Agree with your thesis on leaders. A big problem was that the words Leader and Leadership were hijacked and given a corrupt definition. Culturally the words became associated with strength of personality and personality cult. The definitions became way too subjective and they were co-opted by the powerful. To define a set of qualities and call it Leadership and then say that history is full of good leaders and bad leaders just makes the term functionally worthless. For years I lobbied for a concerted effort to free the hijacked terms and redefine them within a moral framework(No such thing as a bad “leader”, you are simply a bad person) So my new definition of leadership is akin to Competence + Truth + Trust. But stop right there. If you are a janitor and you do a good job every day cleaning bathrooms you are a Leader. And there absolutely must be a moral component which is the basis for trust.

So I really like your thrust for the idea that leadership should be more of a grassroots concept than some top down construct which has become corrupt and lost all relevant meaning.

We don’t need more “powerful” leaders as historically defined. We need leaders who may lack power but are real leaders

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This is super interesting. If we may suggest an edit to your equation:

Competence + Truth + Trust + Solving Problems = Leadership

Damn right a janitor can be a good leader.

Good stuff new friend.

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I like your addition

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Working together [2 or more] creates a BOT = being of togetherness with an intelligence far greater than any one real man living soul on its own. A BOT unfolds potential otherwise unattainable. The 'whole' dynamic of life https://holodynamics.com

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I have seen this play out before and eventually made a quote 9 years ago, not sure what scandal triggered it in 2015, perhaps politics.

"Sadly, the easiest way to subvert any important system, with leaders, is through the leaders." - Kalle Pihlajasaari, 2015

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the weak link is US. the belief in authority at all, is the weak link. we do not ask enough of ourselves, and must take responsibility for it.

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Good stuff, Josh. It’s interesting to think leadership is unnecessary when every team member is alert and self-propelled. I hope to unleash the swarm in an upcoming leadership role. I have yet to meet most of my teammates, and at least one might be a better appointment to my role, so I want to establish equality in responsibility. Certainly, there will be unique roles based on skill sets, so I mean equality in the sense that anyone’s problem is everyone’s problem, and we all jump in to solve it for each other. I expect trust levels to grow if one of our goals is to be friends. I think trust and friendship go hand in hand and reflect the kind of character sustained by optimism and motivated by love for people and a worthy purpose. With all of that in mind, I’m counting on a win for everybody. Thanks for sharpening my focus.

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A good tool for staring a swarm is a survey tool like Survey Monkey. We prefer better systems like Dr Rosenberg’s, but until the ecosystems are built and we can all use them, we can still use pen and paper ones, or simple digital ones like this for example. Here is a simple one we did for our friend’s wedding catering business.


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The next step after receiving feedback from your team is aggregating answers and rank choice voting. Then follow the wisdom of the crowd within budget and see what happens! Let us know if you have any questions!

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Outstanding. Thank you, brother.

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The only leader you require is the true self. Society is always the false self and if you follow it, you will be destroyed. Look what happened over the last 4 years. Most people were so scared that they believe their vaunted leaders would save them. How'd that work out?

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Society as you are labeling it is top-down. Top-down systems will always be corrupted eventually. Our is. When you say “society” you are referring to a society built by centralized power now.

If the people decide their own culture from the bottom up, and we problem solve in groups, we can and will have a completely different kind of society. A problem solving one.

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Absolutely. I'll just suggest that systems populated, influenced, or controlled by individuals of deficient character are bottom-up corrupt.

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Indeed. To answer the rhetorical question, the same way it always works out when opportunists become representatives, think they are leaders, and assume they are authorities. If only we could control greed and ego and discern character, starting with our own.

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Better systems can control this, and create opportunity for those who are willing to strive for long term relationships and iterations together as problem solvers.

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" Many people think we need better leaders, but we disagree. We think we need better systems — systems so good that they no longer require leaders to run them."

A palmful of tree seeds placed in the up reached hand of the small child - The promise of a home of their own. A little help along The Way. With time, the promise of a home of their own - fulfilled.

In order for the people of Earth to outpicture "systems so good that they no longer require leaders to run them" people will FIRST need to understand, exactly, what The Divine Plan for these systems actually is and leaders will be needed to move a substantial community of people to demonstrate these systems at scale.

Such that with a minimum needed amount of enabling support these systems will then be able to be utilized by the 1 billion of the least among us, the poorest of the poor, to gain for themselves the True basics of the abundant life on Our Planet Earth as the first step into the Divinely Ordained Coming Golden Age of Freedom on Earth.

Specifically for the creation of high quality, low cost, energy efficient, multi-generational size, universal design, New Era homes built with little or no need for the creation of debt and built within a legal structure which moves the land upon which these homes are built, over time, into a "Divine Trust" status which forever removes, so long as we have rule of law on Our Planet Earth, this land from ever again being used to impose a cost to the owners or occupants of this New Era Home.

This New Era Home model then to be utilized, in a figure 8 pattern, for the building of forever debt free, free standing new New Era Communities symbiotically with rebuilding of the metropolitan areas of our world. Starting with the "slums" and moving to the megalopolis slums, existing and developing, which would otherwise become the hopeless grinding reality of life on earth for the additional 1 billion destined to embody on Earth, if the depopulation agenda can be stopped.

This to be accomplished within a model which appropriately reforests the metropolitan areas and restores, protects, and increases the utility of the world's forests with little to no compelled funding or ability for the generation of unearned profits by "others". All accomplished while expanding the True understanding of the spiritual - physical nature of the reality of Life on Earth and of its application which is a "spiritual power" necessity needed to clear the way for the Golden Age to come into the physical plane.

I watched some of a tv series on "story tv?" yesterday dealing with the world's great disasters from insect swarms. One takeaway for me was that insect overpopulation drives genetic transformation, physically manifested, leading to aggressive, cannibalistic, mass insect migration spurred on to find new food sources AND to avoid being eaten by the insects coming from behind in the rest of the moving swarm.

note: Perhaps swarm theory is not the best choice of terminology to convey what you truly want to convey, yet the bee hive is a divine type model. I will not be reading about swarm theory as mentally translating insect terminology is not worth the effort for me.

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It was worth the effort to write this much about it, yet not understand it? That is hard to comprehend.

The bee hive is a perfect example of how group decision making is wiser than individuals. But feel free to ignore all of that if you want.

Also, curious, why are there so many proper nouns in your statement? Where did they come from?

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