Dec 12, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Someone pointing to solutions rather than just the problems. Thank you! Such a relief.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I prefer easily audited paper ballots that must be preserved forever until we get the technology up and running...with maybe a purple ink dyed finger to boot!

But I am also in favor of having your vote transparent...you can see (no one else) and verify that your vote was properly recorded in the columns of the people you voted for..down to the town elections. If wrong, they have to change it.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Recently discovered you, so got some catching up to do, but what I have read so far is exactly in line with many of the thoughts I have had regarding the need for rational problem solving.

Would be useful for you to "steelman" your proposal though - what would be the strongest arguments your opponents could make against this? I can come up with two:

1) "National Security" - This all-encompassing excuse would be trotted out endlessly and be abused. Just consider how much redacting is allowed on FOIA requests on topics there is clearly no national security risk. Would need to thoroughly buttress this argument.

2) Lack of faith in the technology (re: blockchain voting). Most old people don't understand it, most young people just got burned by it. The promise of blockchain is still waiting for real world examples to sway public opinion.

That said, it is incredible to me that every person in a 1st world country (and most even in 3rd world countries) has a device in their pocket which can verify their identity through a combination of biomarkers including voice, fingerprint, and facial recognition and we are still having a hard time figuring out how to have efficient elections. We look like idiots.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Would love to help, how can we do so and exchange contact info?

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Systemic rhetoric these days has, not by any fault of this author, become by operations practice - inverted. For example, principles of “inclusivity” have been used to actually marginalize employees for legally protected behavior and self-identification. The Trust & Safety offices branded people in secret, occluded their communications and manufactured sanctions blacklists for US citizens at the recommendations of the US government. Needless to say but the Trust and Safety legal team was untrustworthy and protected no one but the corrupt.

So printing definitions of an operations taxonomy for “open” “democratized” and “parallel” is needed. It would necessitate clear, concrete non-malleable definitions. This is so technologists’ legal departments have less latitude for Orwellian doublespeak. Thanks.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Radical transparency is an essential principle. At this point I’m more invested in principles than methods. How do we get there? Over the years we’ve been allowed to know less and less about what government does. Those in charge like it that way.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I LOVE this!! I've been saying forever blockchain is the way to go and these technologies they want to use to surveil us can be used to surveil them! I just have no idea how to get something like that going but you do!!👏👏 I think it could work. If it worked well enough at a few smaller elections it would just catch on with the people and eventually the politicians. How do we get it going??

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

This may be of help or interest. What we mush do as a species is transition away from a world dominated by 'Individual' intelligence to a world dominated by a 'Collective' Intelligence.


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Dec 18, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Beautiful article. Everyone please forward this to their state officials

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I love the DAO elections concept. We start with the universe of living adults, culled of deaths quarterly. A voter registration allows one to secure a token that in turn allows them to cast one and only one vote. We may need 50 individual state DAO's to account for each state, and one could allow for party affiliation within the definition of the token and the DAO rules would allow for self management of said party affiliation.

One could simply validate the election by truing up the number of votes against the role of living adults, total minus non-votes, then divided among the candidates, and subtracting the lesser amounts from the total and it should solve to zero. This would all be public, transparent and anonymous.

We currently lack even the most basic audit trail to validate elections. I could not get a $25 expense report approved or paid with the system we have in even a mediocre accounting department.

Love the problem solving aspect of improving our world. Anyone can complain, it takes courage to create.

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True dat, communalism sounds a lot like communism for those who don't discern closely. Also, agree, transparency is key. Now, what is you opinion about promoting the animation to get the idea out to the public?

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This is exactly what I believe and what I have been working on as a long-time activist. It is what I am trying to make happen in Ecuador where I live. My strategy is to suggest to all the indigenous tribes here to agree on a single demand, horizontal governance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8. Most of them already use this form of governance in their tribes. If they agree (3 day conference at the end of Jan.), the public will finally get a chance to understand what horizontal governance means. Because, currently, very few people have ever considered this possibility. I hope that we can work with you. After Ecuador, it is important for it to spread to as many countries as possible, maybe starting in S. America.

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Please define "DAO". Did you mean "decentralized autonomous organization", or perhaps "the way"?

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Since the police, to a fair extent, have body cameras, why shouldn't a politician, off the floor of the House of Representatives, where it is likely against the rules. That is fairly common off the shelf technology. People should ask their representatives if they are willing to do it, and if not, why not.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Ill be honest . I have to research Taiwan. If what you claim above is accurate we should see zero population taking the covid bioweapon shots. If a substantial % took the shots the premise that they re created a decentralized model which was transparent is false. Im open to anything as long as voting is done via paper ballot only with a blockchain approach to prevent cheating via tabulation. The other issue is making sure uncorrupted citizens have equal access to running for office. Lastly the money we all pay in taxes must be removed by a huge % until we can defund all the agencies hell bent on destroying us. My father is famous for creating Lobbying in the early 70s. He never envisioned earmarks turning into the disaster it has .

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It’s very well summarizes ideas that I’ve had for over the past decade and working in the activism industries. I certainly have discovered how they can be  improved with blockchains.

I’m working on the very idea myself and looking for Partners. You can see what I’ve started to summarize on this website although it’s ready for a complete makeover and my partner has since passed away but I’m still moving forward full steam ahead.


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