I've always thought that mandatory water boarding of incumbents seeking reelection would be a good idea. 😁
Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of education, nor shall any form of education be compulsory, the right of the people to educate themselves as they see fit shall not be infringed.
Something like the proposed medical freedom amendment to the Ohio Constitution needs to be adopted as well.
Finland had the right idea: BAN PRIVATE SCHOOLS, and force the rich to send THEIR kids to the same public schools as everyone else's kids. THEN the rich will insure that the public schools are WONDERFUL, and fund them accordingly.
Really quickly. but this is actually worth a lot of thought: we already have States voters' rights .. called Federalism, the issue about the so called Military secrets: the issue w/ that is the black trillion dollar budget and who gave the the Feds the right to create areas of like Malstrom AF base w/ nuclear warheads and testing of nuclear bombs on US property? there are MANY THINGS to be addressed and I am not sure.. if the "founding fathers" could have actually anticipated the CORRUPTION of Free speech via Federal agencies.. or Corporate governance which is the equivalent of a Monarchies.. think about about: people are like indentured servants .. even the "so called "tech" whizzes".. well I do need to go it is my son's birthday, and Sunday and another child's birthday
I'm guessing that, IF the currently for-profit military cartel were nationalized (so nobody could profit from it) & funded solely via taxes on the top 2% (the ppl who own 90% of all US wealth), THEY would not allow spending on that scope or for those purposes.
This is why we need to organize and be able as people to test our own systems for corruption. A good system should be able to be run by your enemies and they still can't corrupt it. This is why tech systems build "red teams" to purposely try and hack their systems and find and fix weaknesses.
Most of our problems can be fixed by fixing the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives.
How do we organize against all of this rampant corruption in our systems?
A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. A whole new ecosystem. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
Or buried. (The most frequent choice.) And then there's that apathy thing...you know, where the most of that collective "we" could give less of a $h!t about "government action" meetings. Aided by social media...AND SQUIRREL!
Mentally challenged people in prisons and institutions may never be freed on the public without their crimes, history, and present mental state made public and vetted.
Amendment that protects the integrity of the individual by declaring all data derived from the existence, actions or thoughts of the individual belong exclusively and forever to the individual regardless of who would collect the data, tools used to collect the data or motivations for collecting/using the data. Collection/use of said data for any reason including but not limited to monetary or influence purposes to be punished by prison time (10 years or more) and forfeiture of all the perpetrators finances at the time of the crime.
I am my data, my data is me. I am a sovereign person.
Laws only considered if 1% of the voting population demands the law, then after a few drafts it needs a good majority to be ratified.
Each new law required two old laws to be removed until 5 years passes that no new laws were passed, then the requirement changes to one old law removed for a new law.
All voting in government to be secret and aggregated by party and party totals to be recorded and published. This will prevent the party whip from penalising a dissenter and allow for voting by conscience. It will also make vote selling much harder when the lobbyist cannot see who voted how.
At any time the populace can raise a vote of no confidence in ANY member of the government or civil service. If at a vote more of his constituents want him out than he was voted in by he is out with no pension/benefits and barred for 2 election cycles (needs to find a real job). Civil servants cannot be promoted if they have more public complaints than public congratulations, keep the effective ones at the top.
Age and term limits. We have minimum age limits - we need to add maximum age limits. And if the President can be limited to 2 terms, all positions in government should be limited as well. No more of these lifetime positions. We need new faces regularly.
Regrettably, history shows that men can and do corrupt all systems of government and that all civilizations end, largely through wholesale corruption. Benjamin Franklin likely knew this when he said that we had a Republic, "if we can keep it." We can't, and we couldn't have.
At a minimum, I would add an absolute prohibition against establishment of a central bank. Seems like we can trace many of the world's ills back to central bankers.
Also, FWIW, we are naive in the extreme if we believe that our country was not corrupt early in its existence. Politicians alway have been bought off, always. Government decisions and legislation always favor the wealthy and well connected. Corruption starts in the hearts of men, not in their governments; corrupt men will always find a way to corrupt their governments for their own benefit, for money and power. We can devise the best system possible, but none is immune from corruption.
Some “laws” I’d like to see implemented after round table discussions;
1 - Life cannot be commodified. Period. This is where we are failing miserably as a species. Animals and nature, which should be the ONLY source of food and medicine, is SACRED and MUST be treated as such.
