Thousands of people are claiming to cure themselves with this radical elimination diet. I happen to be one of them. If you are suffering and looking for an alternative, consider this:
"this is what humans have eaten for tens of thousands of years - large ruminant animals."
No denying that primitive humans ate plenty of meat, including large ruminant animals in areas where those were common (which was by no means everywhere). Does that mean that's all they ate? No, it doesn't. Look at human anatomy. Neither our teeth nor our digestive system is resembles those of any carnivore. We evolved to be omnivores. Of course individuals vary; people are different. I don't doubt that some people have issues that cause them to do better on a carnivore diet, while certain others do better on an exclusively plant-based diet. Yet most of us will do just fine eating some of both. Ideally, all of us would avoid excessive fast carbs, seed oils, and highly processed foods.
Our digestive track does point to carnivore a bit - especially how we actually process and absorb foods. We absorb meats better. It is more bioavailable.
I’m not in anyway saying humans should only eat meat. But I am saying that ruminant meats are the safest and single healthiest food on the planet. They are the only food we can only eat one of and not need any other supplements. For example if we ate just blue berries we would need to supplement. All vegans need to supplement.
But to get beyond all of that, what carnivore diet is more than anything is an elimination diet. If you have late onset chronic illnesses of any kind I firmly believe most of them are caused by foods. Try carnivore. I have seen it work many times, for many illnesses. That’s all.
Also when you say most of us will do “just fine” that is a hard metric to judge. If in 30 years what we ate caused heart disease or cancer. If you look at the Inuits - who ate 99.9% ruminant meats before modern foods made their way there - they had almost zero instances of heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases in their entire population.
Interesting course of action. Along with the keto instructions including not eating for 18 hours every day I also grow my own nutrient dense naturally grown vegetables and along with berries have also turned my health to as good as results as you have experienced.
When I was younger.. I used to go on massive diets.. high protein,, called the Stillman diet .. it is has been around for a long time.. and use alternative dieting techniques..for removing toxins still do but I cannot do that any longer because of my diverticulitis and colitis issues which everyone has late in life some people don't have manifest the symptoms. The important thing about diabetics is that they flush their kidneys with lots of water and fluid because of Ketosis which is a normal metabolic process when eating lot of red meat.. which i really miss every much.. so eat it while you can still tolerate it.. both of my sons have trained in Martial arts and body built.. and real food is better than any of the fake protein shakes.. that is a good post.. !
No, I worked in medicine.. for many years.. and diabetes blood chemistry is unique and carefully studied and monitored.. it is an epidemic.. because of both genetics and the shitty food .. quality. Aside from knowing many diabetics and seen thousands of cases. People can actually develop Type2 from poor diets. Thank goodness..
I have similar martial arts background. Been training hard for 30 years. I always suffered from fatigue and sleep issues since I can remember but I was younger and able to push through. Finally 5 years ago I became pretty much disabled with extreme adrenal fatigue and my sleep got even worse. I can spend a month or two without good sleep or no sleep altogether. I started the carnivore diet 4 months ago going into month 5 now in August. I think I'm doing everything right but haven't been feeling better at all and most days I'm just bedridden. I eat mostly 50/50 grass fed grass finished ground beef and steak, pasture raised grain free bacon and eggs, chicken, raw dairy, milk, cheese, butter and cream. I do have decaf coffee and herbal teas. Am I doing something wrong? How long did it take you to feel better and start training again? Did you start with Lion and then transition to carnivore? Thank you.
Thanks for reading. To me it sounds like you are doing most things right.
It did take a while for me to calibrate everything. For me I cannot do coffee or tea or anything but water or A2 raw milk or I will have autoimmune symptoms. Is the dairy you are eating A2/A2 protein? I cannot do A1 dairy at all or I will also have symptoms. Also I avoid chicken and pigs. They only have one stomach. I only eat ruminant meats or seafood. Animals with four stomachs (ruminant) can take dangerous PUFAS and turn them into healthy saturated fats.
