Feb 28, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Having just written my own assessment of ChatGPT and its creative abilities (https://marypoindextermclaughlin.substack.com/p/art-vs-ai), I'm not surprised that what it came up with echoed much of your previous writings; it is, after all, designed to mirror what already exists in the data world.

It did lay it all out nicely. It's good at that. As far as naming the movement, something about turning that over to a machine makes me sad. I'm not moved by any of ChatGPT's suggestions, and really, don't we want something that grabs not only our attention but our hearts, as well?

Finally, whatever you/we choose should evoke what we want, not what we don't want. That's a simple Neurolinguistic Programming principle, and it works. So "Kill Corruption" is out; something along the lines of "Integrity First," while not super-catchy, at least includes a word that defines the quality you/we desire.

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Thanks for sharing your article. Interesting stuff

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But doesn’t kill corruption list exactly what we want? Like specifically? As in if I saw you wearing a t shirt I would know where you stood? Integrity first seems vague.

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I'm in no way suggesting that "Integrity First" is a great option. I agree, it's vague. I was just trying to quickly provide an example of a slogan that defines what you want. As soon as you use the word "corruption," you're implanting the idea of corruption back in someone's subconscious. It's like saying "lose weight" or "stop smoking." Better to say "eat healthy" or "breathe free."

Also, walking around with a t shirt that says "kill" anything is antithetical to what you're trying to achieve, which is inspire people to live lives of virtue, not corruption.

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Yes it's like being "anti war". Much better to have a positive vision to take its place of what you don't want.

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I agree with Mary’s point. Anger is an attractive emotion to those that haven’t figured out that it burns hot and consumes everything. Names that embody negative sentiment tend to fan a kind of self destruction. Perhaps the motos of schools can provide a source of inspiration. I like “integrity” as a virtue to always work towards, perhaps others like “honesty” and “accountability” would also help to positively define the point of the association (whilst taking care to keeping it at a ‘human’ level not a political one). Anyone good with acronyms could probably string these together for a catchy hash tag too.

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Also, I should point out that Dr Jordan Peterson is working towards this with ARC. It’s worth looking at for anyone interested in a practical real world attempt to address this very issue

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Nice. Its reflecting back to you your own work. I hope you feel validated.🤔🤣👹💚

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There is no validation without results. But the systems in our lives that have adapted transparency, decentralization, and swarm intelligence have all been wildly successful and yet to be corrupted. So it is encouraging. But we try to adhere to Results Matter Most.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I wish to offer a way to go beyond wishful thinking with some concrete strategies, I hope you consider these ideas: In Ecuador we are suggesting to both the indigenous and the campesinos to unite in one single demand: restructure the government of Ecuador from top-down, vertical to bottom-up, horizontal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8). We hope to educate the general public once these groups unify behind this single demand.

It will end politicians and entrances for intimidating, blackmailing, bribing, or murdering the top officials, because there will be no one to intimidate. Extreme transparency is necessary along with a clear social contract that must be adhered to.

It puts the power back into the hands of the people and is a huge step in ending government corruption. It must happen in as many countries as possible. First, we hope is Ecuador.

The question is how do we unite? There are encrypted apps like Briar as a starter, which can be by invitation only for activists around the world, to coordinate making this demand.

This, I believe is the core issue that is not being addressed and must be addressed. Also, leaving all blackbox corporate digital platforms one step at a time.

These are real strategies that could be implemented right now by serious activists. Hopefully, others have feasible, out of the box, game-changing strategies to add. Let's discuss this.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

Wow! Just what we have said all along and are fighting for. Cool. Just worry about when it gets bored. It was just created and already up to speed.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers


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I saw nothing that would lead me to believe that AI will solve our problems.

Let’s start with “corruption ; What do you even mean by “corruption “? Whose definition?

After all, a little corruption at the lower levels is a beneficial thing. Even necessary. However, Corruption (notice the capital C) is so corrosive to a society that it can destroy even a stable economy.

A computer taught to spew out abstract, feel-good platitudes like a Miss America runner-up is useless.

On this entry you get a C-. For effort.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by The Society of Problem Solvers

I fail to see how even a little bit of corruption at the lower levels can be beneficial, though.

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Well, Ajax the Great, I don’t reckon you’ve had much exposure to the way the real world works. Maybe try being a little less pompously self righteous and just try understanding mankind.