“Profits/budgets” should never be part of the decision making process personally or professionally. Making money or saving money cannot be the driving force of all things. That’s why everything is corrupt.
Our goals as a species should be efficiency, creativity, innovation etc, not money! We are doomed until this changes.
2 - Fortunes/Wealth, both personal and professional, needs to be capped. The fact that one person can own a million acres and dozens of homes while others have nothing is ridiculous. Large corporations should not be able to interfere/force out small businesses. Incentives to share and build for others needs to be considered. Variety and choice is vital to our success. Those who are the most successful should be forced to create initiatives to support the least successful before they can continue collecting personal wealth.
Mentoring, teaching, providing support to those who are less fortunate than you should be the goal. The reality is we aren’t created equal - we all have different abilities, different levels of skill and intelligence. Some of us are more gifted than others. These gifts should be celebrated and shared. God gave us these gifts. Use them with honour and gratitude.
3 - Engaging in citizenship, volunteering, etc, clearly needs to be considered as law. 30% voter turnout is ridiculous and a clear sign that people are disconnected/not participating. Everyone is too busy celebrating and entertaining themselves instead of contributing to a better world or building character and virtue.
These are just a few things I think about regularly. We need to start making decisions with our hearts and souls, not our easily corrupted egos/minds.
Why put any effort into anything when it might not turn out??
Sorry, not a fan of your attitude. Why add your comment when no one may read it?
Hiding under a rock, remaining silent or suppressing yourself because you might not be heard is cowardly. It’s an option and also your choice. I hope it works out for you.
I have worked at every election in my municipality, province and country over the past 15 years. I understand there is corruption at every step along the way. That doesn’t mean you stop trying or stop participating. It means you participate more! The game is rigged. I get it. So get in there and do your best to be the change!
I have morals and ethics which means it is my duty and responsibility to do whatever I can to protect what might not yet be corrupted. Every single person has a right to share their voice. Why deny yourself?
It is my obligation to be the light wherever I go, however minuscule my impact might be, even if I’m going into battle 10 against 1. I will go down fighting, being seen and heard thank you!
We have a way to fix it. A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. It's main purpose? To fix our biggest problem: the corruption of our systems. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
So what happens when the ppl-controlled voting system gets different results than the other one? Whose candidates would win? Who's going to ENFORCE the ppl-controlled voting system? Why not have the existing voting "system" 100% controlled by the ppl, in the first place? We could start by ditching the Electoral College or whatever it calls itself these days.
Another critical factor NOT being addressed in our Constitution, is the distribution of political power among our various governments: national, state, county, & city. Today we have a TOP-HEAVY central government that is the recipient of 64% of all the taxes we pay to all governments; the states get 21%; counties get 9%, and the government closest to us -- our city govt -- gets the least amount of our tax wealth at 6% -- according to the Tax Policy Center for 2018. It was not always this way. Find out more here: https://establishinglocaldemocracy.org/wwwroot/PyramidScheme.html
Presently, with just a few exceptions, every city, county, and state are "depositing" our tax wealth in TBTF (toobigtofail) banks. And, according to banking expert, Richard Werner, a "deposit" is in reality a "loan" to the bank. If we are to have governments "of, by, and for the people", we must also have public banks in every city, county, & state as sole depositories of the peoples taxes, chartered to reinvest in the local community alone. How to frame this as an Amendment will require some effort, but it is critical that we do so.
Abolish Citizenship as we experience it today; recognize all Individuals as Independent Sovereigns.
From there, we as Sovereigns can Voluntarily Cooperate with each other, no more Compulsion.
No more Collectivism. Government = Mind Control.
Abolish the Birth Certificate Trust / Bond Security Cestui Que Vie.
Birthright Citizenship is BS; it's just a sales pitch, to convince you to want it. You are born into this world, God recognized as "Sovereign." You are then issued a "Birth certificate," which is then processed through the Dept of Commerce. On this "Certifactum" there are numbers that tie your "legal status" as a Citizen to the IMF; your "Corporate Entity" listed on this Certifactum, is a pledge to the Federal Corporation that you are an ipso facto guarantor that exists to pay off interest on the "National Debt." [This is Usury]
Abolish Usury and.....
Abolish the Pseudo Legal Structure of the "Corporate Veil."