Lastly when I was healing I tried to eat a lot of bone broth. Sort of an acquired taste without being able to add anything else to it. But many other people said it helped with their healing and I feel it did the same for me.
I hope your issues are diet related and you can find your way to healthy and happy. I highly suggest posting these questions in World Carnivore Tribe to see if there are other people who have shared your experience.
Thank you for the reply! I had no idea there are different types of raw milk. I'll ask the farm next time I buy. I only buy meat from a ranch in Texas. Their pigs and chickens are natural, no soy, no corn, no sugar, no hormones or antibiotics, non GMO, gluten free, high in Omega 3, free range, cage free and humanly raised. Do you think it's still an issue consuming pork and chicken? Bone broth is something I struggle with since the smell and taste are so off-putting but I hear so many health benefits. I'll keep making it at home. Thank you for the guidelines and sharing what has worked for you. Unfortunately I can't post on that group on Facebook since they banned me for saying antibiotic and hormone fed meats are bad. Not sure what's wrong with my statement.
I can't believe they kicked you off there for that? It seems like a lot of controversial topics come up and I have never heard of anyone getting booted at all except some of the bots that sell Keto bars.
As for the A2/A2 milk and dairy I order mine online from here:
I didn’t know about A1/A2 dairy, but the Mennonite farmer we get our milk from has an all Jersey herd. I’ve never been willing to buy raw milk from a Holstein herd, oddly enough.
I used to get my milk from a farmer with a Brown Swiss herd. It was lovely and creamy, although not as creamy as Jersey milk. (I put a high premium on a deep cream line!) do you know if Brown Swiss are A2?
This is an old article I found through a link in another older piece, so I don't know if you'll see this. I have recently gone carnivore-ish. I haven't given up tomatoes, onions, coffee, black pepper, green peppers, coconut oil, 85% dark chocolate, or hot sauce. Maybe one day, lol, but you gotta live a little. Ultimately, the only good diet is one you stick to. But I've already lost twenty pounds without even trying and I'm eating like a king; tons of food. I eat when I'm hungry and I'm down to two meals a day. Didn't try to only eat two meals, don't feel like I'm sacrificing, it just happened because I'm just not that hungry. I've totally lost all urge to snack. I thought I'd get bored with the limited food choices but I find I relish every meal. Food just tastes better.
But I'm also writing to ask you if you've heard of grounding or earthing? I recently discovered it and bought myself a grounding sheet to sleep on it. Huge improvement in sleep quality! And pain from a torn hip labrum a year ago has diminished significantly, to the point where I don't need any medication, not so much as an aspirin. It markedly reduces inflammation. I'm a believer and I'm getting grounding shoes next. You might enjoy looking into it.
I'm happy to join the problem solvers. I'm 58, married to my highschool sweetheart for 38 years and have 11 children together. I have run my own small business for the last 30 years that employs around 8-10 people. Problem solver is basically my identity.
Wow! Sounds like you have been living the problem solving lifestyle!
Question for you, what ingredients are in the hot sauce? In the carnivore community most of us agree that condiments are the most dangerous. Soy, seed oils, and lecithins are the most toxic. There are hot sauces without either.
Lol, I make my own. Vinegar, Carolina Reapers and salt. I live on five acres in the country. Raise our own chickens, Cornish hens, and turkeys. Huge garden, pond stocked with bluegill, catfish, and bass. I usually get a deer every year from our woods. I made it a goal to plant a fruit tree every year before I die and now have about 50. My wife calls me Donny Appleseed! I've cut my fruit consumption to near zero and my plant consumption significantly. I realized something important and I say this to everyone who will listen-- MEAT AND FAT ARE FOOD, PLANTS ARE MEDICINE. (Sorry to yell but there is no italics function on Substack.) A little medicine can help when out of balance, but consider your health needs and choose your plants wisely. The dose makes the poison. I can't imagine our distant ancestors didn't eat an apple or an onion now and then, but it would have been sparse and certainly not a large portion of the diet. They probably discovered early on that certain plants helped certain conditions. So I toy with the idea that ancient food recipes are actually medical prescriptions. Gotta go but check out my reply to the person who was worried about the expense of going carnivore. And let me know what you think about grounding.
