Please do a post on how your tools for crowd solving are coming along.

I would like to see them used to solve problems like how to promote healthy Vitamin-D3 targets and supplementation.


Others would like to find ways to finance trials or registration of infection preventing oral heat killed bacterial preparations and subcutaneous hit killed bacterial for immune boosting to prevent and treat cancer infections.



Finding ways to test cancer cures like the Tippens Protocol would also interest millions of people.

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Do you have a good vitamin D3 you recommend?

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Our family has used Seeking Health brand Vitamin-D3 usually, they were (one of) the first with drops and use olive oil. They sell direct from their site. A 30ml bottle has 900 drops of 50ug=2000IU so very easy to dose as a family. I take 7 drops generally (see chart ion mu bio page linked above) with magnesium and selenium (prudent i Finland). If I have any symptoms I double those and add zinc and vitamin-C and -B and the sore throat or snotty nose goes away in a day or two.

We buy 6 bottles at a time due to discounts and combined shipping but 100ug=4000IU and 125ug=5000IU capsules are freely available at supermarkets and health food stores in Finland for the same low price of EUR0.04=US$0.05 per 100ug=4000IU so there is no need to pay more.

Even if you just take 100ug=4000IU daily one bottle lasts almost a year and the cost is less than any other medical preventative you could find.

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Hey we are testing them this week. The problem with testing them is we need to get large groups of people together.

We are getting pretty close.

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I'm not on the carnivore diet, but yeah--that candy is awful. So many great reasons NOT to celebrate Hallowe'en. (we need to find another, better occasion for kids to have fun dressing up that doesn't involve all the disturbing/ghoulish stuff too)

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