Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023Liked by Valerie R. Masai-Aspaas, The Society of Problem Solvers

The people trying to force these Treasonous, Unconstitutional laws need to be arrested.


Sheriffs do your job.

Arrest these lunatics.

No more tolerance towards Unconstitutional Tyranny, full stop.

No more tolerance for Marxist ideology.

No more !

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Valerie R. Masai-Aspaas, The Society of Problem Solvers

Crazier and crazier. Thank you for this information.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Valerie R. Masai-Aspaas, The Society of Problem Solvers

Great Email!!! Disgusting Bill!

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Thank you for all the awesome feedback everyone. I just wanted to share with you this update from State Senator Keith Wagoner, he brings some frightening insight into the situation and he's on our side in this:

Good afternoon and thank you for taking the time to contact my office with your concerns and frustrations with House Bill 1333. While this legislation has not yet made its way to the Senate, I can assure you that I have grave concerns with many aspects of this bill.

In 2022, the state Office of the Attorney General (AGO) was appropriated $125,000 in the final supplemental operating budget to study state and local responses to acts or potential acts of domestic terrorism in the state. But perhaps somewhat concerning is what is NOT in the legislation but what Attorney General McKenna had to say about this proposal. In an interview last week he stated, “Our report is very clear that we think a definition of domestic terrorism at the federal level is a useful starting point. But it focuses strictly on sort of threats of bodily harm, of killing somebody, for example, which, from our perspective, is simply too narrow for the great threat that we see with the increase of radicalization, for example.

So, we're trying to broaden that term to address things that are not specifically a threat to somebody, but where the state can take some action in prevention, for example, take a more holistic approach, a public health approach, to address what we all see and know is happening in communities all across the country.”

This bill is very broadly crafted and causes me great concern. There is a fine line between being a threat to your community and being passionate about your views and this legislation doesn’t differentiate the difference.

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Does this go for the threat of "injection of poisons" to keep your job? I lost my job of 17 years at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for not getting them. Two of my coworkers are already dead that decided to keep their job and get them. Isn't this threatening with bodily harm and they are now dead so it is murder? Or will they turn it around and say those that didn't get the jabs are the domestic terrorists? The CEO of my ex-company wrote an email to all employees stating that those that didn't want to get the poison jabs are a threat to the public.

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That is so backwards! Good for you. I’m sorry to hear about your ex-coworkers & hope financially you’re doing ok. The person that wrote the email claiming unvaccinated are guilty of anything, is an idiot. Tell them to follow the “real” science, not Fauci science.

I think companies that mandated are murderers. Especially gov. agencies that knew of the harms. Thank you for your service. Stay strong! Keep pushing back. 🇺🇸

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Thanks for the extra sites. It’s so interesting to me. I was really sad for awhile thinking about the future & worrying, etc. but now I’m ready to do something. Anything- to help slow & stop this. Vaccines were given to the military ranks, in the past, as experimental. Imagine using your own trained soldiers as guinea pigs? Just unconscionable. I read “ The Real Anthony Fauci” book and was surprised by all that. ( and so much more!)

The guy that moved to Mexico knew some of this. He probably grew up with corporals & heads of countries, drinking & sharing all kinds of info. No wonder he had no interest in joining the military like his dad. I asked him one day about our military, etc. coming to the aid of American citizens, while they vacationed in other countries. I always had this image of soldiers coming to save the oh kidnapped vacation victim , etc. I used to cruise a lot with my mom and just wondered his thoughts. He just laughed & laughed and shook his head. “ There not coming to save me?”, I asked. He just kept laughing. Hollywood dreaming I guess. That’s so funny about messing w/ “men in black”. I try to tell others that not ALL can be bought off. I was going to say more but I’m sure someone is reading this and taking notes. Now. They have even more reason to de- program me. Guilty by association, thanks! Just kidding. My mom was big into conspiracy & doubting everything from moon landing , JFK, & 911. More people are opening their eyes since Covid. Even if they don’t SEE everything, at least they’re paying attention. Oh gosh & AIDS, that’s terrific. There’s a bunch in Fauci book about that. He is a nut case, and killed many with his experimental drugs & not admitting HIV caused AIDS. Lots of African deaths by Gates & Fauci. Why would a computer nerd want to get into vaccines unless it’s to get more money? ( & power)

My uncle died from medicine Fauci pushed.