Birth Certificate Trust / Bond is the real "Full Faith in Credit of the US Treasury." Not Belief or Faith. The fake money in our existing fiat system is backed by this lie that we call Citizenship. The BC Bond "Security" is privately owned and held by Cede & Co. that also privately owns Depository Trust Corp. DTC this entity also owns ALL shares of ALL corporations world wide and also holds ALL real land titles too.
Abolish the DTC and the DTCC; since ALL free inhabitants of North America would be recognized as Sovereigns, they not only "hold their land free and clear," they hold ACTUAL Allodium / ABSOLUTE ownership rights to said land and cannot under ANY circumstances be Taxed. The Individual Sovereign is in a "Status" above the government.
DTC is owned by the same people who privately own The Bank of International Settlements; they want to bring uncontrolled illegal immigration into North America. [They want SLAVES]
By Illegal Aliens coming here and buying into this lie, about "In alien able" (inalienable) rights; they are tacitly agreeing that in order to "have" rights they must NOT be alien, so they desire to have their kids here in order to gain access to those "rights." The big rub is.... it wasn't ever originally called "inalienable," it was actually "UN a Lien able" (unalienable). This means that the free inhabitants of North America may never have any "lien" placed against their "Natural Rights." Natural rights and Natures law are immutable, there is NO authority above that. Period.
Abolish the Linguistic Manipulations that were put into place at the beginning of our Country. Restore the UN a Lien able in the definition of what "Rights" are.
Citizenship does NOT confer RIGHTS; it creates a status, it enumerates "privileges" only. I say this because the "citizenship" is actually just a piece of paper, issued to you by the Federal Corporation. You cannot be a citizen of a "Corporation." You cannot be the property of a Corporation. The paper your straw-man is written on is the "property" of this corporation but you yourself are not.
Citizenship is like a form of Licensing; a practice of seizing your right to do something, then "selling" it back to you, as a License. Always think of yourself as having the status of "Sovereign Regis."
Never use "I am" in front of a fictional noun like "Citizen." Instead, you should say: "I am holding a US Citizenship." Its not what you are, its just what you are doing.
Actually, "Arbitrary Hierarchy" is completely unnatural, nobody is above you and nobody is below you. Everyone must fully realize this FACT; by not realizing it, we are offering our tacit agreement to the current Administrative State and the slave masters, that we will continue to live on our knees.
You are completely off mark, laws in itself do not prevent corruption when large portions of the government and enforcers of the law are corrupt themselves. Infact as a general rule most people who have some power, or authority are often likely to be corrupt, for various reasons which can be a separate discussion in itself.
The system wasn’t always corrupted Dennis. The corruption of systems can be prevented and it should always be assumed that they will be targets of corruption. When you design a software program you actually formulate red teams to attack the system and find weakness. The laws of course don’t prevent corruption if the enforcement is also corrupted. But if you read most of our amendments what we did was ensured that enforcement wasn’t part of the agency, and instead was reverted back to the people. This is the answer.
What it really comes down to is the “last hand on the bat” theory of decentralized systems. It takes some reading to comprehend and most people have never heard of it or seen it tested. Have you?
Let me outline the fundamental difference of opinion between you and me. You believe that somehow a non-corrupt system can be put in place. What I believe the vast majority of people are fundamentally too stupid to come up with an on corrupt system, or to enforce its continuity.
It's really a difference of perception of what common people are capable of. I personally won't give you any benefit of doubt if you have not worked for long and if you're not worked, or observed common people. What I mean is for example if you are a software developer (just an example) you already end up dealing with very smart people, and you will never, or rarely have to deal with common folks.
As to why the system was not always corrupt, its' an entire discussion in itself
You certainly are motivated chap, how about we actually have a voice conversation, and sort of size each other up? and see if there is any area of that we can agree on to co-operation. My own cynical writings can be found at https://quberoot.wordpress.com/.
No one is naive enough to think any system will eliminate corruption. The purpose of laws is to point out when something is corrupt so that injustice can be punished.
Exactly. The problem is Justice. We can see the corruption right now but the people don’t have the power to enforce Justice. Or rather we do, but the level of organization needed to get there is obstructed by division.
I am--I think the system is corrupt because it PAYS its minions so goshdarn well, while rendering most of the population exploitable by their (rich) pals. What would happen IF pols were allowed to have no more wealth than their poorest constituent?
Most of our problems can be fixed by fixing the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives.
How do we organize against all of this rampant corruption in our systems?
A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. A whole new ecosystem. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
Most of our problems can be fixed by fixing the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives.
