The Two Most Interesting Things We Learned This Week: The Power of Authenticity. The Amazing Life of Marcus Aurelius.
Aloha, Problem Solvers!
This week, we recommend considering the teachings presented in the following two short videos. The first video sheds new light on the science behind our states of being and the actual frequencies humans emit. Researchers placed individuals into Faraday cages (rooms that block out all other waves, such as radio and WiFi) to study the wavelengths emitted, comparing them to the individuals' emotional states.
For a long time, it has been understood that negative states give off low frequencies—emotions like sadness, fear, anger, jealousy, etc., are considered low frequency. On the other end of the spectrum, positive emotions register much higher frequencies—happiness, empathy, etc. Historically, the highest recorded frequencies have been associated with love, prayer, and gratitude (which could be argued to be very similar states). However, recent findings reveal an even more remarkable state of being that stands out: authenticity—the act of living a life true to oneself. The frequency given off is 400x that of grattitude.
Interestingly, there is further scientific evidence to support this. When people who are sick and dying in Hospice are asked to list their top ten regrets in life, the number one regret expressed is: "I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."
Imagine a world where everyone authentically lived according to their true selves.
Authenticity is undoubtedly a rare quality to find in someone, but what does authenticity truly entail? To us, it begins with a simple act—being honest with yourself. Being self-aware and making choices that align with your genuine desires. (Remember, we are simply the choices we make.) Authenticity also means being impeccable with your word, doing what you say you will do, and being truthful with others. Above all, authenticity signifies embracing your imagination—finding the convergence of your imagination, your capacity to impact and enhance the world around you (whatever that may mean to you; you define your purpose), and your enthusiasm.
The foundation of authenticity lies in honesty with oneself. Interestingly, Jordan Peterson has a saying about this (paraphrased): "If you commit to being honest with yourself from this day onward, one thing is guaranteed: Life will become an adventure."
This week, we encourage all of us to maximize this concept. What occurs when we all heed our inner voices and behave in a manner consistent with our authentic selves?
Take a minute to watch this intriguing video:
A compelling component of authenticity seems to be the pursuit of purpose. One individual who exemplified a life of authenticity and purpose was Marcus Aurelius. His approach centered on identifying virtue in his actions, which in turn led to discovering his purpose.
Another amazing and inspiring video.
Thanks for reading!!
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For over 3 billion years on this planet there were only single-celled organisms. Then one day they somehow learned to work together and make complex multi-celled creatures . Right now we are like those single-celled organisms. Our next evolution is finding how to work together, better… (like we wrote about here).
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Each basic element of the known atomic chart consists of energy at different frequencies of vibration. The difference between any two elements is the difference in both atomic structure and vibrational frequency. Courage at 200 hertz is the threshold between power and force. Courage is the first waking point from a dream about what we are not. Below 200 hertz life is destructive, above 200 hertz life is constructive. The critical thing about courage is that the energy field goes neutral. The reason for that is b/c the person told the truth. 01:43 mins Dr. David Hawkins who wrote 'Power Vs. Force'.
Excellent, TRS. Promoting virtue around us starts with promoting virtue within us. Judge Jacob Braude said, “Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.” We each need to listen to the still, small voice within us and reject the coercive rot of mass media and the herd instinct to “fit in.” My grandmother, wringing her hands over a family faux pas, would exclaim, “What will people think?!” I love you, Grandma, but authenticity begins with, “What do I think?” Unless we are sociopaths, the ancient Greek maxim “Know thyself” is the path to virtue, personal renewal, peace, respect for ourselves and others, and freedom. Emerson put it this way: “Trust thyself. Every heart vibrates to that iron string.” That’s universal harmony.