Here is my introduction to "Nutrition - the third medicine". (My translation of the title) by French professor of medicine Dr. Jean Seignalet (pronounce it "Shon Saynyalay:)
"Hi Chris, i want to offer my testimony. In 2002, 2003, i lived in Bangkok and had been afflicted, for years, by three diseases : acne, asthma and arthritis. Arthritis was so excruciating that i was considering committing suicide. I co-rented an apartment with a young Thai girl and her presence saved me too. In March 2003, a friend gives me the book, l'Alimentation ou la 3e médecine, and I read it very fast. I just applied what Dr Seignalet said.
In April one month later, I had no more acne, asthma or arthritis. If I ever eat wheat again, I start heaving, i feel arthritis in my shoulder (the first place where it was) and i can have 1 or 2 pimples.
That's it."
"I can't believe only 48 people have watched this, it should be at universities"
Note: youtube are the CIA. They are shadow banning me when not removing my videos.
Edited to correct the link to my youtube video "Introduction to Nutrition - the third medicine"
I eat plenty of meat, eggs, and raw dairy, along with vegetables, a little fruit, and sourdough bread. Fats are limited to butter, extra virgin olive oil (which comes directly from small-scale producers) and coconut oil (which I apply liberally when sunbathing). Even so, I no longer burn in the sun. I go out during peak sun strength for an hour or so, and tan. If there is any redness at all, it disappears by the time I hit the shower.
So I think extremely limited omega6s are the key, rather than a pure carnivore diet.
Very interesting to see this pop up on your substack! After being diagnosed with a rare supposedly autoimmune neuropathy in 2010, I started reading about nutrition and became low carb, starting with the keto diet. It didn't help my neuropathy but improve my health in so many other other ways that I've never gone back. For example, I haven't had a cold in all that time despite living with family members that regularly got sick.
I moved to a hot desert climate six years ago and have not had a sunburn despite not using sunscreen. There's a school of thought that avoiding polyunsaturated oils, especially linoleic acid, is what does this, and your recommendation to avoid vegetable oils is in line with that.
Oh awesome! I will definitely check that out. I have seen people using carnivore for neuropathy but didn't follow their results as closely as the diseases I was facing. But I will be sure to be on the lookout and let you know if I see or hear anything.
Out of curiosity, did you have any labs drawn to assess levels of inflammation before and after you started the diet, like C-reactive protein, LDH, or homocysteine (others)? It would be interesting to see a measurable response that goes along with your personal experience.
The working theory is that most mental illnesses that are chronic like anxiety and depression are caused from inflammation that gets into your brain. Carnivore is the least inflammatory diet available. It's not the meat per say, it is the reduction of chronic inflammation of our systems by eliminating all the inflammatory foods that are all rooted in plant materials - processed seed oils, wheats, sugars and more.
It should also be noted that a lot of the cultures that make up our gut biome release neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, and there's a big nerve that's one of the few that's bidirectional called the Vagus that runs between the gut and the brain. And different bacteria "like" different foods, and release different... byproducts from consuming it, and some of those byproducts are good for us, and some of them are inflammatory. So that seems like a sympathetic mechanism of action as well, that could help explain the effect.
As someone who has had life-long issues with joint problems (JRA, which is just "RA" now that I'm very much no longer "J" ;) ) and depression (I had a realization very recently, in fact, while thinking about certain actions I took in the past, indicating severe clinical depression as early as eleven) *and* who snores, and and and... I'm obviously fascinated by this prospect.