How do we organize against all of this rampant corruption in our systems?
A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. A whole new ecosystem. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
bookmarked you very own cynical writings.. I also .. could be described as a jaded cynic in my own way.. as I am a baby boomer.. who the govt couldn't brainwash thanks to my very wise parents from the ww2 gen who I "listened" to... :) yeah.
I too have a difference with your idea that all systems are corrupt. I am pragmatic enough to believe that humanity will revert to pastoralism without a system, hence my energy goes towards finding the best possible system with the least possible negatives.
I am curious to know what your end goal is for 2000 years from now, a civilisation or nomads and kings?
Most of our problems can be fixed by fixing the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives.
How do we organize against all of this rampant corruption in our systems?
A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. A whole new ecosystem. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
Obviously a perfect 4th branch will still need buy in from th other 3 and this is going to be very hard to get. I still like the idea of creating it so people can see where a possible solution lies.
I sort of said that: but the question is not completely .. off the mark. I agree w/ you.. which is why Republics which existed much longer than ours failed;
Executive agreements are prohibited. Signing statements are prohibited. Executive emergency powers are restricted to no more than two weeks. No wars, invasions, police actions or other military actions may be conducted without the approval of both houses of Congress. The CIA and FBI will be completely defunded and "scattered to the wind." The U.S. government is strictly prohibited from meddling in the affairs of foreign governments. The Federal Reserve will be abolished.
I've always thought that mandatory water boarding of incumbents seeking reelection would be a good idea. 😁
Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of education, nor shall any form of education be compulsory, the right of the people to educate themselves as they see fit shall not be infringed.
Something like the proposed medical freedom amendment to the Ohio Constitution needs to be adopted as well.
Finland had the right idea: BAN PRIVATE SCHOOLS, and force the rich to send THEIR kids to the same public schools as everyone else's kids. THEN the rich will insure that the public schools are WONDERFUL, and fund them accordingly.
There must be term limits in the Senate and House.
Think we'll run out of psychopaths who like to live high on the hog?
No but I wont have to hear Chuck Schumer who is now in his fifth term spew any of his BS.
Really quickly. but this is actually worth a lot of thought: we already have States voters' rights .. called Federalism, the issue about the so called Military secrets: the issue w/ that is the black trillion dollar budget and who gave the the Feds the right to create areas of like Malstrom AF base w/ nuclear warheads and testing of nuclear bombs on US property? there are MANY THINGS to be addressed and I am not sure.. if the "founding fathers" could have actually anticipated the CORRUPTION of Free speech via Federal agencies.. or Corporate governance which is the equivalent of a Monarchies.. think about about: people are like indentured servants .. even the "so called "tech" whizzes".. well I do need to go it is my son's birthday, and Sunday and another child's birthday
I'm guessing that, IF the currently for-profit military cartel were nationalized (so nobody could profit from it) & funded solely via taxes on the top 2% (the ppl who own 90% of all US wealth), THEY would not allow spending on that scope or for those purposes.
All government actions must be transparent and performed in front of a camera, provided live to "the people" and recorded for posterity.
This is why we need to organize and be able as people to test our own systems for corruption. A good system should be able to be run by your enemies and they still can't corrupt it. This is why tech systems build "red teams" to purposely try and hack their systems and find and fix weaknesses.
Most of our problems can be fixed by fixing the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives.
How do we organize against all of this rampant corruption in our systems?
A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. A whole new ecosystem. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
Not bad...unfortunately, camera footage, like the Jan. 6 break-in footage, can be dubbed; spliced, added to or subtracted from, etc.
Or buried. (The most frequent choice.) And then there's that apathy thing...you know, where the most of that collective "we" could give less of a $h!t about "government action" meetings. Aided by social media...AND SQUIRREL!
Mentally challenged people in prisons and institutions may never be freed on the public without their crimes, history, and present mental state made public and vetted.
Amendment that protects the integrity of the individual by declaring all data derived from the existence, actions or thoughts of the individual belong exclusively and forever to the individual regardless of who would collect the data, tools used to collect the data or motivations for collecting/using the data. Collection/use of said data for any reason including but not limited to monetary or influence purposes to be punished by prison time (10 years or more) and forfeiture of all the perpetrators finances at the time of the crime.
I am my data, my data is me. I am a sovereign person.
Would have been hard to write this in the 1700s but certainly should be added today
One item per vote.