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Just because you have a jaded view of what you think the world should be Ross, doesn’t mean it is right. Corruption is when a system isn’t performing as it was intended and instead is performing the way the people corrupting it intend usually by using dishonesty, fraud, bribery, gaming, or hacking the system.

Even in general terminology we should be able to eliminate most of it. And we are with Ajax, we fail to see the need for corruption even at the local level just because you think that’s how the “real world works.”

Maybe it does, but it doesn’t have to. Not if we build better systems.

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Thank you. Very well said.

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Yes, in order to end corruption ... corruption must first be understood. It must be accurately defined.

I think Henry George did a good job of explaining the root of corruption.

Land ownership is at the root of inequity.


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I think it missed some really important points because they are politically incorrect.

For example, the primary cause of corruption is diversity. The more diverse a society, the less the people feel bound together by a common past, and the less they trust each other:


This is not to say that diverse societies are doomed. If they have a very strong national ethos, they can hold together. But everyone has to value the nation above their own fragment of it. Our grandparents were right to stress the "melting pot" idea.

Nor are homogeneous societies all virtuous. Somalia is homogeneous, but people are split up by clans that don't like each other.

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We don’t agree with this at all. We can have very diverse digital spaces with zero corruption. The key is having a good system in place. The nodes don’t matter. Bitcoin doesn’t care how diverse it’s nodes are. What matters is the transparency of the system and the decentralized system itself

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I think I didn't make my point clearly.

What I'm saying is that diversity divides people. What we need is unity as Americans.

It's about the feeling of belonging. Diversity undermines that feeling, and so diversity should never be praised, only unity should be praised.

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NO! The root of corruption is merely…….MONEY. The government “protection racket” rakes in not billions, but TRILLIONS! Every predator, grifter, hustler, thief, liar and cheat in the world is rushing out of cracks for a stab at unimaginable wealth. To be had for just saying the right things; being the right guy’s buddy. Etc. Rent-seekers, lobbyists, hustlers.

What needs to be done, as in medicine, is to starve a fever. Yes? Starve them out. Get rid of all the millions of leeches, the sinecures, if the government found itself on a starvation budget, the corruption would be gone.

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Yes, the "money changers" are at the root of corruption. Large landowners own the gold.

The Golden Rule ... "He who owns the gold makes the rules."

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I think one solution is the Georgist Land Value Tax, also called Geoism. Totally eliminate income and sales taxes and just tax land values. Not the buildings.


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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

I agree. I would enjoy leaving that type of system to my children and grandchildren.

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Well yes, money is the motive for corruption, but there are some very rich countries like Norway and Sweden which are not at all corrupt because they are mostly homogeneous and high-trust. Sweden will become more corrupt as the diversity of its immigration wave sinks in.

I agree with you about the federal government. They should be limited to defense (_real_ defense, with soldiers staying in the US rather than venturing abroad all the time), to trade, and to regulating inter-state commerce. Everything else belongs to the states, per the Constitution.

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I am not convinced that the powers that be in Norway and Sweden are not on the take.

I don't buy it.

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Well, it's all relative of course, but Norway and Sweden are usually near the top of any "least corrupt countries" list.

Then again, Norway actively participated in the US blowing up Nordstream. This profits their own natural gas industry at the expense of Germany. That's a kind of corruption.

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The Federal Reserve System of "elastic" currency is the basis of corruption. I appreciate your comment. I know nothing about Norway and Sweden, yet I am convinced that power corrupts individuals because they see themselves as smarter than the plebes.

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And I agree about power corrupting individuals. I'm just saying that pretty much everyone in Norway, for example, is related to each other and has the same basic ideas about running things in the public interest. They are all on the same page and so they understand each other and care about each other.

I also really do not like the Federal Reserve and its monopoly on creating money. I think we should revert to a system of silver, or clearly marked _promises_ for silver. That's it. Either you have metal in hand, or you have a promise which may default.


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Corruption appears to follow the law of entropy, from order to chaos. It is bred into the population from birth and is nearly impossible to breed it out. Only starting over will have any chance of success, IMO.

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We disagree. We think it can always exist but it is up us to build better systems to prevent it. If someone corrupts a computer system you don't blame society, you blame the system. As Naval Ravikant likes to say, a good system could be turned over to your enemies and they still can't corrupt it.

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I agree with you Joe Van Steenbergen. I believe that chaos is intentionally created by the "money changers" then they offer the solution. Chaos Out of Order


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