I have to admit that it sounds *brutally* expensive right now, though. **Especially** right now. :-/
Anyway, as a parallel line of exploration and information, you might check out "The Psychobiotic Revolution" by Scott Anderson. It's about ten years old now, so not the most up to date on the latest research, but I found it to be extremely well written as both an informative *and* engaging book.
Anyway, I'm glad I stumbled across this page, and it looks like I've got a fair bit of reading to do now. ;)
I know several people with RA who used carnivore diet to beat it. One of them being Mikhaila Peterson who is famous in her own right for pioneering this for autoimmune. If you have any questions let us know!
Don't know if you'll see this or what part of the world you're in.
We raise our own chickens for eggs. Maybe not doable for everyone but it's incredibly easy and you'll get the best tasting eggs you've ever had. You can usually find someone local who raises chickens and the price is comparable with store bought eggs.
With regard to meat, I've made friends with several local butchers at big name grocers and they give me meat for free! When meat gets to its sell by date, so still perfectly fine, they have to throw it away or donate it to charity. Many are happy to give it to customers instead. You simply would not believe the amount of meat I get free. I feast on salmon, steelhead trout, tilapia, catfish, lamb, bacon, pork chops, the best cuts of steak, hamburger, bison, chicken, you name it. I twice got huge briskets that retailed for over $100! I currently have three freezers full of meat that I got free. I've never gotten bad meat. The only catch is you have to freeze it or eat it immediately. Hope this helps.
Most isn't good for us. And many of the "anti-inflammatory" additives (like Tumeric) are actually worse for us. The best way to get less inflammation is by diet.
I thought about this but if I eat almonds grown by someone i know I react. If I eat soy at all I react. If I eat any seed oils - I react. If I eat egg whites that the parents were fed soy, I react. Even if it is organic. Also if I eat stone fruits I react. Any nuts, I react.
hmmm then I'd have to agree with you. I know for myself I have developed cross reactivity to raw tree fruit because of pollen allergies. The whole diet/lifestyle/exercise/sleep/stress thing is so complex it takes a long time to really sort out and certainly the "powers that be" aren't making it any easier or affordable. Thanks for all the info.
I react horribly to coffee. I didn't really start to heal until I realized that and cut it out. After soy, seed oils, egg whites - coffee was the next worst thing for me.
I am sorry to hear that, although you may be better off. I am consuming too much and have been for many years. I am trying to cut back to a cup or two before 9 AM in order to minimize disruption to sleep.
I was a junkie as well. Then I got clinical anxiety and autoimmune disorders. It was easier to quit than I imagined and now I sleep like I never have slept before. And I have tons of daily consistent energy instead of ups and downs.
Yeah, I am increasingly starting to accept that I cannot manage caffeine well enough and I may need to do a 30-90 day break. I did that 13 years ago with soda/sugar and it worked.
The complexity and comprehensiveness of UP’s “Test, Track, and Treat” (TTT) program was superbly well detailed in this 132 page report from October 2021, compiled by a professor from one of the top universities in India (the Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur).
"this is what humans have eaten for tens of thousands of years - large ruminant animals."
No denying that primitive humans ate plenty of meat, including large ruminant animals in areas where those were common (which was by no means everywhere). Does that mean that's all they ate? No, it doesn't. Look at human anatomy. Neither our teeth nor our digestive system is resembles those of any carnivore. We evolved to be omnivores. Of course individuals vary; people are different. I don't doubt that some people have issues that cause them to do better on a carnivore diet, while certain others do better on an exclusively plant-based diet. Yet most of us will do just fine eating some of both. Ideally, all of us would avoid excessive fast carbs, seed oils, and highly processed foods.
Our digestive track does point to carnivore a bit - especially how we actually process and absorb foods. We absorb meats better. It is more bioavailable.
I’m not in anyway saying humans should only eat meat. But I am saying that ruminant meats are the safest and single healthiest food on the planet. They are the only food we can only eat one of and not need any other supplements. For example if we ate just blue berries we would need to supplement. All vegans need to supplement.