Laws only considered if 1% of the voting population demands the law, then after a few drafts it needs a good majority to be ratified.
Each new law required two old laws to be removed until 5 years passes that no new laws were passed, then the requirement changes to one old law removed for a new law.
All voting in government to be secret and aggregated by party and party totals to be recorded and published. This will prevent the party whip from penalising a dissenter and allow for voting by conscience. It will also make vote selling much harder when the lobbyist cannot see who voted how.
At any time the populace can raise a vote of no confidence in ANY member of the government or civil service. If at a vote more of his constituents want him out than he was voted in by he is out with no pension/benefits and barred for 2 election cycles (needs to find a real job). Civil servants cannot be promoted if they have more public complaints than public congratulations, keep the effective ones at the top.
Age and term limits. We have minimum age limits - we need to add maximum age limits. And if the President can be limited to 2 terms, all positions in government should be limited as well. No more of these lifetime positions. We need new faces regularly.
Regrettably, history shows that men can and do corrupt all systems of government and that all civilizations end, largely through wholesale corruption. Benjamin Franklin likely knew this when he said that we had a Republic, "if we can keep it." We can't, and we couldn't have.
At a minimum, I would add an absolute prohibition against establishment of a central bank. Seems like we can trace many of the world's ills back to central bankers.
Also, FWIW, we are naive in the extreme if we believe that our country was not corrupt early in its existence. Politicians alway have been bought off, always. Government decisions and legislation always favor the wealthy and well connected. Corruption starts in the hearts of men, not in their governments; corrupt men will always find a way to corrupt their governments for their own benefit, for money and power. We can devise the best system possible, but none is immune from corruption.
Sounds like a case for Bitcoin, which we are big fans of. This is our favorite article we ever wrote, actually.
Sorry, not allowed to read that one.
Some “laws” I’d like to see implemented after round table discussions;
1 - Life cannot be commodified. Period. This is where we are failing miserably as a species. Animals and nature, which should be the ONLY source of food and medicine, is SACRED and MUST be treated as such.
“Profits/budgets” should never be part of the decision making process personally or professionally. Making money or saving money cannot be the driving force of all things. That’s why everything is corrupt.
Our goals as a species should be efficiency, creativity, innovation etc, not money! We are doomed until this changes.
2 - Fortunes/Wealth, both personal and professional, needs to be capped. The fact that one person can own a million acres and dozens of homes while others have nothing is ridiculous. Large corporations should not be able to interfere/force out small businesses. Incentives to share and build for others needs to be considered. Variety and choice is vital to our success. Those who are the most successful should be forced to create initiatives to support the least successful before they can continue collecting personal wealth.
Mentoring, teaching, providing support to those who are less fortunate than you should be the goal. The reality is we aren’t created equal - we all have different abilities, different levels of skill and intelligence. Some of us are more gifted than others. These gifts should be celebrated and shared. God gave us these gifts. Use them with honour and gratitude.
3 - Engaging in citizenship, volunteering, etc, clearly needs to be considered as law. 30% voter turnout is ridiculous and a clear sign that people are disconnected/not participating. Everyone is too busy celebrating and entertaining themselves instead of contributing to a better world or building character and virtue.
These are just a few things I think about regularly. We need to start making decisions with our hearts and souls, not our easily corrupted egos/minds.
Why vote if your vote can be secretly applied to the candidate you thought you were voting against? http://www.thepolemicist.net/2016/09/strike-vote.html
Why make money if you’re just going to spend it?
Why make friends when they may turn on you?
Why put any effort into anything when it might not turn out??
Sorry, not a fan of your attitude. Why add your comment when no one may read it?
Hiding under a rock, remaining silent or suppressing yourself because you might not be heard is cowardly. It’s an option and also your choice. I hope it works out for you.
???? I'm guessing you've never heard of electronic vote-flipping. The article explains.
I have worked at every election in my municipality, province and country over the past 15 years. I understand there is corruption at every step along the way. That doesn’t mean you stop trying or stop participating. It means you participate more! The game is rigged. I get it. So get in there and do your best to be the change!
I have morals and ethics which means it is my duty and responsibility to do whatever I can to protect what might not yet be corrupted. Every single person has a right to share their voice. Why deny yourself?
It is my obligation to be the light wherever I go, however minuscule my impact might be, even if I’m going into battle 10 against 1. I will go down fighting, being seen and heard thank you!
