I really like this concept.

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Yes! I would definitely play a game like this! And I'm certain that lots of other people would, too, if they only knew it existed. So where does the project stand now? I looked for swarmacademy.ai but it looks like it's not online yet. From your perspective, what needs to happen in order for this project to get moving?

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Digital creation, user interface, more testing of the algorithms, and the platform expansions.

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FYI, I'm a veteran in the digital marketing field, with lots of experience as a web developer and application developer. Though I don't do much app development these days, I know how to manage developers and get a lot of work done for a little bit of money. Good programmers are a dime-a-dozen these days on Upwork, and with AI now able to do coding, we should be able to tackle any technical challenges quickly. I'm available to connect directly whenever you are!

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Please send me a text: 716 563 0720

Josh Ketry

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The Society of Problem Solvers: We got the ball rolling by making a prototype of the collective intelligence system that could be used...

I was looking for a link to the prototype to give it a whirl, but I couldn't find it. I don't see anything at swarmacademy.ai either. Is the prototype available? I would love to see it!

The Society of Problem Solvers: What do you think the next step should be? If you owned the game with us, what would you do?

Glad you asked! If you don't have the prototype available, you should get it up asap. Just a simple game that people can easily engage with so they can learn about the concept experientially instead of just reading about it or watching videos about it. Having the game layer integrated from the start would be essential. Once people see their name on the leaderboard going up as they engage with the game, and various other rewards, the bells will go off and they'll start to get it.

The next thing I'd do is suggest that we take a poll of the members to decide on a platform to use to form our community on a temporary basis, while we develop our own platform. I would recommend open source Wordpress with whatever plugins we need, as opposed to a SaaS like Mighty Networks or Monday.com. Part of the reason for that is because of data sovereignity, part because of the cost, and part because this is only a makeshift, throwaway solution to get us to the next stage, which we are going to develop through swarm intelligence.

If there is an official membership, the members vote to choose a platform, and someone sets it up, including the game layer so that every action taken within the platform is tracked right from the beginning, in exchange for an amount in tokens established by the members.

The next order of business is for the members to start coordinating in the community and project management apps, starting with developing a list of potential projects to pursue next, and collectively sorting and prioritizing them.

Well, I would love to go on, but I'll stop there.

I'm very interested to know where you're at with all this, and would love to discuss in more depth.

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These are great suggestions, some of them are expensive. We have $100k into this and no real way to earn it back. Ideas for that? We don't want investors as we want the direction to remain up to the people.

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Yes, I have a ton ideas! And I'm with you 100% on the no investors. I am all about a grassroots movement. In fact, I just posted an article at https://open.substack.com/pub/isitas/p/people-power where I go into this idea.

I'd love to connect with you directly to explore the synergies.

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We will be doing a swarming test with real people not too far in the future and will open it to our readers.

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Count me in!

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With the introduction of willow quantum computing it now appears all block chain coding can be hi jacked. Its as if that technology will end the push towards a central bank digital currency which is a good thing , and kill crypto at the same time, not so much - The people who developed willow are not humanities finest with a track record of lack of scruples. Your combined thoughts?

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All solutions cause new problems. So maybe the solution for quantum code breaking is quantum encryption.

Also, Willow proved the amazing theories of David Deutsch. Not just that quantum computation was accessible, but that the multiverse is the best explanation for our reality. That should be the biggest news story ever.

Quantum computing isn’t faster than our standard computing in ALL computations. Only some. For some, quantum computing is the same as our current computing. So if it can crack Bitcoin, we would like to hear the details how.

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The battle between black hat hackers and white hat security has been going on since the beginning and will continue. While the hackers cause trouble and disruptions here and there, the white hats keep staying several steps ahead of them, as our current digital ecosystem attests.

Quantum computing raises the stakes, but I won't change that fundamental dynamic. I doubt nefarious hackers are going to be able to get much access to quantum computing any time in the near future.

Plus, while Willow was a breakthrough, it's not like quantum computing is anywhere near being mainstream yet. So there's plenty of time to put guardrails in place, especially with the aid of AGI/ASI, which will probably be viable before quantum computing is.

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I'd offer that mainstream is not where the real threat lies, rather it lies with our malevolent military-industrial-complex institutions who have, and still are perpetrating a global democide for which they have yet to answer any for.


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Typo alert: "If we have 50 million (at $5/month) that is $2,500,000,000.00 ($2.5 billion) per month."

That should be $250 million.

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Bad math! Fixed! Good looking out! Thank you!

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