But to get beyond all of that, what carnivore diet is more than anything is an elimination diet. If you have late onset chronic illnesses of any kind I firmly believe most of them are caused by foods. Try carnivore. I have seen it work many times, for many illnesses. That’s all.
Also when you say most of us will do “just fine” that is a hard metric to judge. If in 30 years what we ate caused heart disease or cancer. If you look at the Inuits - who ate 99.9% ruminant meats before modern foods made their way there - they had almost zero instances of heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases in their entire population.
Interesting course of action. Along with the keto instructions including not eating for 18 hours every day I also grow my own nutrient dense naturally grown vegetables and along with berries have also turned my health to as good as results as you have experienced.
Any way to decentralize the food sources again and take the chemical companies out of our food supply is a good thing.
When I was younger.. I used to go on massive diets.. high protein,, called the Stillman diet .. it is has been around for a long time.. and use alternative dieting techniques..for removing toxins still do but I cannot do that any longer because of my diverticulitis and colitis issues which everyone has late in life some people don't have manifest the symptoms. The important thing about diabetics is that they flush their kidneys with lots of water and fluid because of Ketosis which is a normal metabolic process when eating lot of red meat.. which i really miss every much.. so eat it while you can still tolerate it.. both of my sons have trained in Martial arts and body built.. and real food is better than any of the fake protein shakes.. that is a good post.. !
Do you have diabetes?
No, I worked in medicine.. for many years.. and diabetes blood chemistry is unique and carefully studied and monitored.. it is an epidemic.. because of both genetics and the shitty food .. quality. Aside from knowing many diabetics and seen thousands of cases. People can actually develop Type2 from poor diets. Thank goodness..
I have similar martial arts background. Been training hard for 30 years. I always suffered from fatigue and sleep issues since I can remember but I was younger and able to push through. Finally 5 years ago I became pretty much disabled with extreme adrenal fatigue and my sleep got even worse. I can spend a month or two without good sleep or no sleep altogether. I started the carnivore diet 4 months ago going into month 5 now in August. I think I'm doing everything right but haven't been feeling better at all and most days I'm just bedridden. I eat mostly 50/50 grass fed grass finished ground beef and steak, pasture raised grain free bacon and eggs, chicken, raw dairy, milk, cheese, butter and cream. I do have decaf coffee and herbal teas. Am I doing something wrong? How long did it take you to feel better and start training again? Did you start with Lion and then transition to carnivore? Thank you.
Hi Paola,
Thanks for reading. To me it sounds like you are doing most things right.
It did take a while for me to calibrate everything. For me I cannot do coffee or tea or anything but water or A2 raw milk or I will have autoimmune symptoms. Is the dairy you are eating A2/A2 protein? I cannot do A1 dairy at all or I will also have symptoms. Also I avoid chicken and pigs. They only have one stomach. I only eat ruminant meats or seafood. Animals with four stomachs (ruminant) can take dangerous PUFAS and turn them into healthy saturated fats.
Lastly when I was healing I tried to eat a lot of bone broth. Sort of an acquired taste without being able to add anything else to it. But many other people said it helped with their healing and I feel it did the same for me.
I hope your issues are diet related and you can find your way to healthy and happy. I highly suggest posting these questions in World Carnivore Tribe to see if there are other people who have shared your experience.
Thank you for the reply! I had no idea there are different types of raw milk. I'll ask the farm next time I buy. I only buy meat from a ranch in Texas. Their pigs and chickens are natural, no soy, no corn, no sugar, no hormones or antibiotics, non GMO, gluten free, high in Omega 3, free range, cage free and humanly raised. Do you think it's still an issue consuming pork and chicken? Bone broth is something I struggle with since the smell and taste are so off-putting but I hear so many health benefits. I'll keep making it at home. Thank you for the guidelines and sharing what has worked for you. Unfortunately I can't post on that group on Facebook since they banned me for saying antibiotic and hormone fed meats are bad. Not sure what's wrong with my statement.
