- successful business-leaders are not necessarily good nation-leaders ...
What current modern mass-societie's corrupt leadership lack is CHARACTER, INTEGRITY, kind of patriotism (with a grain of salt or two), GENUINE desire to SERVE (not to reap) and the likes.
NO electronic system will ever be approved or implemented to control the vicious in power.
1) We would eliminate all foreign and local influence super pacs (all money in politics would be eliminated including AIPAC).
2) We don't need their approval. We can in essence force it upon them. How?
Scroll down to part 3 where it reads:
This is the easy part.
In order for a swarm to be plugged into a government — or any system — the person in charge of the system simply needs to make their position transparent and then decentralize it....."
{...problem is fixing the corruption in the SYSTEMS that govern and control...}
REALLY ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔
Imho, the detrimental corruption is not in the system (let us talk about Soros' controlled electronic ballot machinery at another time ... 🤣🤣🤣) The fatal corruption is deeply engraved in the human "players' that bend an originally good and workable system designed by highly moral people to their sole favor; this very successfully as an intergenerational endeavor.
Don't let us forget that in modern mass-societies, any position of power/money/influence/sex represents an irresistible point of focus to the narcissistic psycopaths that ONLY crave for the mentioned four topics; at ANY cost (borne by the plebes only, of course !!).
Therefore, I already wrote that the screening MUST start at kindergarten-age and continue seamlessly into adulthood. Nobody that has not gone through this selection-process and successfully passed ALL its exams without any doubt whatsoever, should ever be allowed to hold any public position, not even the local library of a forlorn hamlet in the hilly woods.
I am not convinced of any system that entirely depends on electronic communication relying on any kind of hardware grid, not even Musk's low-orbit satellites.
I want no democracy. Too easy for the few to control the many. We don't get a say in governance, we should be that governance with no government masters to answer to..
Step by step:
- ban AIPAC,
- ban ANY form of financial transaction to elected creatures,
- ban double citizenship,
- toughest possible screening of adolescence for character-flaws,
- ban financial/family status as a pre-requisite for election: ONLY flawless meritocracy counts,
starting at kindergarten, school and county-level, (in order to weed-out the narcissistic
psychopaths right from the start,
- ban any creature who has personal- or family-ties to WEF, Bilderberg, Masons, Iluminati, Bones
& Skulls et.al.,
- successful business-leaders are not necessarily good nation-leaders ...
What current modern mass-societie's corrupt leadership lack is CHARACTER, INTEGRITY, kind of patriotism (with a grain of salt or two), GENUINE desire to SERVE (not to reap) and the likes.
NO electronic system will ever be approved or implemented to control the vicious in power.
1) We would eliminate all foreign and local influence super pacs (all money in politics would be eliminated including AIPAC).
2) We don't need their approval. We can in essence force it upon them. How?
Scroll down to part 3 where it reads:
This is the easy part.
In order for a swarm to be plugged into a government — or any system — the person in charge of the system simply needs to make their position transparent and then decentralize it....."
Of this article:
{...problem is fixing the corruption in the SYSTEMS that govern and control...}
REALLY ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔
Imho, the detrimental corruption is not in the system (let us talk about Soros' controlled electronic ballot machinery at another time ... 🤣🤣🤣) The fatal corruption is deeply engraved in the human "players' that bend an originally good and workable system designed by highly moral people to their sole favor; this very successfully as an intergenerational endeavor.
Don't let us forget that in modern mass-societies, any position of power/money/influence/sex represents an irresistible point of focus to the narcissistic psycopaths that ONLY crave for the mentioned four topics; at ANY cost (borne by the plebes only, of course !!).
Therefore, I already wrote that the screening MUST start at kindergarten-age and continue seamlessly into adulthood. Nobody that has not gone through this selection-process and successfully passed ALL its exams without any doubt whatsoever, should ever be allowed to hold any public position, not even the local library of a forlorn hamlet in the hilly woods.
I am not convinced of any system that entirely depends on electronic communication relying on any kind of hardware grid, not even Musk's low-orbit satellites.
Have a great time !!!
Love the ideas you have for transparency. But, I don't see them ever Following through.
I want no democracy. Too easy for the few to control the many. We don't get a say in governance, we should be that governance with no government masters to answer to..
What you described is still democracy as we defined it in the article.