Infiltration and sabotage is a great method. This doesn’t mean throwing sand in gears and explosive clogs into boilers. It’s as simple as getting the woke HR director fired because human nature is human nature, and everyone on the planet says something non PC from time to time…(oops… sorry, not sorry)…

And our “side” better start learning and practicing lawfare like childrens hearts depend on it…..

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All of this starts with us. The government does not respect us because it is not afraid of us. It knows that most people are utterly dependent on it and can be made to believe almost anything. If we show *through our actions* that the opposite is true, their power dramatically shrinks. I agree that transparency should be the ultimate goal, but it’s way down the line. We need a revolution of self-reliance first. That's Step 0.

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Timing is tricky. If self-reliance reaches a critical mass, I feel rather certain we will see triggered supply chain collapses, and possibly communication grid disruption on an epic level. This would have many repercussions, but namely would make transparency difficult to validate.

So perhaps these two movements need to move in tandem? Slow and steady seems like a dangerous pace, but it might be the only way to avoid some rather terrible escalations into chaos.

That's my two cents. This is a great comment on a very articulate post. I'm loving all this dialogue.

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How does planting a vegetable garden, raising some chickens, and building a home gym result in communication grid disruption on an epic level? I'm not following.

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If enough people start unplugging (so to speak), there could be an attempt to maintain control by disrupting the supply chain in a strategic way, to maintain the remaining people's dependency to the current system. To phrase it another way, in order to squash momentum of growing self-sufficiency, there would be a problem-reaction-solution enacted on the populace. And to be clear, what I'm articulating is indeed a very hypothetical conspiracy. But the global powers are playing this whole thing like a game of chess. And if I were strategizing from their perspective, this would be the obvious next move as a response to growing autonomy amongst the populace.

And in that same vein, I think all this calls for more than starting a personal homestead. That should absolutely pursued by everyone, I agree, but more importantly is establishing community relationships towards acquiring and distributing resources. We as a people are (currently) still absolutely dependent on the system continuing as it runs now, and hence it's very difficult to try to enact any true change. But if communities can begin sourcing nearly everything needed within a small network (say two degrees of separation or less) then it will be much harder to put the smack down on a burgeoning movement of self-sufficiency. That's when Decentralization can really start to thrive, and when the people can legitimately say to the bureaucracies: "we don't need you". Because until that point, almost all of us will still be relying on globalization (one way or another) in order to live our lives.

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We as a people are (currently) still absolutely dependent on the system continuing as it runs now, and hence it's very difficult to try to enact any true change. But if communities can begin sourcing nearly everything needed within a small network (say two degrees of separation or less) then it will be much harder to put the smack down on a burgeoning movement of self-sufficiency.

I think we're saying the same thing. From a practical standpoint, 99.9% of people (including me) can't be completely self-sufficient. From a practical standpoint, 99.9% of people (including me) will never deadlift 1000 pounds. But anything that moves us in that direction can only be good. Building a garage gym, planting a vegetable garden, or sourcing our meat from a local rancher is a powerful way to *actually hurt these people* instead of just writing angry letters or going to useless protests.

I'm trying to focus on things that we can do *today* that do not require a complete overhaul of society. Paralysis by analysis is a very real threat.

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Paralysis by analysis = i like that. Certainly a real threat for self-inflicted damage, and I may be over analyzing here. But while it's important to focus on the present, it's gonna be a scary time whenever things do (for better or worse) start to really change. So along with the discussions of what a future system of governance might look like, it's important to avoid repeating the same mistakes of corporate conglomeration and the monopoly of resources, and discuss what a future system of commerce might look like. The Rockefeller legacy is a living example of the monopoly model, and I contend that it'd be more useful to draw from the Amish model in the future. They have had their shit together for centuries now, and ideologies aside, have proven it is possible for a large population to effectively denounce governmental overreach.

But I digress, I think we are on the same page here as well. I'm just fascinated by this point in time, all the various directions that we could go in as a society. Extraordinary times we are in.

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I agree that the Amish should be our model. Since they don't need anything from the government, the government can't take anything away from them. It is rendered powerless without a shot fired. In my opinion, this is the only truly workable / scalable solution. Right now, we have a culture of weakness and dependency. We need to change that into a culture of strength and independence. The good news is that we can start *right now*.

