Each basic element of the known atomic chart consists of energy at different frequencies of vibration. The difference between any two elements is the difference in both atomic structure and vibrational frequency. Courage at 200 hertz is the threshold between power and force. Courage is the first waking point from a dream about what we are not. Below 200 hertz life is destructive, above 200 hertz life is constructive. The critical thing about courage is that the energy field goes neutral. The reason for that is b/c the person told the truth. 01:43 mins Dr. David Hawkins who wrote 'Power Vs. Force'. https://youtu.be/PWar4TZssoU
Excellent, TRS. Promoting virtue around us starts with promoting virtue within us. Judge Jacob Braude said, “Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.” We each need to listen to the still, small voice within us and reject the coercive rot of mass media and the herd instinct to “fit in.” My grandmother, wringing her hands over a family faux pas, would exclaim, “What will people think?!” I love you, Grandma, but authenticity begins with, “What do I think?” Unless we are sociopaths, the ancient Greek maxim “Know thyself” is the path to virtue, personal renewal, peace, respect for ourselves and others, and freedom. Emerson put it this way: “Trust thyself. Every heart vibrates to that iron string.” That’s universal harmony.
Each basic element of the known atomic chart consists of energy at different frequencies of vibration. The difference between any two elements is the difference in both atomic structure and vibrational frequency. Courage at 200 hertz is the threshold between power and force. Courage is the first waking point from a dream about what we are not. Below 200 hertz life is destructive, above 200 hertz life is constructive. The critical thing about courage is that the energy field goes neutral. The reason for that is b/c the person told the truth. 01:43 mins Dr. David Hawkins who wrote 'Power Vs. Force'. https://youtu.be/PWar4TZssoU
Excellent, TRS. Promoting virtue around us starts with promoting virtue within us. Judge Jacob Braude said, “Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.” We each need to listen to the still, small voice within us and reject the coercive rot of mass media and the herd instinct to “fit in.” My grandmother, wringing her hands over a family faux pas, would exclaim, “What will people think?!” I love you, Grandma, but authenticity begins with, “What do I think?” Unless we are sociopaths, the ancient Greek maxim “Know thyself” is the path to virtue, personal renewal, peace, respect for ourselves and others, and freedom. Emerson put it this way: “Trust thyself. Every heart vibrates to that iron string.” That’s universal harmony.
Enlightened take. Stopping the noise around us is vital.