3 years ago I tried the ketogenic diet. I heard Dr. Ken Berry talk about carnivore and I thought he was crazy. But I tried it after listening to Dr. Jordan Peterson talk about it on Joe Rogan. It's the best thing I ever did. I no longer suffer from depression, anxiety and panic attacks nor road rage. I'm no longer pre-diabetic. I can raise my right arm without pain. No more menstrual pain. No more thinking about food 24/7 because beef makes me feel satiated. My go to are burger patties and eggs. But sometimes I eat other types of meat and low carb foods. Keto carnivore?

The transition from the standard American diet to keto was rough until I started using electrolytes and magnesium calm. I also went through sugar withdrawals. I could smell bread everywhere for the first two weeks. I thought I was going crazy. But after those 2 weeks, this way of eating has been a true blessing. Mentally, emotionally and physically.

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We love hearing this! Thank you for sharing your story!

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Its amazing how many people will tell you how bad a diet like this is for you, without ever trying it for themselves. I have been using different variations of fasting and will run into the same kind of dogmas. THEY will tell you how dangerous and not healthy it is. My only reply is How it makes me feel, and it makes me feel great. Too funny how TEDX passed on this young ladies talk.

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But how is this to work with mRNA going forward in Beef this month?

We need a page on that alone, and a campaign as I have seen for other issues with software that finds your senators and reps automatically so all you have to do is compose a politely worded demand for transparency as is proposed in Missouri.

I don't entirely understand it, but Renz says somehow if Missouri passes regulation, it will take affect worldwide.

I don't understand why we can't just block Vaxxing food, but Renz says this is the best we can do with it.

I guess with labeling, some producers will be inclined to compete with clean beef, and uptake will be poor and they will have to give it up.

I hope you can investigate and tell us some alternatives.

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Thank you for bringing this CRITICAL issue to the conversation. I am aware of the evidence examining the blood of the current meat supply which concerningly is MATCHING what is being found in human blood, irrespective of jab status- far too many nano tech synthetic biology foreign objects that are not (microscope) artifacts and ARE subject this low energy frequency stimulation- it is as yet unknown (unknowable?) If these contaminants are due to graphene and hydrogels contained in vet approved (and USDA of course) injections or spraying or both. The odd red blood cell behavior, Rouleaux formations etc are showing up in unjabbed blood of ppl who consumes meat. Even in fish, poultry, wild game, "organic" as well.

I feel strongly that we MUST be careful about recommending a "miracle cure" for preexisting conditions based on the primary and potentially exclusive consumption of meat that is likely now contaminated with substances (1/80,000th of a hair follicle) that will not only NOT restore homeostasis and immune function and repair but worsen any of the conditions (inflammatory responses) mentioned. The (Great)/poisoning is not limited to the injections, the prescribed medications, and previously identified toxins, heavy metals etc. We MUST demand as consumers FULL transparency of the production of everything we eat. You can purchase meat, at a premium, from a rancher that promotes "grass finished" but they likely did not birth that calf and thus the chain of custody and what chems were introduced through water, feed, injections, etc. are rarely controlled for much less known. Food sourcing is exponentially more complicated post 2020 and generalities and ommissions of critical detaila can be debilitating and deadly.

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I agree but want to be clear:

This is an officially announced decision by the Cattlemen's Association and they will be injecting mRNA directly into cows and pigs, beginning this month.

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Paleo diet had a similar effect for me and my hubs. Our food system and appreciation for nutrition are broken. Low cost natural health is the path to success, but not “commercialize-able” so.. smart people just gotta figure it out for themselves!

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Paleo is great except nuts and oils can cause some problems. And sometimes nightshades. But way better than the SAD (Standard American Diet). If you always eat clean paleo you probably won’t get chronic illness. But if you already are sick carnivore is likely a safer path to healing

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So thrilled to be seeing more people being healed by eating according to pur design. In light of all the next level pathogens, poisons etc. Including the grapheme andhydrogelas from the flu shots administered to livestock, please share resources for sourcing uncontaminated meat directly from ranchers. Otherwise, aren't we simply moving the pot from one fire to another? Red meat is incredibly healing but but not if it is hosting many of the disease inducing, inflammatory agents one is trying to avoid. Genuine guidance for current sourcing landscape sought here. Please share your solutions! (None of my local ranchers are currently practicing holistic practices, even those selling grass finished product at a premium price).

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