoples for centuries were chopped down by arrogant colonists that wanted to implement their relatively primitive (and extremely degenerative) mono-culture agriculture systems. Now instead of regenerative, diverse, nutrient dense, self perpetuating, decentralized food systems (which persisted for centuries to Thousands Of Years before the Europeans arrived) we have endless fields of GMO corn and soy, poisoned rivers and lakes and children that can recognize 1000 corporate logos but less than ten plant species.
We live in the wild west and the new bandits are mutli-national corporations and statist regimes.
Your proposition to computerize democracy only creates a situation where the morally depraved system that is involuntary governance takes on a new more streamlined, shiny and futuristic covering, at it's core it will remain a system that uses violent coercion to (in a best case scenario) enforce the will of the majority onto a minority (using the threat of violence, theft, kidnapping and murder).
I still vote more my third option outlined above.
In order to illustrate how putting technology on a pedestal is not necessarily a wise approach to trying to solve the challenges we face as a species I present the following hypothetical.
There are many suppressed and emergent forms of energy generation technologies that could theoretically be put to use to balance the scales between the haves and the have nots and to end pollution and environmental destruction. However, it is also possible that we could scale up fusion (cold or hot) and get access to unlimited clean energy, only to use it to destroy what is left of the natural world in the name of “progress” and turn the whole planet into one big Ecumenopolis.
Thus, rather than diving into depending on technology and leaning into anthropocentrism further, I would suggest that the more underlying and fundamental imperative before us is to educate the human beings that are deciding what to do with that technology to value the sacredness and intrinsic value of wilderness places and intact ecosystems.
The "cultural movement" you describe is intrinsically tied to the colonialism and mass destruction of the ecosystems I outlined in this essay
The term "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" is born of a worldview that deemed some human beings as "savages" that needed to be converted or murdered and nature as just another foe that needs to also be conquered and pacified. The results of that backwards adversarial and arrogant mentality can be directly perceived if you look at the industrial contamination of our fresh water sources all over North America. You may want to draw a line of separation between those technologies you described and the ones that were used to kill and contaminate, but that defies the reality that they are born of the same mentality, the came culture of hubris and an irrational and futile attempt to wage war on and conquer nature.
What about the highly advanced forms of democracy and even completely voluntaristic community organizing methods that existed on this continent long before Europeans arrived? I would like to hear you explore their actionable solutions to some of the problems we face as a species and civilization.
Volunteerism seems to work at smaller scales. But breaks down in larger ones. Trust needs to be the focal point of larger systems. This is why we like decentralized trust like Amazon or Ebay use to determine who are good and bad sellers.
Amazon and Ebay are owned by transhumanists that have an irrational fear of death and engage in business in a way that wreaks havoc and mass destruction on the living Earth and involves the exploitation of human beings. Thus, if it was me, I would avoid using them as an example worth emulating in any way.
Do you consider yourself to be a transhumanist?
Volunteerism seems to work at smaller scales. But breaks down in larger ones. Trust needs to be the focal point of larger systems. This is why we like decentralized trust like Amazon or Ebay use to determine who are good and bad sellers.
Volunteerism seems to work at smaller scales. But breaks down in larger ones. Trust needs to be the focal point of larger systems. This is why we like decentralized trust like Amazon or Ebay use to determine who are good and bad sellers.
Thank you for this article. I have subscribed to follow the progress of the swarm and educate myself regarding replacing corrupt systems. As I become more educated in this effort, I expect I will become a more active participant in the process and upgrade to paid subscriber, as well as contributor to the effort as a swarm member and contributor. Finally, there appears to be a way forward in addressing the unbelievable corruption at all levels of our daily life. Peer to Peer trust is the only place I still have confidence in and even that is much smaller than it used to be. I wish you great success in this pursuit.
Thank you Herb! We do not take paid subscribers here as this Substack will always be free. However once we have the Network State running we will be starting a nonprofit called the Uncorruptors. And there we will take donations and anyone who donates will be able to control the entire nonprofit and spending as part of the swarm. Thanks for being our aly!
Nova Scotia has a society, independent Nova Scotia initiative. Using hive theory their plan is to have communities who find trusted proven people to run as independents for office and run in all 55 ridings. Enough independents can control a legislature. The critical difference is they are promoting legally binding performance contracts between the swarm and the candidate that lays out planks, timelines, expectations and restrictions and remedies including firing. Failure to perform gets you fired. They become fully legally accountable. The goal was to run a full slate of 55 candidates in a legislated election date in 2025. The province broke their own election law , called a snap election to thwart the movement , then prohibited 18 candidates from being allowed on a ballot. We will be in Supreme Court on Feb 14 2025 expecting a full win based on charter of rights violations and election fraud.
Woah. That is insane. Contracts between people and candidates is a great idea. We purposed wearing cameras and turning it into a reality TV show of sorts.
Just make the digital system and force all candidates to use it?
Do you know of anyone writing about this or making videos in English?
During the 1992 USA Presidential campaign, Ross Perot observed that: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people of America suffered…. and our only means of correction is to inspect their work and hold them accountable.”
Mr. Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computer programs.
“It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.
Objective reality:
The voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read, comprehend or debate any of the laws they vote on. They vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.
Approximate absolute facts:
Every day that the Congress and Legislatures are in session 100 new bills are introduced and distributed.
The representatives are given two weeks to review the bills before they are brought up for The Vote.
Two weeks into the session they begin voting on the Laws that were previously introduced, while newer laws are continuously introduced.