( and all my uncle’s friends, etc.) AZT, I think.

Have you checked out Katherine Watt, & Sasha Latypova? ( here on Substack?) Katherine has a bunch of DOD copies of Bioweapons & plans through the Freedom of Info. ACT. They both are extra smart on all this. They have targets on their backs too, I’m sure. I’ll check out your videos this weekend.

Don’t get a job at Fred Hutch, I’m so mad at them. Because of Fauci award they gave him on AIDS research. He should be in jail. I know it’s politics and money - grants drive these places but I’m so disappointed in them. I guess it’s all political. I can’t think of a place that doesn’t require anti-discrimination training or woke awareness, etc. I wouldn’t do well in that class. 😂

God is the ultimate answer to all this chaos. We really have power with HIM on our side.

Have a good weekend. 🌈

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Valerie R. Masai-Aspaas

Not sure you have subscribed to my Substack yet, but I just published an article that discusses the Cordyceps fungus predictive programming in the entertainment industry with ties to why the WEF would want us to eat bugs and even into the weather balloon narrative in our MSM. All these events are lining up so I kind of tie it together for people that are not good at research and relating events to see the bigger picture. The Satanic Elite will always warn us before they attempt to harm us; the warnings for the jabs were told decades in advance but people don't listen to the warnings and always fall for the narratives.

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I am still hanging in there to support my family. I have sold lots of stuff and am in survival mode. My remote family will not help as they hate unvaccinated, wished death upon them etc. My inheritance was withheld from my parent's estate as I didn't get the poisons like the rest of the family (brother and sister.)

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Well the truth is coming & you will be vindicated. There are companies looking for smart, driven people like you. Also, if you need help selling anything, I have some connections. I emptied and sold a guy’s entire house before he moved to Mexico. His dad was a higher up in military & grew up all over the world. He saw the corruption first hand. My email is ldsherwin@comcast.net. I have 2 Moderna in me & wish everyday I didn’t. I went with my 80 year old dad & it was early Jan. 2021. The lady signing him up encouraged me to “ check a few more boxes”. (Co-morbidities) for myself & I could get vaxed. I also have M.S. so there’s that. We were in panic- mode but I usually do not make decisions based on fear. You will never regret your decision. Like they say, “ when you have your health, you have everything”. You will be ok, I know it. Let me know if you need any help. I also have a hobby with older furniture that can bring in some good money if you like that kind of thing. I’ve had great luck consigning a few places. Anyway, good luck to you.

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Thanks for the luck and offer of help; I am going to need it. I haven't had much luck with jobs as at a few interviews even for remote work they wanted proof of the jabs. I had sold my Maserati Granturismo and a late model Nissan Maximo Platinum edition with all options and that helped for the year. I am looking at selling my 2002 Lincoln Blackwood Nieman Marcus edition (only 50 made) with a factory installed Paxton Novi supercharger and more. I was a collector of automobiles and have gotten rid of most of the collector ones and that will kill off that hobby and attending car shows. I have a little 2012 Mini Cooper that I am hanging on to for now and my wife has her 2018 Alfa Stelvio which I haven't thought about selling yet as they are practical. I have my own coin collection with lots of Gold and Silver coins so I haven't sold much from it yet as it is more portable wealth. The big stuff carried me through this year. I am starting to sell my collectibles (artwork, statues, etc.) as well through various collector forums, etc. Once I get the house cleaned out some more, I hope to sell it as well. I hope you last longer than my friends. My sister has had 2 x Moderna and has had to go to the hospital several times. I think she knows she took poison but she won't apologize to me for stuff she said or has done or even say anything now to me. I had told her to get a D-dimer test (to check for micro-clots, etc.) but she ignored that. I have been basically cutoff from the whole family which is fine by me as I am glad to know who are friends and enemies and this has been a way to tell the difference. I hear about them dying usually weeks after they have died so at least they send me some form of communication like an email stating this when it happens. I wish I had at least one family member that didn't take the poisons but sadly this wasn't the case. They never listened to me as I was the black sheep/conspiracy theory guy at the table who they ridiculed all the time.

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Well don’t give up. Maybe I’ll get the D-dimer test. I’m the conspiracy theorist in our family, so it was disappointing that I fell for this. I usually research s lot but felt the pressure.

