Happy Halloween Problem Solvers!
In an attempt to try and minimize the mitochondrial, cellular, and metabolic damage this Halloween, we challenge you to go to any mainstream store and find any packaged candy that doesn’t contain seed oils, soy lecithin, corn syrup, or food dyes in them. We bet you can’t (or at least not easily, anyway). These ingredients are the ones that the people in the autoimmune carnivore diet community almost all agree on that if they eat then they will have horrible autoimmune symptoms as a result of. So why do we ignore this?
We shouldn’t give lip service to pretending to care if our kids’ candy is laced with needles, glass, poison or drugs - when the candy we buy from the store already comes with poisons in it. From insecticides and glyphosate in nearly all non organic foods, to chemicals that are banned in Europe: we can do better than this.
The most obvious place for proving the corruption in all of our systems is our food supply. And if you or someone you care about is chronically sick, has autoimmune disorders, mental disorders, or behavioral issues, try a real elimination diet like Carnivore diet and see if you can’t cure it. We are so confident in it that we have a $100,000.00 carnivore diet bet outstanding.
Chronic illness is a solvable problem. In fact, all problems are solvable with the right knowledge. The only question is can we solve them in time.
This one, is easy. It just requires discipline.
Happy Halloween!
All problems that do not defy the laws of physics are solvable.
Solving problems is happiness.
And humans solve problems better in high-trust groups.
Please join our think tank message board at SwarmAcademy.ai where we continue conversations like this one and where you will be able to participate in swarm intelligence problem solving with us on SWARM FORCE once it is finished being built (really close now).
For over 3 billion years on this planet there were only single-celled organisms. Then one day they somehow learned to work together and make complex multi-celled creatures . Right now we are like those single-celled organisms. Our next evolution is finding how to work together, better… (like we wrote about here).
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COMMENTS ARE FOR EVERYONE AS A PLACE TO THINK-TANK SOLUTIONS. They will never be for paid-only subscribers and we will never charge a subscription.
Please do a post on how your tools for crowd solving are coming along.
I would like to see them used to solve problems like how to promote healthy Vitamin-D3 targets and supplementation.
Others would like to find ways to finance trials or registration of infection preventing oral heat killed bacterial preparations and subcutaneous hit killed bacterial for immune boosting to prevent and treat cancer infections.
Finding ways to test cancer cures like the Tippens Protocol would also interest millions of people.
I'm not on the carnivore diet, but yeah--that candy is awful. So many great reasons NOT to celebrate Hallowe'en. (we need to find another, better occasion for kids to have fun dressing up that doesn't involve all the disturbing/ghoulish stuff too)