Many of these bills are in excess of two thousand pages.
The elected representative does not have the time to even read the name of the Law much less the content of it.
Since the Representatives cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their Party advisors tell them to vote.
This demonstrates that Representative government does not exist.
Thus, they have forfeited their delegated obligations to us, The Citizens. And the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making even more tragic mistakes, from which we, and the rest of the world, might never recover is to include ourselves in the final decision-making process.
The Electronic Congress
How it works:
Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.
To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.
Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.
Just imagine:
With a new understanding of government
we will also be able to accommodate new proposals initiated by us, The Citizens, for program and infrastructure improvements.
We, The People, could actually direct the priorities and review the progress of the major agencies like the: CDC and NIH as well as the libraries, school boards and local police departments.
If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.
How to implement it:
Start here:
Dear Mr. / Madam School Board Trustee
I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble reasons for seeking this office.
That is to help you facilitate the betterment of our schools for our children and young people.
To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda questions and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers.
Upload the stack to a server where we can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.
In a perfect world each paragraph must have at least three possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time.
Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:
hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.
In this way Madam Trustee you are assured that you will always have the strength of the community with you when making the decisions that really do effect the lives of our people.
Helpful Taxpayer Citizen
Hosting Companies:
We talk about it until it is done.
Concerned Citizens could have AI parse a recent law or Supreme Court ruling into its actionable elements, apply the Ratify or Annul Questionnaire, then distribute the links.
Can I make money with this?
Of course, you can. Use AI to parse the laws you find most egregious into their component pieces. And then have it build the ballot / questionnaire along with some demographic background to make the game especially interesting. Charge a $1 per voter per law to deliver the results of the poll to the government officials and watch the evolution in real time.
The Electronic Townhall becomes the means by which the Authority of the Citizens is used to Ratify or Annul the Propositions of Government.
Ask the local school board for their agenda items, have AI parse the actionable elements, create a questionnaire, distribute it to the concerned citizens and then evaluate the results.
When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the results of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall
overcome Evil and then we can all live happily ever after.
Ross Perot publicly promised that if the People of America would elect him to The Presidency, he would give us The Electronic Townhall.
The Fourth Branch of Government will allow us to go from Chaos to Prosperity and a Life Worth Living … until the end of time.
We were created by God and in the image of God; we are human beings, not animals in a pen.
The Electronic Townhall
*How to use AI to make money with your website.*
Someone has to start publishing active polls on the issues of our day.
Use AI to parse the most egregious situation, law, grant, program, non competitive bid or tax policy you can find into questions regarding its particulars. And post it on the net.
The US president election is a good place to start:
Trump, Biden, Rishi, Jones, Smith, Kuldeep Persuad, Newsome, Pelosi, Johnson, Rense, Abbot, Farve, Putin, King Charles, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Pat Paulson, Michele’ O’Bama…
One of the first pieces of business is: Who gets to vote in the:
1. general election
2. ratification or annulment process
a. everyone over 18 years
b. everyone over 21 years
c. voters must be citizens – Yes - No
d. anyone in the world can vote – Yes - No
e. property owners over 21 years
f. property owners over 21 years paying a minimum of $5000 per year tax per jurisdiction (school district, county, city, state, federal)
g. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
Should the direct election of Senators be returned to the States?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
What about abortion? Should it be legal? How so? The text of the laws is readily available and everyone has an opinion.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Her body her choice
Or the new Treaty with the World Health Organization…
Should the good and decent Citizens of the world be required to comply with the pharmaceutical recommendations of the WHO?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends
d. His / her body, their choice
What about sexually confused children ?
Should the government pay for and facilitate the genital reassignment health treatments so necessary to save young lives?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends if their parents need the money
Which issue should the local school board consider the most important?
a. Fluid gender toilets
b. Genderless uniforms
c. Reading and writing
d. Placement of litter boxes in the class room or fluid gender toilets
e. Furrys with hurt feelings – what to do?
f. Teaching pornography correctly
All educated people know that cattle farts are melting the polar ice caps and that it is only a matter of a short while before the entire planet is flooded with salt water. Many people will drown.
What should we do about this?
a. Buy everyone a new boat
b. Pay Bill Gates a billion $ to stop it
c. Vaccinate the cattle to stop them from farting
d. Cull the herd so that only the important people can eat meat.
e. nothing
The rich and very powerful have a new plan to steal all of your money and all of your property. They call it CBDC, Central Bank Deposit Credit. This is electronic money. They can turn it on and turn it off to force your compliance with anything they want.
Do you really want them to have that much power over you?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I am a slave anyway
d. No opinion
The uniform tariff and tax schedule is where the rubber really meets the road, but it is probably too abstract for most. Try it if you like, it goes to infinity.
Post: *The Questionnaire* on your web site.
Charge the voters, your patrons, a $ fee to vote on it.
Have the same AI take the patrons demographics and quantify their base of knowledge; education, reading, business experience, children raised, taxes paid and post that too.
One Questionnaire should earn you many thousands of dollars per month and AI can do it for you!
Just think about it… one survey a month at $10,000 net profit times ten and you are making over a hundred thousand dollars per year. That’s pretty good.
Have the AI post the results in real time and send the results to the respective councilman, commissioner, judge, congressman, state representative, senator and governor!!
Use the power of consensus to demand that negative policies be vacated.
The hope here is the representative will, in an effort to keep his cushy job, comply with the wishes of his constituents.
like so?