( fake pressure) I also didn’t realize at the time, how committed all our agencies were to this & how deep it went. I do now. Was your sister in hospital for Covid? Your cars sound cool & don’t completely stop what you love.

My husband bought a friend’s Shelby Cobra kit car and had fun w/ that for a couple years.

I’m not much into cars but I get it. My daughter has an old Mustang that just keeps going. She needs a car with better gas mileage but she just loves it. She works downtown but doesn’t have to pay for parking and I’m glad she doesn’t take a bus. I’m not sure this light rail will fly either, w/ homeless living on that too. I hate how bad Seattle has gotten w/ crime. I found a cool app called Coin Snap & it’ll have you take a picture of your coin & it estimates a value. It doesn’t determine the grade or quality so it’s just a range but kinda neat. Sounds like you have lots of options. I hope your family comes around. I was never anti- vax, until Covid. ( after I got them.🙈) Everybody has to figure it out themselves I guess. It’s shocking how many super, super smart friends are still into these vaccines. (Ex-Microsoft people that are retired now, at 50 smart) One friend swears I’m all wrong about Bill Gates, because he’s met him, “and he’s really nice”. So we just keep moving forward & figure out how to get this info. out to people. I’m writing Olympia a lot, they know me now. I’m a squeaky wheel, I don’t care. They have to stop these shots. And then they try to pass HB1333? It’s all about shutting me up. 😂 I’ll send good vibes your way to find a job soon. 👍 Mandates are all ending soon.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Valerie R. Masai-Aspaas, The Society of Problem Solvers

Such an amazingly great letter she wrote. Please keep us posted on the outcome!

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Valerie R. Masai-Aspaas

A question.

I would like to know how we are going to enable rational solutions (some would say ‘common sense solutions’) to this country’s problems when we are faced with ( mostly leftist) lunatic authoritarians who want total control over our society?

They are not rational and show no indication that they are interested in working together to solve the nations problems.

In fact, they are working hard to make the problems worse....

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Mark, we believe it starts by finding common ground between people, and by stopping using labels. Labels are not usually necessary for solutions. What is necessary is seeing what we agree on the most that will have the most impact. Ending the corruption in our systems seems to be the best answer. We don't need to convince every person stuck in every ideology to join us. The middle portion of the world is the majority. Let's start there.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Valerie R. Masai-Aspaas, The Society of Problem Solvers

We just keep swimming. Remember Finding Nemo? Keep swimming & eventually a whale might come along and eat some of the others, the ones that don’t like us to question. That’s horrible, but is it? I’m tired of being nice. I just wrote a message to three of my legislators to encourage them to fight against the “silence” bill. If I wasn’t living this, I wouldn’t believe it. I’m telling you, I’ve said it before, they’re fluffing my pillow now. 🙈 No pillows for questioners. We need to start peacefully getting in mainstream media. They don’t show shitzmo of what’s really going on. People need it spoon fed to them. First bite, here it comes... “ Guess what? Your country, yes our country, is trying to kill us.”

Too straight forward?! I don’t think so. It’s time we do something. Why can’t we stop these shots? It’s like there’s a fire, a huge fire, but only 1/2 of us see it. Second spoonful,...

“ Hey, there’s a huge fire, we’ll it’s a bioweapon, might as well be a fire, and it’s going to have lasting effects on our world” .

Mark, what are your suggestions?

Are you even a swimmer? Just keep your head above the water & don’t stop moving forward. We are gaining momentum & more people are realizing these shots & companies are incompetent, fake, & corrupt.

This is my email I sent:

Please fight against this bill. We are in difficult times but punishing those that question “ the experts”, is not the answer. How many times did the FDA, CDC, and Anthony Fauci, change their recommendation or admit past “conspiracy theories” were actually true. Alex Berenson, best selling author, sued Twitter for banning him from the site. His comments later became scientific facts about limitations of the Covid 19- vaccines. This is a slippery slope with potentially huge, long term, negative results. When you take away freedom of speech, you take away representation in the most raw form. Who will speak for us, if we can’t speak for ourselves? This is more important than life itself. If we have learned anything the last 3 years, with the pandemic, it’s that important information changes. Science isn’t stagnant, it’s constantly learning and relearning.