While I admire your zeal, the Crooks In Charge are counting on your cognitive dissonance to lend credibility to Their scam. Just sayin'.
Doing nothing is cowardice. Present a solution?
We have a way to fix it. A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. It's main purpose? To fix our biggest problem: the corruption of our systems. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
This is why we need blockchain or parallel voting systems 100% controlled by the people. Like we wrote about in the above article.
So what happens when the ppl-controlled voting system gets different results than the other one? Whose candidates would win? Who's going to ENFORCE the ppl-controlled voting system? Why not have the existing voting "system" 100% controlled by the ppl, in the first place? We could start by ditching the Electoral College or whatever it calls itself these days.
Another critical factor NOT being addressed in our Constitution, is the distribution of political power among our various governments: national, state, county, & city. Today we have a TOP-HEAVY central government that is the recipient of 64% of all the taxes we pay to all governments; the states get 21%; counties get 9%, and the government closest to us -- our city govt -- gets the least amount of our tax wealth at 6% -- according to the Tax Policy Center for 2018. It was not always this way. Find out more here: https://establishinglocaldemocracy.org/wwwroot/PyramidScheme.html
Decentralize it all! We are 100% there and also have a plan for it:
I think your website dovetails very well with my own: http://EstablishingLocalDemocracy.org
Presently, with just a few exceptions, every city, county, and state are "depositing" our tax wealth in TBTF (toobigtofail) banks. And, according to banking expert, Richard Werner, a "deposit" is in reality a "loan" to the bank. If we are to have governments "of, by, and for the people", we must also have public banks in every city, county, & state as sole depositories of the peoples taxes, chartered to reinvest in the local community alone. How to frame this as an Amendment will require some effort, but it is critical that we do so.
Yes to public banking and out of private hands. Henry George's land tax too.
That is a HUGE excellent thought problem. also since it is Sunday will save and share to notes.
Abolish Citizenship as we experience it today; recognize all Individuals as Independent Sovereigns.
From there, we as Sovereigns can Voluntarily Cooperate with each other, no more Compulsion.
No more Collectivism. Government = Mind Control.
Abolish the Birth Certificate Trust / Bond Security Cestui Que Vie.
Birthright Citizenship is BS; it's just a sales pitch, to convince you to want it. You are born into this world, God recognized as "Sovereign." You are then issued a "Birth certificate," which is then processed through the Dept of Commerce. On this "Certifactum" there are numbers that tie your "legal status" as a Citizen to the IMF; your "Corporate Entity" listed on this Certifactum, is a pledge to the Federal Corporation that you are an ipso facto guarantor that exists to pay off interest on the "National Debt." [This is Usury]
Abolish Usury and.....
Abolish the Pseudo Legal Structure of the "Corporate Veil."
Birth Certificate Trust / Bond is the real "Full Faith in Credit of the US Treasury." Not Belief or Faith. The fake money in our existing fiat system is backed by this lie that we call Citizenship. The BC Bond "Security" is privately owned and held by Cede & Co. that also privately owns Depository Trust Corp. DTC this entity also owns ALL shares of ALL corporations world wide and also holds ALL real land titles too.
Abolish the DTC and the DTCC; since ALL free inhabitants of North America would be recognized as Sovereigns, they not only "hold their land free and clear," they hold ACTUAL Allodium / ABSOLUTE ownership rights to said land and cannot under ANY circumstances be Taxed. The Individual Sovereign is in a "Status" above the government.
DTC is owned by the same people who privately own The Bank of International Settlements; they want to bring uncontrolled illegal immigration into North America. [They want SLAVES]
By Illegal Aliens coming here and buying into this lie, about "In alien able" (inalienable) rights; they are tacitly agreeing that in order to "have" rights they must NOT be alien, so they desire to have their kids here in order to gain access to those "rights." The big rub is.... it wasn't ever originally called "inalienable," it was actually "UN a Lien able" (unalienable). This means that the free inhabitants of North America may never have any "lien" placed against their "Natural Rights." Natural rights and Natures law are immutable, there is NO authority above that. Period.
Abolish the Linguistic Manipulations that were put into place at the beginning of our Country. Restore the UN a Lien able in the definition of what "Rights" are.
Citizenship does NOT confer RIGHTS; it creates a status, it enumerates "privileges" only. I say this because the "citizenship" is actually just a piece of paper, issued to you by the Federal Corporation. You cannot be a citizen of a "Corporation." You cannot be the property of a Corporation. The paper your straw-man is written on is the "property" of this corporation but you yourself are not.
