Mar 5, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Transparency is key. Secrecy is a cancer on our country. Citizens outside the bureaucracy must have a representative who can look into government operations. Since Congress can’t or won’t.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Freedom belongs to those who are bold enough to claim it, courageous enough to live it, are of hard enough substance to defend it.

All power in any hierarchy depends on the majority of people to acquiesce.

Fake news, Fake education, Fake food, Fake money------- fakest thing of all, is hierarchy.

Everyone is individually sovereign. Nobody above you, nobody below you.

A decentralized society can work, but it requires all of us to cooperate to make it happen.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Decentralized is definitely important, so the Establishment couldn't just stamp it out all at once by "losing" some live ordinance or orchestrating a toxin spill or something in the right place.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

This "4th Branch" is exactly what is needed. I would like to know at what stage in this endeavor we are at? The Criminal Elite will be fighting this to the bitter end and since the sheep fight against their own interest the whole bunch of them will be trying to stop this from happening! The killing of radical ideas and people is a standard for these Mass Murdering Sociopaths so if we can actually gain membership in this form of overcoming the corruption there will need to be some way to protect us. While we could be relatively anonymous the Criminal system put in place to go after the citizens of this country would eventually find most if not all of us. The only way I can see to get some type of lawful protection is to use the oath that each and every member of the military and veteran has taken to protect this country from a corrupt government. We would need to give a "Direct Order" for protection of the members of the Organization as there isn't a method that works when dealing with psychopaths. This leaves no room for discussion and bullshit excuses from the Criminal Elite. Anyone who is against a proper means of making this happen is to be considered "A Hostile Foreign Entity" as if they are against We The People having control of our own government they are just that!

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But surely, creating even more gov't frustrates the goal of transparency. IMHO the solution is to remove the incentives for corruption, or at least the ability of the rich to prey upon the non-rich.

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Huge problem here, you are trying to introduce some check and balances in to a system made of chimps. Nothing will work in the long run if large portions of the population are stupid.

My own thoughts are outlined here:


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Great to see the subtle but important emphasis that this new set of institutions 'won't really be part of government at all.' What we need is a mutually regulating triangle between government, corporations and this new set of 'people-powered institutions', which ultimately should hold BOTH to account.

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A small scale prototype, operating at the level of a town or county needs to be built to debug and promote the idea.

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The obliteration of innocence, ie the realization the truth teller is hunted by an omnipotent invisible deep state predator. The end of our reliance upon human morality - disillusionment a fait accompli, when the Grey Lady can not be trusted to print the truth.. All for the ‘greater good’ á la Three Days of The Condor. “You have not much future there. It will happen this way. You may be walking. Maybe the first sunny day of the spring. And a car will slow beside you, and a door will open, and someone you know, maybe even trust, will get out of the car. And he will smile...”

Spirit crushing stuff. We are created to share love, but there is no reflecting the Creator when we leave Him out.

“I am the way, the truth and the life.” ~John 14:6

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I'm a Christian persecuted, 10 years on the street and in exile

Revelations from the BIBLE against dictatorships


Fake doctor - Fake medical








Secret Service a plausible dialogue


We must demand the visura, the publication of the assets of the high offices, of the judiciary by virtue of transparency


Insects as weapons of destruction


If instead of bullets or atomic bombs the obligatory vaccine for everyone with toxic


The CIA and its massacre protocol


Earthquakes and chemtrails in the sky lately


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