Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

The very technology you want to champion as a solution is being used by your opponents to prevent your success is the biggest barrier to the implementation of your proposed solution.

You can't control representatives through voting if the election is corrupted.

You cannot elect representatives with integrity if the corrupt politicians currently in control game the election system to prevent their being replaced.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Corruption is one of the big problems. But the other big problem is that many voters feel entitled to use the power of government to take from other citizens to get what they want. They don't view government as an unbiased referee but a way to get what they want and to advance certain groups that they favor. Those with these views will not provide very good checks and balances.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Instead of intrusive digital oversight of politicians, why not eliminate politicians altogether, since they are the bottlenecks for both power and corruption? Let citizens propose laws, debate them, and collectively write a final version to be voted on. When a vote is scheduled, all affected constituents are notified, and votes are submitted over a 48-hour period. There are no running totals; the result is simply published at the end of the 48 hours.

This way all government action will originate from public need, not from government need. Are potholes on Main Street becoming a problem? We will know because public comments about repaving Main Street will become an increasing focus on the local political forum. Now, the guy who owns the paving company will vote to repave every year - but he is just one anonymous voice in the ongoing debate. Until the majority want to repave, and have worked out a way to pay for it, no paving will be done. It allows the people to direct their resources and efforts toward what is most important FOR THEM.

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please be encouraged , your on the right track. We must have fair elections and then transparency. These are the 2 answers i get again and again when I ask God to give me guidance.

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If you fear technology like I used to, try to simplify your fear like this:

Decentralized technology is good.

Centralized technology is bad - UNLESS the centralized entity is completely controlled by the larger decentralized entity.

Technology is being used against us right now to keep colluding entities in power. We need to wield that same power and use it back on them.

This could happen fast if we work together. Who can build the tech? In needs to be open sourced and transparent code so we all trust it.

Where should we go to meet? Someone reading this has an idea.

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But since the politicians are never going to build their own shock collars, we need to do it first and insist that they wear them

This is the crux. We have absolutely no control over what our politicians do. We couldn’t even force them to open playgrounds and parks during the plandemic. I think the odds of them agreeing to an open and transparent system of government are close to nothing.

In my opinion, the better approach is to focus on what *we as individuals* can do right now. The working assumption should be that the government is at best indifferent and at worst actively hostile. How do we fix things in this world?

The answer is to withdraw from our corrupt culture and become as physically and intellectually self-reliant as possible. This is something that everyone can start *today* and does not require us to persuade people who have no incentive to change. The government has power over society because many people depend on it. If we break that dependency, then it becomes impotent.

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You are implicitly endorsing using a corrupt system (the black boxes that count votes, that are not allowed to be audited) to fix a corrupt system. It will never work.

The only logical thing is to not use the corrupt system, i.e. don't vote. I know many will argue that is not the right way, that it's lazy, etc. Many folks have already figured this out. The folks who don't vote in any election (which is always a plurality of voters) are not all lazy or apathetic. Many of them have figured this out and won't participate. Understanding that if an election is held, and no one shows up, the system is instantly exposed as the sham that it is.

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Well what happens to all our invested retirement funds? We need the in place finance officer to know what debits/credits are going into the system. Perhaps our own cash bank. Then tax money can go there and work from there. We obviously can’t pay the false debt they have built up, but some import exports have to known.

We could go a barter type system for some. Truckers and rail people could be given meals to them and their families to keep flows going until new monetary solutions arise. This is most important. Keep flows going.

Another big one is cleaning out the Universities. 🙄or Lordy Lordy do they need cleaning. There are “borne teachers” out there that can teach the grade school kids. Real teachers. But to have some normalcy we can keep the kids busy building up their own schools. I’m sure montmorency schools and Khan academy can help with this.

We may have to do neighborhood or “communal” work together (it’s not communism so don’t get your panties in a bunch). We have to confront taking care of each other. NO LEADERS JUST COOKS. This is where the culinary arts can really shine.

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Do you have a great idea that idea portal is more or less the concept of focused system I am looking for Partners to help develop which I called the initiative quorum.  In this quorum, the idea is to monetize debate and reward people who can prove arguments with facts and logic in relation to policy.  The end goal is to help people build critical mass is to launch their own ballot measures so that we can decide on the very ideas we would like to vote on connecting E Democracy with Direct Democracy.

You are a great writer, and it would be wonderful to collaborate!

Working on that here. https://ballot.now.site

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What is the underlying cause of corruption ?

Genes ? NO!! ; but greed and wrong up-bringing.

What is the underlying cause of greed and wrong up-bringing ?

Genes ? NO !! ; but sheer egoism as a result of bad education.

What is the underlying cause of sheer egoism as a result of bad education ?

Genes ? NO !! ; but life in an anonymous mass-society and its ruthless rulers who just "know how to play the game".

What is the underlying cause of a life in an anonymous mass-society with ruthless rulers ?

So-called civilization, the point when humanity left behind the life of autonomous, accountable, responsible and therefore sustainable hunter-gatherers, started agriculture and herding, thus allowing for specialization and creation of a (power) stratified society with all its "progress" as well as evil outcomes.

The only sustainable solution that will make a future for humanity possible is digitalized D E C E N T R A L I Z A T I O N with widest possible spread of an education that makes very clear that there IS no planet B and we ALL are just equal parts at the beginning of a "bigger story" on a global scale. NO politics, NO religion !!

Once communities whose members do not surpass the Dunbar's number by large are implemented, corrupt people will go extinct automatically. Seen any corruption in a village lately ??

Trust is essential, but direct societal control in a small community is far more efficient !!

Thanks for your post and ideas !!

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deletedSep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022
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