Citizenship is like a form of Licensing; a practice of seizing your right to do something, then "selling" it back to you, as a License. Always think of yourself as having the status of "Sovereign Regis."
Never use "I am" in front of a fictional noun like "Citizen." Instead, you should say: "I am holding a US Citizenship." Its not what you are, its just what you are doing.
Actually, "Arbitrary Hierarchy" is completely unnatural, nobody is above you and nobody is below you. Everyone must fully realize this FACT; by not realizing it, we are offering our tacit agreement to the current Administrative State and the slave masters, that we will continue to live on our knees.
Interesting stuff here
You are completely off mark, laws in itself do not prevent corruption when large portions of the government and enforcers of the law are corrupt themselves. Infact as a general rule most people who have some power, or authority are often likely to be corrupt, for various reasons which can be a separate discussion in itself.
The system wasn’t always corrupted Dennis. The corruption of systems can be prevented and it should always be assumed that they will be targets of corruption. When you design a software program you actually formulate red teams to attack the system and find weakness. The laws of course don’t prevent corruption if the enforcement is also corrupted. But if you read most of our amendments what we did was ensured that enforcement wasn’t part of the agency, and instead was reverted back to the people. This is the answer.
What it really comes down to is the “last hand on the bat” theory of decentralized systems. It takes some reading to comprehend and most people have never heard of it or seen it tested. Have you?
More on that here https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/embrace-decentralized-systems-fear?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Let me outline the fundamental difference of opinion between you and me. You believe that somehow a non-corrupt system can be put in place. What I believe the vast majority of people are fundamentally too stupid to come up with an on corrupt system, or to enforce its continuity.
It's really a difference of perception of what common people are capable of. I personally won't give you any benefit of doubt if you have not worked for long and if you're not worked, or observed common people. What I mean is for example if you are a software developer (just an example) you already end up dealing with very smart people, and you will never, or rarely have to deal with common folks.
As to why the system was not always corrupt, its' an entire discussion in itself
You certainly are motivated chap, how about we actually have a voice conversation, and sort of size each other up? and see if there is any area of that we can agree on to co-operation. My own cynical writings can be found at https://quberoot.wordpress.com/.
No one is naive enough to think any system will eliminate corruption. The purpose of laws is to point out when something is corrupt so that injustice can be punished.
Exactly. The problem is Justice. We can see the corruption right now but the people don’t have the power to enforce Justice. Or rather we do, but the level of organization needed to get there is obstructed by division.
I am--I think the system is corrupt because it PAYS its minions so goshdarn well, while rendering most of the population exploitable by their (rich) pals. What would happen IF pols were allowed to have no more wealth than their poorest constituent?
Most of our problems can be fixed by fixing the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives.
How do we organize against all of this rampant corruption in our systems?
A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. A whole new ecosystem. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
Most of our problems can be fixed by fixing the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives.
How do we organize against all of this rampant corruption in our systems?
A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. A whole new ecosystem. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
bookmarked you very own cynical writings.. I also .. could be described as a jaded cynic in my own way.. as I am a baby boomer.. who the govt couldn't brainwash thanks to my very wise parents from the ww2 gen who I "listened" to... :) yeah.
I too have a difference with your idea that all systems are corrupt. I am pragmatic enough to believe that humanity will revert to pastoralism without a system, hence my energy goes towards finding the best possible system with the least possible negatives.
I am curious to know what your end goal is for 2000 years from now, a civilisation or nomads and kings?
A decentralized system. Like this.
Most of our problems can be fixed by fixing the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives.
How do we organize against all of this rampant corruption in our systems?
A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. A whole new ecosystem. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government
That sound pretty good. I will go read your post.
Obviously a perfect 4th branch will still need buy in from th other 3 and this is going to be very hard to get. I still like the idea of creating it so people can see where a possible solution lies.
I sort of said that: but the question is not completely .. off the mark. I agree w/ you.. which is why Republics which existed much longer than ours failed;
Executive agreements are prohibited. Signing statements are prohibited. Executive emergency powers are restricted to no more than two weeks. No wars, invasions, police actions or other military actions may be conducted without the approval of both houses of Congress. The CIA and FBI will be completely defunded and "scattered to the wind." The U.S. government is strictly prohibited from meddling in the affairs of foreign governments. The Federal Reserve will be abolished.
love it