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I see two caveats:

1. People in power will inevitably become corrupt.

2. People break their oaths on a daily basis.

The easiest thing everyone can do right now: Don't comply and don't use any of the WEF crap like digital IDs for example. If enough people would resist their agenda, the whole thing would implode.

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The people are already corrupted though. And no one is held accountable. That is the main thing we are trying to fix. People like the WEF use these corruption points to control the systems. If we make better systems, then people won't be able to corrupt them. As Naval Ravikant likes to say: "A good system should be able to be turned over to your enemies and still not be corruptible."

To me - it is all about making a better system.

The Oath thing, you have a point. But it is a start to hold people more accountable.

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I believe politicians also should have an “ essential “ job.

No more taxpayer funded for life.

A stipend when they actually work for us.

Pay the same for everything.

No more auto raises.

We vote for it.

Audit all politicians immediately.

All NGOs eradicated

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I am actually of the opinion that we should crowd fund political bonuses. Since we would remove money from politics. I would have no problem if a politician made millions in crowd funding from doing an amazing job and the people chose to reward them.

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All NGOs eradicated and non-profit foundations restricted to charity work. The left has co-opted most of them also.

I believe that they are legally supposed to stay out of politics, but the laws have not been enforced.

How bout maybe enforcing the laws already on the books. It worked pretty well when it was tried......

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I am inspired. Primarily and most important first step is to make the One Thing (fixing a corrupted system), The Most Important Thing. This idea needs to spread like a virus. This is what should unite all political parties in the US and other countries. This should drive all the talk on the "right" and "left".\

The solution you propose is outstanding and something a free-market society could develop quickly.

But, for me, the most important first step is to get some big names on board with the principle and uniting idea of ending corruption,

(Doom and destruction and despair are all over the "awake" media. Solutions are rare. Thank you!)

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Thank you for reading and for recognizing the importance of keeping a solution’s minded approach to our situation. It’s not dire - they just want us to think it is.

We will have some more concise steps on how to make this happen moving forward.

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I 'Like the cut of your jib'. ;)

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I’ve been reluctant to subscribe to yet another stack. There is so much to read, I can’t quite keep up. But I’ve been desperate to start hearing solutions over the noise of fear and outrage porn (I’ve been guilty of that too). Looking forward to collaborating on how we get out of this mess. And so I’m subscribing. Cheers.

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Also I know what you mean: I am also subscribed to many substacks. But I find the conversations in the comment section so much more meaningful than other social media platforms and otherwise

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That is very true. It’s how I found you, lurking in the good citizen comments.

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I was doing the lurking.

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People need to be discussing solutions. Glad to have you!

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we should have been doing this all along. unfortunately we let traitors and globalists dictators dressed in sheep clothes take over everything. it might be too slow and too late. the German patriots in the military and big business attempted to do the same and to slow Hitler down--to dilute his evil purposes and to throw him under the bus. Too little, too late waiting for perfect opportunity. Total failure even attempting to remove him--they pretty much failed on every turn.

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Transparency...where every penny goes in government, with home access to it at all times..do you think it might make a dent into those people who rely on the MSM for news? Because if so, I am all for it.

My god, they know every penny we spend...why not vice versa?

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I love the idea of us working together to fix things.

I signed up here because I’m looking for answers.

But how can you fix the govt when one side is actively working to bring the whole system down? It’s the WEF In conjunction with the Democratic Party (and others). Many of them are very open about it.

Remember Obama ‘transforming America’? Well, it’s underway. The corruption is a feature of the plan, not a bug (Cloward/Piven, Alinsky?)

I understand that there are many who have come from the ‘left’ who are not anti-American and would like to work together.

The problem is that we have to fight what is becoming an institutionalized party trying to re-make or destroy the institutions.

In normal times, we would have just voted them out and moved on. But these people don’t plan to be ‘voted out’, ever......

PS: I am well aware that the upper reaches of the Republican Party are also corrupt.....and need to be removed.

