Let's UNIFY Over Our Biggest Problem: CORRUPTION
It is the one place we can and should all agree. Let's start there.
It’s this simple: most of our problems stem from the corruption of our systems.
The way to fix it is to unify against this one problem.
Let’s stop all of the noise and clutter and nonsense. Let’s stop fighting over the hot button issues; and let’s focus.
Do you consider yourself somewhere in the sensible middle, but without a rational voice in the systems anymore? Us too. Let’s start there.
The problem isn’t “the other side” (unless of course you are so far one way or another that you have lost all rationality). The problem is the people corrupting our systems.
The solution is right in front of our faces. Let’s set aside all divisive talk and unify to fix this one problem together. Imagine how much easier all of the other less important problems will be to solve once we fix this infinitely important one.
Fixing the corruption starts with blocking all the divisive manufactured commotion and deciding for ourselves what the best path out of this mess is. We need to work together. We need to stop letting people tell us what path to take (war, tyranny, divisiveness, hatred), and instead think for ourselves. Then we need to discuss it, and most importantly: unify over it.
After we unify we get to work on topics like these and many more:
Demand Transparency in all systems that govern over our lives. We deserve to know how our systems are being corrupted. (like this).
Use advanced technology as security to protect our systems. Good leaders - ones who are not corrupt - will volunteer to use this technology to help us rid the systems of corruption. Bad ones won’t. We can easily spot the differnce and smoke out those who wish the system harm (like we described here and here).
Create new and better systems that actually work WITH the people who are living inside those systems. Our systems should be nourishing people, not hurting them. We the people should be part of creating our own systems. We deserve a seat at the bargaining table. Especially when writing laws, spending our tax money, and deciding what wars we are going to fight. We wrote about possible new parallel systems like this one and this one.
Be a result-driven society. After unifying again, this is the second most important cultural change we could make. Results matter most. Imagine how much better our society would be if we lived by this code and used results as a metric for success. Imagine if we constantly strived for growth. Imagine if we were not afraid to change course when we did not see the results we wanted from the systems we built. Like we discussed here.
What do the people who are doing the corrupting fear most? Unification of us trying to stop them.
So shouldn’t we be doing that?
Let’s define a new unified purpose. Can you think of a better one than working together to eliminate corruption in our systems? We are currently doing a horrible job of it so there is a LOT of room to improve. Once we do we shall see just how important this one thing was all along.
Thanks for reading!
As always the entire purpose of The Rationalist is to connect with other solutions-minded results-driven people like yourself!
We are a Society of Problem Solvers, and if you align with that we are happy that you’ve joined us. We accept guest writers and if you have a solution and want to contribute please submit your article to us!
For over 3 billion years on this planet there were only single-celled organisms. Then one day they somehow learned to work together and make complex multi-celled creatures like you and me. Right now we are like those single-celled organisms. Our next evolution is finding how to work together, better… (like we wrote about here).
#UnifyOverResults #LetsUnify #FindCourage #CorruptionUnity #DecentralizeEverything #DemandTransparency #FuckCorruption
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>The problem is the people corrupting our systems.
The best way to tackle a people problem is to retool the operating structure underneath the corruption.
The operating structure needs to be decentralized.
The best initiative underway to decentralize our corrupt Federal government is leveraging Article 5 of the Constitution.
This initiative is underway and making progress as the Convention of States
Decentralizing the system, decentralizes the corruption. By decentralizing the corruption infinitely more resources can be brought to bear, in parallel, on dismantling the corruption.
Makes enormous sense...did you see El gato malo's suggestion? All data has to be transparent and posted...