I can't believe they kicked you off there for that? It seems like a lot of controversial topics come up and I have never heard of anyone getting booted at all except some of the bots that sell Keto bars.
As for the A2/A2 milk and dairy I order mine online from here:
I didn’t know about A1/A2 dairy, but the Mennonite farmer we get our milk from has an all Jersey herd. I’ve never been willing to buy raw milk from a Holstein herd, oddly enough.
I used to get my milk from a farmer with a Brown Swiss herd. It was lovely and creamy, although not as creamy as Jersey milk. (I put a high premium on a deep cream line!) do you know if Brown Swiss are A2?
I guess that must have been very controversial lol. Thank you for the link. I'll check it out!
This is an old article I found through a link in another older piece, so I don't know if you'll see this. I have recently gone carnivore-ish. I haven't given up tomatoes, onions, coffee, black pepper, green peppers, coconut oil, 85% dark chocolate, or hot sauce. Maybe one day, lol, but you gotta live a little. Ultimately, the only good diet is one you stick to. But I've already lost twenty pounds without even trying and I'm eating like a king; tons of food. I eat when I'm hungry and I'm down to two meals a day. Didn't try to only eat two meals, don't feel like I'm sacrificing, it just happened because I'm just not that hungry. I've totally lost all urge to snack. I thought I'd get bored with the limited food choices but I find I relish every meal. Food just tastes better.
But I'm also writing to ask you if you've heard of grounding or earthing? I recently discovered it and bought myself a grounding sheet to sleep on it. Huge improvement in sleep quality! And pain from a torn hip labrum a year ago has diminished significantly, to the point where I don't need any medication, not so much as an aspirin. It markedly reduces inflammation. I'm a believer and I'm getting grounding shoes next. You might enjoy looking into it.
I'm happy to join the problem solvers. I'm 58, married to my highschool sweetheart for 38 years and have 11 children together. I have run my own small business for the last 30 years that employs around 8-10 people. Problem solver is basically my identity.
Wow! Sounds like you have been living the problem solving lifestyle!
Question for you, what ingredients are in the hot sauce? In the carnivore community most of us agree that condiments are the most dangerous. Soy, seed oils, and lecithins are the most toxic. There are hot sauces without either.
Lol, I make my own. Vinegar, Carolina Reapers and salt. I live on five acres in the country. Raise our own chickens, Cornish hens, and turkeys. Huge garden, pond stocked with bluegill, catfish, and bass. I usually get a deer every year from our woods. I made it a goal to plant a fruit tree every year before I die and now have about 50. My wife calls me Donny Appleseed! I've cut my fruit consumption to near zero and my plant consumption significantly. I realized something important and I say this to everyone who will listen-- MEAT AND FAT ARE FOOD, PLANTS ARE MEDICINE. (Sorry to yell but there is no italics function on Substack.) A little medicine can help when out of balance, but consider your health needs and choose your plants wisely. The dose makes the poison. I can't imagine our distant ancestors didn't eat an apple or an onion now and then, but it would have been sparse and certainly not a large portion of the diet. They probably discovered early on that certain plants helped certain conditions. So I toy with the idea that ancient food recipes are actually medical prescriptions. Gotta go but check out my reply to the person who was worried about the expense of going carnivore. And let me know what you think about grounding.
Here is my introduction to "Nutrition - the third medicine". (My translation of the title) by French professor of medicine Dr. Jean Seignalet (pronounce it "Shon Saynyalay:)
Here are some comments underneath the video:
"Hi Chris, i want to offer my testimony. In 2002, 2003, i lived in Bangkok and had been afflicted, for years, by three diseases : acne, asthma and arthritis. Arthritis was so excruciating that i was considering committing suicide. I co-rented an apartment with a young Thai girl and her presence saved me too. In March 2003, a friend gives me the book, l'Alimentation ou la 3e médecine, and I read it very fast. I just applied what Dr Seignalet said.