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The Republicans could start by using this technology and proving that it works

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Start with the Constitution, specifically the Tenth Amendment. Work to elect state and local representatives that will take a strong stand against federal overreach, even if it means turning down federal money. If you have enough states that refuse to take bribes from unconstitutional federal bureaucracies (the Department of Education, for example), the federal government loses a fair amount of its power. Same goes for states that refuse to allow federal law enforcement (FBI, ATF, IRS, etc.) to arrest their citizens. The Constitution only allows for one federal law enforcement agency, and that is the Secret Service.

Fighting fire with fire, or technology with technology, won't accomplish much if we don't start dismantling federal bureaucracies.

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Doesn’t it depend on who controls those bureaucracies? And how do we gain control with the tools in place to do so?

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Wrong question. Rather, ask how the Feds usurped the powers of the States as described in the Tenth Amendment.

The more local the government, the more control the people have. We have no control over the Federal government. We can't even use the Constitution... the law of the land... to rein in federal overreach. What we can do is use the power of the state governments to rein it in, but only if we begin to focus on state and local elections instead of allowing ourselves to get sucked into the drama of presidential elections and which side of the Uni-Party will control Congress.

It's time to forget the federal elections. Sure, continue to cast your vote for federal offices if you must, but realize that most of those candidates were pre-selected by the Uni-Party and its Deep State backers (both public and private). Citizens can exercise more power on the state and local level. This includes the power to change election laws, which is done at a state level. For example, work towards replacing voting machines with paper ballots. That's one of the tools you can use. And make damn sure the Feds don't succeed in further weakening the Tenth Amendment by federalizing elections.

We can make a nuisance of ourselves if we don't like what our what our local governments are doing. Most of us also live close enough to our state capitals to make a nuisance of ourselves. As for the Feds, for the majority the best we can do is write letters that are never read or make phone calls that are never answered by our so-called representatives.

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I disagree with the first priority. We cannot rely on integrity and personal sacrifice from one another to inspire good works and good deeds, in perpetuity. And that is what it will take to implement a favorable solution with this approach. We need to realize it is the fiat currency by which they control us and dominate/dictate our actions and options. And it is by the fiat they reward their loyal minions, and corrupt ever more of our fellow citizens, and fellow nations, to serve them and their domination plan. We are obliged to work for it, to save in it, to trade with our fellow citizen with it... and they print as much as they desire of it for free (perpetual deficit spending on the part of central government). Our great wealth today is created by mutually beneficial and constructive cooperation among us, which is facilitated by our currency. We must take our currency creation rights from them. Let them keep their dollars, and let them and their minions suffer the consequences of creating too much (inflation). We will be obliged to trade for their currency to pay our taxes as is lawful. But we will earn, and create, and trade, and save in our own currencies that they cannot inflate. And I am not talking bitcoin. It ought to be a variety of commodity units, so if any are cornered for exploitation, the market can work around them. It is their exploitation of fiat currency that is impoverishing us/destroying us, and enriching/growing central government control ever further.

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In what way are we relying on personal integrity? We would be relying on a new improved system. Like Naval Ravikant says: A good system should be able to be turned over to your enemies and they still can't break it.

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It takes hard work - personal integrity - to earn money to eat, house and live. It takes political donations and free time to run for office and get into power. Meanwhile, those now in charge can create as much fiat currency as they desire to reward themselves, and others as they may choose (that is what causes inflation !). They can deliver as much fiat as they need to get their candidates into office and defeat the opposition (politics runs on money). They are, in essence, taking some of your productivity, because they create currency from nothing, and buying what you or anyone else may grow/create/build or do. You must work harder to fund them, and yourself (ie things cost more). Thus it will take near infinite sacrifice on the part of the honorable, over an extended period of time, to get back in political power and beat this system. Meanwhile, they will be free to deliver currency (rewards) without practical limit, to themselves and those they choose. It is a formula guaranteed to deliver power and authority to the corrupt and the corruptable. It is sustained by our adherence to and acceptance of federal reserve/federal government fiat currency. But what cannot continue forever will not continue forever. We must act to shape the work out that will inevitably occur when faith in fiat currency collapses. We still have the option now to shape our destiny by understanding our dilemma and acting for our collective well being. By enabling and empower you as an honorable person, I make the world a better place for me and my descendents. Let us all act to empower one another to favorably shape our world and future.

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