"If all mankind MINUS ONE, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing


John Stuart Mill

Please don’t take this bill lightly or rely on others to deny its passage. Too many have fought and died for our freedoms, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights & our Constitution. Freedom is never free & our forefathers knew the bravery & courage it would take to fight the tyranny that might come. Unfortunately, it’s here & citizen’s need your help to stop this madness. Our country needs new, fresh minds that aren’t hesitant to share ideas & ways to make this world a better place. Far too many are currently afraid to speak up about anything important. This bill would solidify that fear & extinguish any spark of freedom left in this country. This is not an exaggeration, if anything, it is an understatement, for the level of authentic harm this censorship will cause. Please fight to stop this bill. This is truly the beginning of the end if it’s allowed to pass. We need warriors in Wa. government to take on these tyrants of censorship. It’s bad enough to have had to deal with the last few years, and now deal with a worsening economy. Only to come up for air to see this bill being introduced to lessen our ability to express our views.

What is it that the sponsors are afraid of?

Controversy of thoughts is not the enemy. The enemy is the one that looks to kill the opposing ideas, without speaking a word or proving their side. It’s a tyrannical, lazy way of shushing a free society. And in the end, the result will create more animosity & frustration. Where there once was love for a free country, will be replaced with animosity & unrest. Is the government so afraid of its citizens that they have to legislate their silence?

Please help stop this bill. My only other relief if this does pass is the inability to enforce it. We can’t get police to enforce speed limits or store theft. FBI is too busy covering up whatever the next scandal might be, and homeland security isn’t active anymore, I don’t think. Otherwise, they would be helping at the Mexican border.

I’m just a grandma in Des Moines that wants our country to celebrate freedom rather than prosecute it. That’s why this country was founded. If this bill passes, might as well take our flag away too. It won’t stand for freedom anymore. It won’t represent the citizens. Just take it.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Valerie R. Masai-Aspaas, The Society of Problem Solvers

Hey Valerie, Great letter to our government legislators. Maybe we’ll be roommates one day? I’m pretty sure they’re getting your bed ready as well. 😂 I’m not worried, I’m a warrior. Keep fighting! Keep pushing back!

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Haha! I bet they are. I'll be first on the list for "re-education" if they ever have the power to do so. They are master manipulators, but I still doubt their ability to enforce anything. Unless they just financially punish us. I can't find a job in education here without enduring a woke ideology purity test. I'm just trying to substitute teach and yet I have to submit a one-pager of commitment to their ideology: " [redacted] School District is committed to eliminating racism, inequities for students, and institutional bias in order to ensure all of our students reach their full potential. Prospective employees of the District will be expected to share in this focus and commitment, and therefore are required to respond to the following: Write a one-page summary of your work and life experiences that position you to be successful in this District commitment and upload as attachment Equity Summary or Other."

Meanwhile they are facing an emergency shortage of subs. I wonder why.

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Hot damn Val!

This is why we need our own code. One committed to results mattering most. One committed to admitting when you are wrong and changing course. One committed to transparency, solutions-mindedness, and - above all - ending the corruption that has overtaken our systems.

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It redacted the district name. No worries. But, that’s funny. What about private schools? We need people just like you teaching our young minds. It’s so frustrating to watch this. Talk about the dumbing down of our society. Keep fighting the good fight. Maybe you’re needed somewhere else right now.

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I'm slowly edging my way into private Christian education. I like it a lot better. <3

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A bit off topic - did you hear? - A judge - Jan 25 - has granted a preliminary injunction halting enforcement of the bill in CA "banning" so-called Medical mis-information - MD Gag bill.


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Revelations from the BIBLE against dictatorships




We must demand the visura, the publication of the assets of the high offices, of the judiciary by virtue of transparency


If instead of bullets or atomic bombs the obligatory vaccine for everyone with toxic


The CIA and its massacre protocol


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This is the Monoparty at work. Call the Democratic party what you will (fascism/communism/global collectivism)...but the United States of America has been taken over by an authoritarian spirit that will criminalize all other points of view. They all must be removed from power and placed into re-education schools regarding what America was founded upon. Start with dis-enabling George Soros. Then expose the international communist roots that McCarthy and others showed was occuring in the levers of power.

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