In April one month later, I had no more acne, asthma or arthritis. If I ever eat wheat again, I start heaving, i feel arthritis in my shoulder (the first place where it was) and i can have 1 or 2 pimples.
That's it."
"I can't believe only 48 people have watched this, it should be at universities"
Note: youtube are the CIA. They are shadow banning me when not removing my videos.
Edited to correct the link to my youtube video "Introduction to Nutrition - the third medicine"
Fascinating! Amazing what diet changes can do for health.
I eat plenty of meat, eggs, and raw dairy, along with vegetables, a little fruit, and sourdough bread. Fats are limited to butter, extra virgin olive oil (which comes directly from small-scale producers) and coconut oil (which I apply liberally when sunbathing). Even so, I no longer burn in the sun. I go out during peak sun strength for an hour or so, and tan. If there is any redness at all, it disappears by the time I hit the shower.
So I think extremely limited omega6s are the key, rather than a pure carnivore diet.
Very interesting to see this pop up on your substack! After being diagnosed with a rare supposedly autoimmune neuropathy in 2010, I started reading about nutrition and became low carb, starting with the keto diet. It didn't help my neuropathy but improve my health in so many other other ways that I've never gone back. For example, I haven't had a cold in all that time despite living with family members that regularly got sick.
I moved to a hot desert climate six years ago and have not had a sunburn despite not using sunscreen. There's a school of thought that avoiding polyunsaturated oils, especially linoleic acid, is what does this, and your recommendation to avoid vegetable oils is in line with that.
For a biologically plausible mechanism for why carnivore helps with so many diseases, there's this:
Oh awesome! I will definitely check that out. I have seen people using carnivore for neuropathy but didn't follow their results as closely as the diseases I was facing. But I will be sure to be on the lookout and let you know if I see or hear anything.
That link is to a comment on Tucker Goodrich's blog. He's been all over the PUFA angle lately.
So, right after I win the lottery, then. :-/
It isn't expensive at all. Ground beef and raw A2 butter and occasional steak. I live for $10-12 a day. Plus if you can do soy and corn free eggs...
Out of curiosity, did you have any labs drawn to assess levels of inflammation before and after you started the diet, like C-reactive protein, LDH, or homocysteine (others)? It would be interesting to see a measurable response that goes along with your personal experience.
Lot of people did. I never did prior though. I only had cholesterol which is pretty much a useless stat.
Are the psychiatric benefits organically caused by consuming only meat or are they just downstream of the physical health improvements?
The working theory is that most mental illnesses that are chronic like anxiety and depression are caused from inflammation that gets into your brain. Carnivore is the least inflammatory diet available. It's not the meat per say, it is the reduction of chronic inflammation of our systems by eliminating all the inflammatory foods that are all rooted in plant materials - processed seed oils, wheats, sugars and more.
It should also be noted that a lot of the cultures that make up our gut biome release neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, and there's a big nerve that's one of the few that's bidirectional called the Vagus that runs between the gut and the brain. And different bacteria "like" different foods, and release different... byproducts from consuming it, and some of those byproducts are good for us, and some of them are inflammatory. So that seems like a sympathetic mechanism of action as well, that could help explain the effect.
As someone who has had life-long issues with joint problems (JRA, which is just "RA" now that I'm very much no longer "J" ;) ) and depression (I had a realization very recently, in fact, while thinking about certain actions I took in the past, indicating severe clinical depression as early as eleven) *and* who snores, and and and... I'm obviously fascinated by this prospect.
I have to admit that it sounds *brutally* expensive right now, though. **Especially** right now. :-/
Anyway, as a parallel line of exploration and information, you might check out "The Psychobiotic Revolution" by Scott Anderson. It's about ten years old now, so not the most up to date on the latest research, but I found it to be extremely well written as both an informative *and* engaging book.
