Everything old is new again.

Its not funny how war brings people together too damn late. Maybe next time (if we can organise now to kill the NWO Hydras), we can concentrate on past works and integrate them.

Herman Hesse ' the Glass Bead Game '

Issac Asimov's ' Foundation' series.

In the meantime-

The pathology of lies-

In order to survive and multiply in a host, a successful pathogen must be able to: (1) colonize the host; (2) find a nutritionally compatible niche in the host body; (3) avoid, subvert, or circumvent the host innate and adaptive immune responses; (4) replicate, using host resources; and (5) exit and spread to a new host.

The danger is that it only takes one lie in a compromised adult, or child, to corrupt them and shape them.

You have helped me uncover the source of my self- lies and corruption, and the havoc reigned by this pathogen on myself, and resultantly by myself onto others and myself. After 50 years of life I discovered that I am a semi- functional psychopath. This was a big shock but a needed one.

My questions to you are foundationally important.

What are the lies that have corrupted you ( if any) and when was the first one noticed?

How have you dealt with those lies?

And how are they effecting your judgement and goals today.

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Again, I look to indigenous peoples and their method of government. I just saw a short video on a living man from a U.S. tribe whose genetics go back 17,000 years on this continent. The native cultures were balanced and all were welcome to add input. I am sure this varied from group to group and some were matriarchal. But there is much in their long balanced life on this continent that led to that which need be considered

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I would add in a dose of humility. At no point in the past three years discussion did I hear the experts ask, but what if we are wrong? I ask myself that question all of the time and I value criticism to help focus not only the correct answers, but are we asking the correct questions. History is a valuable teacher, but only if we are humble enough to learn from it.

I follow both Jordan Peterson and Jocko Willink and they both are right in line with this post.

Great work on keeping up the posts.

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Great article!

On a manageable scale I am trying to assemble a group of dissenters including mostly people who have lost their jobs and homes through mandates. To form a defensible secure with a goal just to survive the next two years, on my farm.

Nurses, soldiers, lawyers, other farmers, history scholars, and moderate dissidents.

I am staying in my lane. Others are far more qualified can deal with the NGO Hydras ( and will need food, shelter and a place to retreat and people to look after their families), then hopefully these NWO psychos will consume each other ( as is their nature).

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Very thought provoking piece.

The U.S. (and the Greek city-states, and the Roman republic) became great without standing armies. Is it possible that we do not need a standing army? Do we even need a standing government? What if we elected government regulators when we need them, and their term in office expired after a certain time and then they returned to private life?

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The problem now is that our current batch of “scholars” are unwise, prone to groupthink, and at best amoral, but mostly immoral. I call our “experts” paid liars that hide deceit in complexity.

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Growth (mindset) in a finite world is not a practical long term solution, rather a problem.

Otherwise lots of good stuff as usual.

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