Anyway, I'm glad I stumbled across this page, and it looks like I've got a fair bit of reading to do now. ;)
I know several people with RA who used carnivore diet to beat it. One of them being Mikhaila Peterson who is famous in her own right for pioneering this for autoimmune. If you have any questions let us know!
Don't know if you'll see this or what part of the world you're in.
We raise our own chickens for eggs. Maybe not doable for everyone but it's incredibly easy and you'll get the best tasting eggs you've ever had. You can usually find someone local who raises chickens and the price is comparable with store bought eggs.
With regard to meat, I've made friends with several local butchers at big name grocers and they give me meat for free! When meat gets to its sell by date, so still perfectly fine, they have to throw it away or donate it to charity. Many are happy to give it to customers instead. You simply would not believe the amount of meat I get free. I feast on salmon, steelhead trout, tilapia, catfish, lamb, bacon, pork chops, the best cuts of steak, hamburger, bison, chicken, you name it. I twice got huge briskets that retailed for over $100! I currently have three freezers full of meat that I got free. I've never gotten bad meat. The only catch is you have to freeze it or eat it immediately. Hope this helps.
Good stuff Don! Currently raising our own chickens isn't an option. But talking to our local butcher is a great idea!!
Ask them if they "sample" the sell by date meat. Some do, some don't, but it's worth asking around. Good luck!
How much inflammation is too much? Is all inflammation bad?
Most isn't good for us. And many of the "anti-inflammatory" additives (like Tumeric) are actually worse for us. The best way to get less inflammation is by diet.
One has to wonder whether it’s the pesticides/glyphosate that are the real problem rather than plants themselves.
I thought about this but if I eat almonds grown by someone i know I react. If I eat soy at all I react. If I eat any seed oils - I react. If I eat egg whites that the parents were fed soy, I react. Even if it is organic. Also if I eat stone fruits I react. Any nuts, I react.
hmmm then I'd have to agree with you. I know for myself I have developed cross reactivity to raw tree fruit because of pollen allergies. The whole diet/lifestyle/exercise/sleep/stress thing is so complex it takes a long time to really sort out and certainly the "powers that be" aren't making it any easier or affordable. Thanks for all the info.
no coffee?? pourqoui??
I react horribly to coffee. I didn't really start to heal until I realized that and cut it out. After soy, seed oils, egg whites - coffee was the next worst thing for me.
I am sorry to hear that, although you may be better off. I am consuming too much and have been for many years. I am trying to cut back to a cup or two before 9 AM in order to minimize disruption to sleep.
I was a junkie as well. Then I got clinical anxiety and autoimmune disorders. It was easier to quit than I imagined and now I sleep like I never have slept before. And I have tons of daily consistent energy instead of ups and downs.
Yeah, I am increasingly starting to accept that I cannot manage caffeine well enough and I may need to do a 30-90 day break. I did that 13 years ago with soda/sugar and it worked.
My friend just quit and it changed his life. He was having anger issues.
Please tell Dr Pierre Kory: [I am unable to comment directly on his SubStack ... ]
Bad link at start of Part 2 article:
'The Miracle Not-Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh - Part 2'
Bad link:
"In Part 1 of this post on Uttar Pradesh (UP), "
Should instead be:
will do
Thank you! And another similar request, please.
Please tell Dr Pierre Kory:
Bad link in Part 1 article:
'The Miracle Not-Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh - Part 1'
Bad link:
[Under 'The First COVID Wave']
The complexity and comprehensiveness of UP’s “Test, Track, and Treat” (TTT) program was superbly well detailed in this 132 page report from October 2021, compiled by a professor from one of the top universities in India (the Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur).
'this 132 page report'
Link points to:
Gives [Google Drive] Error: Sorry, unable to open the file at this time. Please check the address and try again.
The link should instead be:
I.E., just remove the trailing "%5C" from the URL.
[The URL opens to the report, in English: Covid War, UP Model - Strategies, Tactics, Impact _ Manindra Agrawal, Professor, IIT Kanpur]